HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSA-WVWD_TechnicalMemorandumBoard of Directors Dr. Clifford 0. Young, Sr. President Linda Gonzalez Vice President Administrative Staff Thomas J. Crowley, P.E. General Manager Matthew H. Litchfield, P.E. 855 West Base Line, P.O. Box 920 Rialto, California 92377-0920 Phone (909) 875-1804 Alan G. Dyer Donald Olinger Gregory Young Assistant General Manager Suzanne Cook Interim Chief Financial Officer Shanae Smith wvwd.org TECHNICAL MEMORANDUM January 27, 2016 Board Secretary Peggy Asche Executive Assistant West Valley Water District (District) has prepared this Technical Memorandum (TM) to assemble and document various calculations and reports related to the discharge of treated water from the District's Groundwater Wellhead Treatment System Project (Project) into San Bernardino County Flood Control District's (Flood Control) Cactus Basins #1 and #2. The primary concern of Flood Control is that the discharged water may adversely influence groundwater contamination. The District, USEPA and the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) have all expressed their need to ensure that that infiltrated treated groundwater will not have a significant impact on the perchlorate plume movement in either location or velocity. The following main points support this opinion: • The proposed discharge will be of a limited duration during initial plant startup ( 40 days with estimated 336 acre-feet discharged, see Attachment A), and will be stopped any time Flood Control requests; • After plant startup and treated water is placed into the District's water distribution system, the estimated annual discharge volumes to the Cactus Basins is 128 acre-feet per year. This is based on assumed monthly 24 hour (12 times per year) discharges to the basins at 4 CFS as well as quarterly (4 times per year) discharges to the basins at 4 CFS. See Attachment A. • Attachment B contains an infiltrations study conducted by Byerly Incorporated documenting estimated infiltration rates in Cactus Basins # 1 and #2 for reference. • As noted in the demonstration phase technical memorandum from 2012, the proposed discharge volume is an inconsequential amount, compared to volumes considered in the 2006 CEQA process for the Cactus Basins that raised an issue of increased groundwater flow velocities in relation to long-term recharge using the Cactus Basins (1,193 AF vs. more than 10,000 AF) [about 10%]; further the 10,000 AF was to be applied annually not just once. • Geoscience recently published a Technical Memorandum (TM) titled "Flow and Solute Transport Model Calibration of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model", dated December 1, 2015 (attached CD in Attachment C). The TM documents the consolidation, development, calibration and various model runs of competing groundwater models developed over the past decade into one Joint Groundwater Model (JGWM). Geoscience developed the JGWM in collaboration with representatives from San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District, West Valley Water District, Goodrich Corporation, City of Rialto, City of Colton, USEPA, CH2M Hill, and the USGS. In summary, based on model simulations recharging on average, 2, 700 acre-feet per year in Cactus Basins #3 and #3A (directly up gradient from Cactus Basins #1 and #2), Geoscience concluded the following (Section 4.0, Findings, Pages 13-14 of Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model TM): ------ I. There is no significant change in the size of the geographic footprint of the perchlorate plumes with or without recharge at the Cactus Basins, but