HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSA-WVWD_PredictiveModelRunsRialto-ColtonGW ModelPREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS 1EOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc ., Ground Water Resources Development P.O . Box 220, Claremont, CA 91711 1 P: 909.451.6650 I F: 909.451.6638 1 www.gssiwater.com GEOSCIENCE ~ ) Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS OF THE RIALTO-COLTON BASIN GROUNDWATER MODEL CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCT10N ..................................................................... ,. .................................................. 1 1.1 Purpose ...................................................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Project Location ......................................................................................................................... 1 1.3 Background ................................................................................................................................ 1 1.4 Multi-Agency Cooperative Technical Effort ............................................................................... 3 2.0 PREDICTIVE MODEL DEVELOPMENT ........................................................................................ 5 2.1 Predictive Scenarios Based on 1961 Decree Pumping and 1978-2013 Hydrologic Conditions .................................................................................................................................. 5 2.2 Predictive Scenarios with Artificial Recharge at Cactus Basins .................................................. 6 2.3 Initial Conditions for the Predictive Runs ................................................................................... 7 2.4 Additional Perchlorate Mass Loading ........................................................................................ 7 3.0 RESULTS OF PREDICT1VE MODEL RUNS FOR THE FOUR SCENARIOS ........................................... 9 3.1 Water level Changes from the Predictive Model Runs ............................................................. 9 3.2 Changes in Perchlorate Concentrations from the Predictive Model Runs .............................. 10 3.3 Plume Changes Over Time from Flow and Dilution from Artificial Re charge .......................... 11 3.4 Particle Tracking Analysis ......................................................................................................... 12 4.0 FINDINGS ................................................................................................................................ 13 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS .......................................................................................... 15 6.0 REFERENCES ......................................••.................................................................................. 16 FI GURES, TABLES, APPEN DICES GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/Ci ty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Ria lto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 No . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 FIGURES Description General location Cumulative Departure from Mean Annual Precipitation -San Bernardino County Hospital Station {1890-2013) Water level Elevations of Rialto Basin Index Wells for 1978-2013 and 2015-2050 Predictive Period Pumping Restrictions from the 1961 Decree Based on Water levels at Index Wells Ria lto Basin Extraction Rights Per 1961 Decree Exceedance Probability Curve of Table A Allocation Annual Artificial Recharge at Cactus Basins to Apply to Predictive Model Water levels and Mass loading at 160-Acre Source Area Water levels and Mass loading at Western Plume Source Area Average of Measured and Model-calculated Spring-High Water level Elevations of Rialto Basin Index Wells with Two Predictive Scenarios Average of Measured and Model-Calculated Spring-High Water level Elevations of Rialto Basin Index wells with Four Predictive Scenarios Average Annual Groundwater Budgets-Model Years 1-36 Model layer 1 Selected Hydrographs Showing Historic and Predictive Water levels Model Layer 2 Selected Hydrographs Showing Historic and Predictive Water levels Model layer 3 Selected Hydrographs Showing Historic and Predictive Water levels Model Layer 5 Selected Hydrographs Showing Historic and Predictive Water levels Model Layer 6 Selected Hydrographs Showing Historic and Predictive Water levels GEOSCIENCE Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton ~ ii Predi ctive M o<lol Runs orthe Ria lto<olton Baoln Groundwater Model l ·Dec-15 FIG UR E:S (Continued) No . Description 18 Predicted Perchl orat e Concentrations for Well EMW.038 -2000-2050 19 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Wells 1S/5W-3AS a nd 1S/5W-3A6-2000·2050 2 0 Pred icted Pe rchlorate Conce ntrations for Well Rialto-6-2000-2050 21 Pre d icted Perchl orate Con centrat ions fo r We ll CPW-16A