concentrations are decreased from dilution; 2. Water levels increased up to 2-ft in the vicinity of the recharge ponds as a result of recharge versus no recharge. Water levels due to recharge were imperceptible elsewhere in the Basin_ 3. The model predictive results show no anticipated significant groundwater contamination impacts from the proposed Project, suggesting that no additional mitigation measures are needed beyond those that have been previously planned and are in place. • The wells being pumped to generate water for treatment that will be subsequently discharged to Cactus Basin #2 (WVWD-11 and Rialto 6) are south/southeast of the Basin (in the down gradient flow direction), and at a combined flow rate of approximately 4 CFS, will be capturing the majority of any localized recharge that may observed from percolation of clean treated water discharged from the Project to the Cactus #2 and Cactus # 1 Basins; • Any groundwater mounding influence will be insignificant relative to the hydraulic gradient influence/capture of pumping the extraction wells. We understand that the SARWQCB will be sending a letter following receipt of this technical memorandum stating their position on the discharge and groundwater contamination; while the USEPA will also send correspondence on this point. Further discussions with USEP A will follow receipt of this technical memorandum may occur at the request of either SARWQCB or USEP A The District is available to meet or further discuss this with the Flood Control District at your convenience. The District has included with this TM the following supporting documents: • Attachment "A"-Groundwater Wellhead Treatment System Cactus Basin Discharge Schedule. • Attachment "B" -Percolation tests report by John R. Byerly (March 11, 2011) and District prepared infiltration calculations. • Attachment "C" -CD containing the Geoscience Technical Memorandum titled "Flow and Solute Transport Model Calibration of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model", dated December 1, 2015. ATIACHMENTA ATTACHMENT A GROUNDWATER WELLHEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM CACTUS BASIN DISCHARGE SHCEDULE DESCRIPTION ACRE-FEET APRIL-JUNE 2016 Plant Startup (Apr-Jun.) 40 days @1,800 GPM (4 CFS) 320.0 Monthly Operations (2) 24 hours @1,800 GPM (4 CFS) 16.0 PERIOD TOTAL 336.0 ANNUAL OPERATION DISCHARGE JULY 2016 to DECEMBER 2016 Monthly Operations (6) 24 hours @1,800 GPM (4 CFS) 48.0 Quartlery Operations (2) 24 hours @1,800 GPM (4Cfs 16.0 PERIOD TOTAL 64.0 ANNUAL OPERATION DISCHARGE JANUARY 2017-FORWARD Monthly Operations (12) 24 hours @1,800 GPM (4 CFS) 96.0 Quartlery Operations (4) 24 hours @1,800 GPM (4Cfs 32.0 ANNUAL TOTAL 128.0 * Dicharge permit renewal will occur in 2020 ATTACHMENT B John R. Byerly IN CORPORATED March 11,2011 Engineering Resources of Southern California, Inc. 1820 Commercenter Circle San Bernardino, Califomia 92408 Attention: Ron Worthington Rpt. No.: 7997..a File No.: &-13043 Subject: West Valley Water District Facility, Existing Cactus Basins 1 and 2, Southwest Comer of Baseline Avenue and Cactus Avenue, Rialto, California; Results of Percolation Testing Reference: Foundation Investigation, Proposed Zone 3A-2 Reservoir, Baseline Road and Cactus Avenue, Rialto; John R. Byerly, Inc., File No. S-8481, Rpt. No. 2112 , December 30, 1994 Ladies and Gentlemen: We are pleased to present the results of percolation testing at the existing infiltration basins below the West Valley water District Facility. The purpose of our testing was to evaluate the percolation characteristics of the soils below the footprint of the basins. The site conf~guratlon Is