t h rough 160-2000-2050 22 Predicted Perchlo rate Concentrations fo r Well PW-148 and PW -14C-2000·2050 23 Predicted Perchlorat e Concentrations for Well CPW·17C a nd CPW-170 -200[).2050 24 Pre d ict ed Pe rchlorate Concentration s fo r W ell Co lton-15 -2 00[).2050 25 Predicted Perchlo ra te Concentrations fo r Well Rialto-3 -2015-2050 26 Predicted Perchlo rate Concentrations for Well Miro-2-2015 ·20 50 27 Predicted Perchlorat e Concentrations for Well Miro-3 -20 15 ·2050 28 Pred icted Pe rchlo ra t e Concentration s for Well F-49A-2015·2 050 29 Predicted Perchlo ra te Concentrations for Well F-13A-2015 ·20 50 30 Pre dicted Perchlo"te Concentratio ns for Well F-138-2015·205 0 31 Pre d icted Perch lora t e Con cent ra t ions for Well EW-1 -2015-2050 32 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-15-2015 ·20 50 33 Pre dicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-10-2015 ·2050 34 Pre dicted Pe rchlo rat e Co ncentrat ions for Well M-2 Zone l -20 15-2050 35 Pred icted Perchlo ra t e Concentration s for Well M·2 Zone 2 -2015·2050 36 Predicted Perchlo ra te Concentrations for Well M·2 Zone 3 through 7-2015-2050 37 Predicted Perchlora te Concentratio ns for Well M-4S-2 0 15·2050 GEOSCIENCE Valli!'( Di•tri<I/WeSI Valley/Goodrich/ City of Riafto/Cllv of Colton "'V'"" iii Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-lS No. 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 FIGURES (Continued} Description Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-40 -2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-5 Zone 1-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-5 Zone 2 -2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-5 Zone 3 through 7-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 1-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 2 through 3-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 4 through 7-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-135-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-130-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-188-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-18C-1-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-18C-2-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-20 Zone 1 through 2-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-20 Zone 3-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-20 Zone 4 through 6-2015-2050 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well F-32-2015-2050 Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model layer 3 -Scenario 2 with Mass loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model layer 3 -Scenario 4 with Mass loading GEOSCIENCE ""'V ......... iv Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/Oty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 No. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 FIGURES (Continued) Description Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model Layer 5-Scenario 2 with Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model Layer 5 -Scenario 4 with Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model Layer 6-Scenario 2 with Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plume in Selected Periods for Model Layer 6-Scenario 4 with Mass Loading Backward Particle Tracks -Scenario 1 Backward Particle Tracks-Scenario 2 Backward Particle Tracks-Scenario 3 Backward Particle Tracks-Scenario 4 GEOSCIENCE ~ v Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 TABLES Description Assumptions for Predictive Model Scenarios Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -City of Colton Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 - Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -City of Colton Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 - Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -City of Rialto Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 - Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -City of Rialto Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 - Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -West Valley Water District Wells for Scenar io 1 and 3-Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -West Valley Water District Wells for Scenario 2 and 4-Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -Fontana Water Company Wells for Scenario 1 and 3-Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -Fontana Water Company Wells for Scenario 2 and 4-Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -Outside of 1961 Decree Area for Scenario 1 and 3-Year 2015-2050 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping -Outside of 1961 Decree Area for Scenario 2 and 4-Year 2015-2050 Annual Groundwater Pumping for Scenario 1 -2015-2050 Annual Groundwater Pumping for Scenario 2-2015-2050 Annual Project Recharge in cactus Basins-2015-2050 GEOSCIENCE -=--:y?""" vi Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 TABLES (Continued) No. Description 15 Annual Groundwater Pumping