illustrated on Enclosure 1. PREVJOUS GEOTECHNICAL REPORT To assist in the preparation of this study, the referenced foundation investigation was reviewed. The subsurface exploration desaibed in that report included five test borings were drilled to depths of up to 31 feet with a truck-mounted flight-auger. Boring 1 was drlled to a depth of 31 feet and is the deepest and closest boring to the infiltration basins . The location of this boring and the boring log is included in this current report in Enclosures 1 and 2, respectively. The ground surface at this boring was at an elevation of about 1345 feet, which Is about 24 feet above tM elevation of the central portion of the northem basin. At this boring location, 4 feet of artificial fill comprised of loose to dense sands and silty sands with gravel and debris was encountered. The underlying natural soils consisted of dense sands with gravel and a trace of silt Neither bedrock nor ground water was encountered in our test borings. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS • TESTING AND INSPECTION 2257 South Ulac Ave., Bloomington, CA 92316-2907 Bloomington (909) an-1324 Riverside (909) 783·1910 Fax (909) 877-5210 Engineering Resources of Southern California, Inc. March 11,2011 Page2 SITE CONDITIONS Rpt. No .: 7997-a File No.: 8-13043 The existing West vaney Water District Facility Is located on the southwest comer of Baseline Avenue and Cactus Avenue In the city of Rialto. The coordinates of the site are latitude 34.1188° N and longitude 117.3853° W, utilizing the North American Datum (NAP} from 1983. The two infiltration basins are located in the southern portion of the site; they generally slope downward to the south at a gradient of less than 2 percent. A spillway connects the two basins . The southern perimeter of the southern basin is immediately north of Etiwanda Avenue. fiELD AND LABORATORY INVESTIGATION For this current study, five test borings were excavated to depths of 2 feet below the bottom of the infiltration basins with hand-auger equipment. The locations of the test borings are shown on the site plan provided as Enclosure 1. The soHs encountered in the explorations were examined and visually classified by one of our field engineers . A summary of the soil classifications appears as Enclosure 2. The exploration logs show subsurface conditions at the dates and locations indicated, and may not be representative of other locations and times . The stratification lines presented on the logs represents the approximate boundaries between soil types, and the transitions may be gradual. A percolation test was conducted In the boreholes. Subsequent to removal of the auger, a perforated plastic can, 6 inches in diameter by 12 inches in height, was inserted into the borehole at the appropriate test depth. The annular space between the boring sidewalls and can was backfilled with soli cuttings . Percolation testing was performed between depths of 12 Inches and 2 feet. Water was introduced Into the test holes to bring the water level to about 10 Inches above the bottom of the hole, and the water was allowed to percoJate into the soil . At intervals, the level of water was measured and additional water was added to the test hole to bring the water level up to approximately 10 inches above the bottom of the hole. The field data are presented on Enclosure 3. The percolation rates have been corrected for the p.resence of the soil adjacent to the perforated pi pe . The derivation of the correction factor is presented on Enclosure 4. Engineering Resources of Southern California, Inc. March 11, 2011 Page3 SOli, CONDITIONS Rpt. No .: 7997-a File No.: 8-13043 The soils encountered in our current test borings consisted of medium dense silty sands with gravel and cobbles and stiff sandy silts with gravel and cobbles . Neither artificial fill, bedrock, nor ground water was encountered In the borings. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The percolation tests revealed rates incorporating a sidewall correction ranging from 2.8 inches per hour to 15.6 Inches per hour. This correction accounts for the sidewall contribution to the overall percolation rate. The rate to be used for design should be 2.8 inches per hour. A safety factor has not been applied to this design value. Siltation and the effects of long-term loading will reduce the effective infiltration rate, and an appropriate factor of safety is recommended. The project civil engineer will decide on a suitable factor of safety. Free ground water was not encountered in our current explorations and in the test borings drilled for the referenced report. Maps prepared by Carson and Matti, dated 1982 (Map MF- 1802), indicate that ground water levels at the site were at a depth in excess of 350 feet between the years 1973 and 1979. Therefore, ground water should not be a factor in the design or function of the infiltration basins. It is recommended that the sanely silt be removed from the bottom of the basins. This material should be removed until a silty sand or sand is exposed. A representative of this firm should be present to verify that suitable material is exposed. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the fiefd investigation described herein and represent our best engineering judgment. Should conartions be encountered in the field that appear different from those descnbed In this report, we should be contacted immediately in order that appropriate recommendations might be prepared. Engineering Resources of Southem Callfcmia, Inc. March 11, 2011 Page4 Rpt. No.: 7997 -a Fi le No.: S-13043 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service on this project. Should there be questions, please feel free to contact this office. Respectfully submitted, JOHN R. BYERLY, INC. faLl~ GlennS. Fraser, Geotechnical Engineer Project Manager /John R. Byer1y, Geotechnical Engineer President JRB :GSF :jet Enclosures : (1) Site Plan (2) Test Boring Logs (3) Percolation Test Data Sheets (4) Backfill Correction Factor Derivation Copies: (5) Client .. i j I ~ .. ~ I ! I f I I I ~ I I i t-I t- f- I r-1 ~ f- t- f- t- r-2 t- f- f- .. r3 ~ r L r 4 t- f- r- r5 f- t- 1- f.. r8 r- t- t- f- r-7 Boring 1 ! .. : .. ~:,~·, SP 1\t:'l.\.( ~~~~~!~~~ ··?&~~ .v,.:·f,.:· ',.':...:: ..... _ ... ,,,,..., ...... '\4'",:''\ \.i .. ,, .. , ~~~~s ~ Boring Date: 2115111 Surface Elevation: Drill1ng Method: Hand-auger Ught brown fine to coarse sand with gravel and cobbles, damp and medium dense Total Depth at 2.0 Feet No Free Ground Water Encountered LOG OF BORING (/) John R. Byerly, Inc. West Valley Water District Cactus Basins 1 and 2 Enclosure 2, Page 1 Report No.: 7997 -a File No.: S-13043 Boring 2 / ~; r~~ ~€'-z/~ ~/ _/_~ ... · ' ~ /..~~ ' , ~/' /; ~,-,/Jj<f At.cF/' ~ '\.,/ Boring Date: 2115111 /# ~ ~ ' ~ v ,.-cr ~ Surface Elevation: k{~~/~/_4_~+~--Q~~~~/~---~~~·~o~~~·-~-~+-~~~n.m-~=-~~~--~D~nl_lln~g-M_e_fu_od_:_Ha7n~d4~~--·r~~~~~ SM Light brown silty fine to coarse sand with gravel and cobbles, -1 .. -~~ ~f­t--2 ,- i ~- ~­i -3 ;- 1 ~ - - -4 a- 1 j: l f-5 I ~~- lr-6 I it- 1-7 damp and medium dense Ught brown fine to coarse sand with a trace of silt and gravel and cobbles, damp and medium dense Total Depth at 2 .0 Feet No Free Ground Water Encountered LOG OF BORING (I) John R. Byerly, Inc. West Valley Water District Cactus Basins 1 and 2 Encloaure 2, Page 2 Report No.: 7997.a File No.: S-13043 ~ I 1-I ~ c: • 1-~ 1-1 ~ r- ._I- l r- ~ . - .!~2 "r-Jt- ir- ~---3 !- I 1- r ... ~4 1-f,.. F r---5 ~~ ~~-- f~- ~1-6 ~~-- j: 1- 1-7 Boring 3 "•.',;·~/ .. '- ~{'!··!\ ~,:~~~~ ~/,'t~ ~~~~ ,,_,.(,\ .. ·,!,~ .. ~~ .. ~ ,,: ... v ...... ,,/,"' .... ~ SP Bortng Date: 2115/11 Surface E.Jewtion: Drilling Method: Hand-«uger Light brown sandy sUt with gravel and cobbles, damp and stiff Light brown fine to coarse sand with gravel and cobbles, damp and medium dense Total Depth at 2.0 Feet No Free Ground water Encountered LOG OF BORING (/) John R. Byerly, Inc. West Valley Water Disbict Cactus Basins 1 and 2 Enclosure 2, Page 3 Report No.: 7997 -a File No.: S-13043 r t-1 - -7 Boring 4 Boring Date: 2115111 SUtface Elevation : Drilling Method: Hand-auger Ught brown fine to coarse sand with gravel end cobbles. damp and medium dense Total Depth at 2.0 Feet No Free Ground water Encountered LOG OF BORING (/) John R. Byerly, Inc. West Valley Water District Cactus Basins 1 and 2 Enclosure 2, Page 4 Report No.: 7997 .a File No.: 8·13043 :: § ~ J J i i l I I i c.. ~ I ..; f I ~ I I i I ~ -1 ~ 1- 1- t- t--2 1- 1- 1- 1- r----3 t- 1- t- 1- >--4 r- 1- t- 1- t--5 1- I- - - t--6 - - r- -7 Boring 5 ~·:/ .... /~~ SP ,~~,.1\"'~ ~\~~~~~~ ~~~'...'~\ \t:~ .. !~~ ~;~<~~: '~.t~ .. ' ;;~-:;~ ... ;, 4,!._.!1.\,1 ~ Boring Date: 2115111 Surface Etevation: Drilling Method: Hand-auger Light brown sandy silt with gravel and cobbles, damp and stiff Light brown fine to coarse sand w ith gravel and cobbles, damp and medium dense Total Depth at 2.0 Feet No Free Ground Water Encountered LOG OF BORING (]f) John R. Byerly, Inc. West Valley Water District Cactus Basins 1 and 2 Enelosure 2, Page 5 Report No.: 7997 -a File No.: S-13043 PIOJBCT : Zone 3A-Z Reaer voir ---} FI~BBR : S-8481 BCRIIG IUIBIR: 1 PIO/KCT LOCATIOI: Jaael ia e Road, Rialto IICLOSURR HO . : Z DATI OF TIBTS: 11/21/94 ,p,,, lDriYiA~l Dry I Koist . I Rel. 8lo11 lEnerg, IDensit,IContentl Colp. Per :t-ft/ftl PCP I I I I I I Foot I I I I I I r I 'I I -·-· 1 I I I I I I I 1511: lOil 1131 u: I I I I I I I I ' ' I I I I I I ' ' I n.o: •. 1 ~.&: ··l -I -· I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .......... ~---1 I I I I I I I I u.ar ua: a.i: 151 I I I I , I ' ., ... _ ·-··"'-""--' I I I I I I I I I I I 36 ,Q! WI ~.z: u: ~ I I I I I ' I ' ' --· ' I ' I I ' ' I I I I I I I '-lWL -·: ~~3L.-:-.:.: I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I --.... _I I I I I I I I ' I I ' I I I ' I I ' ' I ulo: .-•: u: -·' I I I I ' I I I I I I I I I I. I I r I r ' ""U &Dr ..:.·I ~ .z .... ._.:.:: I I I I I ' I r I I I I I ..... I F e e t RPT I Jro.: !112 firual Classification 1 ;: ::: :;: ·: (Sil Dr~ Bin silty f·• 1ud r/gravel l h gravel sized asphalt ·:: :;::;: :; l c:ol'lcrete debris (da•p l dense) FILL 2 l ~ ~ll ~jj ~l b above, v/larger gr&Yel FILL 1 i·;.!,!l t·i IBPI Ll Bn !·c sud 1/lr ailt I ooae gravel ldup I leuel 5 <::;:;:;:;:;: ORIGIHAL GlOUIID ' , 8 I :: ::::jj,·!,·: :: lililllillili 15 1S 18 20 u ~---------------------------------~------L------------------------------·---------------,------·------~ Log Continued 01 Hett Page Enclosure 2, Page 6 Rpt. No.: 7997-a File No.: S-13043 PROliCt: Zone 3!-t Reservoir ----) PROJICf LOCATIOM: Baseline Road, Rialto •KJCLOIOII 10. : 2 DATI OF T!STr: 11/Zl/'4 F~HBBI: S-1481 BORl~~ NUKBRI: 1 IPT. MO.: 21U -----------~----------------------------------------·-------.P.T. Blows Per . Foot :Drivinc: DrJ l KoLst.: llnergy lDeasitriContent: lt·.ft/ftl PCF I I I I I I I iel. Coap. s I I I I I I 1 __ ...... _____ ___.