for Scenario 3-2015-2050 16 Annual Groundwater Pumping for Scenario 4-2015-2050 GEOSCIENCE ~ vii Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 Ltr. A1 A2 A3 B1 B2 B3 B4 Cl C2 C3 C4 APPENDICES Description GEOSCIENCE's Responses to UTC's 21-Sep-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model RunsTM GEOSCIENCE's Responses to City of Colton's 22-Sep-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model Runs TM GEOSCIENCE's Responses to County/Geo-Logic Associates' 9-0ct-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model Runs TM Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 1 and 3 without Mass loading Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 1 and 3 with Mass Load ing Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 2 and 4 without Mass loading Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 2 and 4 with Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 - Scenarios 1 and 3 without Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 - Scenarios 1 and 3 with Mass loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 - Scenarios 2 and 4 without Mass Loading Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 - Scenarios 2 and 4 with Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ viii Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Purpose PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS OF THE RIALTO-COLTON BASIN GROUNDWATER MODEL As part of the process to refine the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Model, GEOSCIENCE Support Servlces, Inc. (GEOSCIENCE) was tasked with conducting four predictive model runs for the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin. This technical memorandum evaluates Mure water level effects of extending status quo pumping for 36 years into the future as compared to water level conditions resulting from all entities in the Basin adhering to the pumping restrictions of the 1961 Decree for that 36-year period. Predictive runs will also be used to evaluate the water level and perchlorate concentrations as a result of adding artificial recharge at the Cactus Basin pond~ and simultaneously extracting that volume through existing wells throughout the Rialto-Colton Basin. 1.2 Project Location The Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin (Rialto-Colton Basin or Basin) is in western San Bernardino County, California, approximately 60 miles east of Los Angeles (see Figure 1}. The Rialto-Colton Basin is the subject of significant groundwater management issues . Such issues include perchlorate and TCE contamination that has impacted and continues to impact the Rialto-Colton Basin, requiring extensive groundwater investigation and remediation efforts. The water purveyors that manage the Rialto-Colton Basin also believe that due to significant drawdown in the Rialto-Colton Basin water levels, efforts will be required to recharge the Rialto-Colton Basin using other water sources. Such serious issues require a groundwater model that all stakeholders in the Basin can rely upon. 1.3 Background The first numerical groundwater model of the Rialto-Colton Basin was developed in 2001 by Woolfenden and Koczot of the United States Geological Survey {USGS) to simulate the aquifer response to artificial recharge. Geo-Logic Associates, Inc. (GLA), on behalf of the County of San Bernardino, developed a groundwater flow and solute transport model of the upper Rialto-Colton Basin to evaluate the groundwater impacts originating from the County Remedy Area in 2007. The most recent County/GLA model update was conducted in 2010. CH2M Hill, on behalf of the United States GEOSCIENCE ~ 1 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Pred ictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model l·Dec-15 Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), adapted the County/GLA model in 2010 during preparation of the Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) and Record of Decision (ROD). In 2012, CH2M Hill extended the model domain throughout the Rialto-colton Basin. ERM-West, Inc. (ERM), on behalf of the Emhart Industries, Inc. (Emhart), updated the USEPA/CH2M Hill 2012 model by incorporating data from relevant stakeholders. The ERM/Emhart draft modeling report was submitted to the USEPA in April 2013. There are some agreements and disagreements among these existing models. GEOSCIENCE was tasked with developing a Joint Groundwater Model (JGWM) that is spatially and temporally refined from that of the various existing models of the Rialto-Colton Basin. Specifically, the tasks included: • Task 1: Prepare for and Attend Kickoff Meeting (Including Preparation of Modeling Work Plan) • Task 2: Review the Existing Rialto-Colton Groundwater Models • Task 3: Develop a 3-D lithological Model and Refine Model Layers • Task 4: Conduct Water Balance Analysis • Task 5: Recalibrate Model with Refined Model layers, Cell Size, Stress Period and Recharge and Discharge Terms, and Perform