__....., ____ , I I I I I I 1 __ ....._ ______ ..._ ______ 1 I I I I I I I I I I -----·~l~~~~fi~.e~:---~----~~~'~·z~:-~: I I I I I I I 1 I I I l I l --·-· .. ---~·-··11',_.....·~--........ l!lo •• __ .. , I I I I I I 1._ ____ _. ____________________ ~-------1 I I I I I I I --'---·..._ __ _,_ __ ....__._1 I I I --~_.,_ _____ ..._ _____ w---~-----1 I I .35.0l I I I I 3.5: --: F e e t Visual Classifieation Total depth 31.0 feet 10 nD GIOIDilTD EICOIIH&UD Enclosure 2, Page 7 Rpt. No.: 7997-a File No.: 8-13043 Job: Infiltration Baa!n Percolation Teatlngl S-13043 Bor. No. ---s.1 __ Dia. (ln.) 7.0'' Depth ofTest.___.~..1'3-2~' ---- Time Read. Rate Read (ln.) loiHr 8:13 2.0" 15.6 8:23 12.0" 8:24 2.0" 15.6 8:34 12.0" 8:35 2.0" 13.6 8:45 11.25" 8:46 2.0' 13.6 8:56 11.25" 8:57 2.0" 13.0 9:07 11.0" 9:08 2.0" 12.5 9:18 10.75" 9:19 2.0" 11.4 9:29 10.25" 9:30 2.0" 11.4 9:40 10.25" JOHN R. BYERLY, INC. PERCOLATION TEST DATA SHEET Date: 02-14-11 By:.JI, ____ Remartal: 10 Min Readings------- Bor. No. _,:2 __ Dla. (ln.) 7 .0" Bor. No • .....A..,_ Dla. (ln • ....z.g: __ Depth afTHt 1'~2' Depth of Teet 1'-2' Time Read. Rata Time Read. Rate Read (ln.) lniHr Read (ln.) lniHr 9:44 2.0' 7.2 11:18 2.0" 15.6 9:54 8.0" 11:28 12.0" 9:55 2.0' 5.0 11:29 2.0" 1s.eL 10:05 6.5' 11:39 12.0" 10:06 2.0' 4.0 11:40 2.0" 14.3 10:16 5.75" 11:50 11.5" 10:17 2.0' 3.4 11:51 2.0' 14.3 10:27 5.25' 12:01 11.5' 10:28 2.0" 3.1 12:02 2.0" 13.6 10:38 5.0" 12:12 11.25" 10:39 2.0' 3.1 12:13 2.0" 12.5 10:49 5.0' 12:23 10.75" 10:50 2.0" 2.8 12:24 2.0' 11.4 11:00 4.75" 12:34 10.25" 11:01 2.0" 2.8 12:35 2.0" 10.8 11:11 4.75" 12;45 10.0" JOHN R. BYERLY, INC. PERCOLATION TEST OAT A SHEET Job: Infiltration Ba&ln percolation Testlnal S-13043 Date: 02-1+11 By: IT Remarb: 10 llln Raacljnqa ------- Bor. No. 4 DepthofTest Time ~d. Read (ln.) 7:11 2.0" 7:21 12.0" 7:22 2.0" 7:32 12.0' 7:33 2.0" 7:43 12.0" 7:44 2.0" 7:54 12.0" 7:55 2.0" 8:05 12.0" 8:06 2.0" 8:16 12.0" 8:17 2.0' 8:27 12.0" 8:28 2.0' 8:38 12.0" Dla. (ln.) 7 .0" 1'-2' Rate lniHr 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.6 15.8 !!:tl~ ·~s-~z. 15.6 :. ~ c .. ca C'(l--.lt.) .... co~ c.>CO'tl ~d;'~~~ Bor. No. _ _:6 __ Dla. (ln.) 7.0" Bor. No. __ Dia. (in. __ _ Depth of Teet 1'·2' Depth of Teet Time Read. Rate Time Read. Rate Rete Read {ln.) lniHr Read (ln.) Mlnlln lnfHr 12:55 2.0" 15.6 1:05 12.0" 1:06 2.0" 15.6 1 1:16 12.0" 1:17 2.0" 15.6 1:27 12.0" 1:28 2.0" 15.6 1:38 12.0" 1:39 2.0" 15.6 1:49 12.0" 1:50 2.0" 16.6 I 2:00 12.0" 2:01 2.0" 15.6 2:11 12.0" 2:12 2.0" 15.6 2:22 12.0" CORRECTION FACTOR CALCULATIONS Correction Factor = [Volume Boring -Volume Pipe] x % Voids of Gravel + Volume Pice Volume Boring Diameter of Boring = 7.0 inches Diameter of Pipe = 6.0 inches % Gravet Voids (Based on Laboratory Testing) = 0.304 Assume Unit Depth Correction Factor= [1t(7/2)2(1) -n(6/2)2(1)](.304) + 1t(6/2)2(1) 1t(7/2)2 { 1) = 0.82 Enclosure 4 Rpt. No.: 7997-a File No.: S-13043 i & I Ji T..:MacM 't:' WetTest ~ B«<h Modo Ill Ccnanuow Ph~e 1 ::!. ConttnuowPMsel e " " Stood,SCO<o Feed v.riltiont NG .... t"ticMMse ltold..ec'd"'SI Totalo . .aa.umes U am for lnftlt,..Uon C.ctusll tllta Duntlan Flow In (Doyal (AFD) 30 ... "' 0.00 15 .,_2 15 4A2 .., ·~· 30 U4 "'" ZOI.U 1DA3 Acres (bo~) Volume (AF)'" 62.57 Tot.llntlow IN! 265'.11 0.00 0030 ..... ... ,., 215.20 0.00 l,UUO C.i!ylnflltr.atlon• CARll ••• 1.10 ,.. 1.10 .so 1.10 110 I ftus.abledtopth 0.125 ft/hr lnfiltratlon Total Mllx Jnftttr-tlon IAFI ••oo 13.ll0 :.tso 19.50 7100 39.ll0 6257 210.57 $tqr.p 152.57 N "'"" s.o .... l 6257 49.57 6l57 02.57 o~S7 02.57 6257 &ltllnlh ~1.1•1 lnflitmion IN! IAFI 11311 3900 O.liO 13.00 sao 1950 46.10 1!1.50 .U40 noo 226.20 39.00 000 6257 12:2:.1) 210.57 ATTACHMENTC