Sensitivity Analysis • Task 6: Develop and Calibrate Solute Transport Model for Perchlorate • Task 7: Develop and Run Predictive Model Scenarios • Task 8: Prepare Summary Report • Task 9: Prepare for and Attend Bi-Weekly Progress Conference Calls The JGWM contains a flow model component as well as a solute transport model component to evaluate potential impacts of various groundwater management and water quality remediation program scenarios on existing perchlorate plumes. The calibration of the JGWM represented a combined effort which incorporated input and comments from the Rialto-Colton Technical Advisory Committee (TAC). During the process of the solute transport model calibration, the TAC decided to extend the solute transport model calibration from 2000 through 2011 to 2000 through 2014. The purpose of the model extension was to include the dry hydrology that occurred during the past three years such that the effects on groundwater level elevations, flow directions, and seepage velocity would be included in the model. In addition, the model was calibrated to recent perchlorate data collected from wells PW-13, PW-14, CPW-16 and CPW-17, which show the GEOSCIENCE ~ 2 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 recent extent of the perchlorate plumes. The flow model calibration period was also updated from 1945 through 2011 to 1945 through 2014 in order to generate input data for the solute transport model. The JGWM flow model was successfully calibrated through a steady state calibration for 1945 and a transient calibration from 1945 through 2014. The transient calibration used annual stress periods from 1945 through 1969 and monthly stress periods from 1970 through 2014. The JGWM steady state flow model calibration has a global budget error of 0 .0096 while the transient flow model calibration has a global budget error of 0.02%; a global budget error of less than 1% is considered acceptable. The acceptable model calibration Is also reflected by a relative error of 4 .3% for the steady state calibration and 6.2% for the transient calibration. Common modeling practice is to consider a good fit between measured and model-calculated water levels if the relative error is below 10% (Spitz and Moreno, 1996). The JGWM solute transport model was successfully calibrated from 2000 through 2014 using a monthly stress period. The solute transport model calibration has relative error of 2.7% which is well below the recommended modeling error of 10%. This technical memorandum covers Task 7 of this study-to develop and run predictive model scenarios prior to the final report on all aspects of developing and running the Rialto-Colton JGWM. 1.4 Multi-Agency Cooperative Technical Effort The predictive model runs process of the JGWM for the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin was a cooperative technical effort involving: • Representatives of participating parties, including San Bernardino Valley Municipal Water District (Valley District), West Valley Water District (West Valley or WVWD), Goodrich Corporation (Goodrich), City of Rialto, and City of Colton; • Representatives of the County of San Bernardino's consultant GLA; • Representatives of participating parties ' consultant Balleau Groundwater, Inc. (BGW); and • Technical advisors representing the USEPA, USEPA's consultant CH2M Hill, and the USGS. Collaboration by these representatives to develop the predictive model runs of the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin was achieved through participation at project conference calls, model workshops, and reviewing and commenting on a draft technical memorandum (TM). A total of five conference calls and two model workshops were held during the model calibration periods. GEOSCIENCE ""V7'" 3 Valley Di strict/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE presented preliminary results of the predictive model runs to the TAC at the 23-Jul-15 model workshop. The comments received from the TAC on preliminary results were incorporated in the draft Predictive Model Runs TM issued on 11-Sep-15 (GEOSCIENCE, 2015). From 11-Sep-15 through 25-Sep-15, comments on the draft Predictive Model Runs TM were received including: • September 21, 2015 from United Technologies Corporation (UTC; see Appendix Al for comments and GEOSCIENCE's responses), • September 22 , 2015 from the City of Colton (see Appendix A2 for comments and GEOSCIENCE's responses}, • October 9, 2015 from the County of San Bernardino/GLA (see Appendix A3 for comments and GEOSCIENCE's responses). These comments are incorporated in this final Predictive Model Runs TM. GEOSCIENCE ~ 4 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 2.0 PREDICTIVE MODEL DEVELOPMENT Based on the analysis of historical precipitation, the 36-year period from January 1978 through December 2013 was selected for the hydrologic base period for the predictive model scenarios. This base period covers both wet and dry hydrologic cycles and the average precipitation is approximately the same as the long-term average (see Figure 2). By applying the 1978-2013 hydrologic conditions (natural recharge, groundwater inflow and outflow, plus pumpage) to the model for the next 36 years (2015-2050), the model should duplicate water levels from 1978-2013 (Figure 3). Having real hydrologic data that is representative of the changing wet and dry conditions for a specific area and being able to use those conditions in a predictive model allows the model to incorporate local and temporal variations; using just average conditions often misses these area-specific variations. To run the future predictive model runs, the pumpage for the predictive period from 2015-2050 was replaced with two different pumping rates from the existing wells within the model area. These yearly pumping volumes were further adjusted based upon the predicted water levels for each year, as specified by the water level triggers outlined in the 1961 Decree (see Figure 4). Table 11ists the assumptions for the predictive model scenarios . Tables 2 through 9 show the total pumping for the four major pumpers inside the 1961 Decree area for the predictive runs. Tables 10 and 11 list the total pumpage for those within and outside the 1961 Decree area for the predictive model runs. 2.1 Predictive Scenarios Based on 1961 Decree Pumping and 1978-2013 Hydrologic Conditions In Scenario 1, the pumping rates for all the wells within the area were subjected to the conditions of the 1961 Decree (see Figure 5 and Tables 2-11) for all wells except for the Fontana Water Company (Fontana or FWC) wells. For the Fontana wells, the actual average pumping rates from 2010-2014 were applied to each of the predictive years In the future. Table 12 shows the annual groundwater pumping for each individual well under Scenario 1 conditions. in Scenario 2, the pumping rates for all the wells within the area were subjected to the conditions of the 1961 Decree (see Figure 5 and Tables 2-11) and applied to each of the predictive years in the future . Table 13 shows the annual groundwater pumping for each individual wells under Scenario 2 conditions. In this study, it is assumed that deductions in pumping rates were applied to all the extr<!ction rights per the 1961 Decree (i.e., 3,900 acre-ft/yr for Colton, 4,366 acre-ft/yr for Rialto, 6,104 acre-ft/yr for WVWD, and 920 acre-ft/yr for Fontana). This assumption is slightly different than the actual statement (i .e., paragraph 7) in the 1961 Decree where it stated there were certain amounts-890 acre-ft/yr for Colton, 1,520 acre-ft/yr for Rialto, 510 acre-ft/yr for WVWD and 370 acre-ft/yr for Fontana-not subject to the pumping rate deductions. GEOSCIENCE roughly estimated the difference in pumping caused by this GEOSCIENCE ~ 5 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 discrepancy in the assumption and it was only 690 acre-ft/yr for Scenario 1 and 140 acre-ft/yr for Scenario 2 . Total pumping within the Basin was 28,400 acre-ft/yr for Scenario 1 and 22,448 for Scenario 2 . The anticipated impacts due to this discrepancy will be very small. 2.2 Predictive Scenarios with Artificial Recharge at Cactus Basins Two additional scenarios (Scenarios 3 and 4) were developed to evaluate the basin-wide effects of artificial recharge at the Cactus Basins. The location where this recharge was applied between April and October (Cactus Basins 3 and 3A) is shown in Figure 1. The annual quantity of water input to the artificial recharge basin was determ ined by the availability of State Water Project (SWP) water for each year corresponding to the historic conditions in the predictive year. The hydrology was subdivided into five categories based on the availability of SWP water (Figures 5 and 6) including wet, above normal, normal, below normal, and dry. These five categories are delineated based on the exceedance probability of annual Table A allocation for SWP water. For example, annual Table A allocation for SWP water with an exceedance probability between 0% and 20% was classified as a wet year. If the annual Table A allocation for SWP water exceedance probability was between 20% and 40%, it was considered an above normal rainfall year. An exceedance probability of 40% to 60% was a normal year. A year with between 60% and 80% of exceedance probability is considered a below normal year. Finally, an annual Table A allocation of SWP water with an exceedance probability between 80% and 100% was considered a dry year. The following table summarizes the initial annual amount of artificial recharge under various local hydrologic conditions for Scenarios 3 and 4. Assumptions for Artificial Recharge Quantity under Local Hydrologic Conditions . I I Annual Artificial Recharge iit C.ami5 Basin:;, acm-ft/yr 1 I . . . .. . > > -• • > S-U!nario Hydrologv : -------~~'b"c;~~-----~-Bt!i~ ----- · -. • Wt!t 1 . .. . . I :.Normal I . Dry 1 1 NC?f"'":';al , Nonn:nl l-------~---1 _:~~8-~~~---7,o.oo ___ .L __ ~~~oo ----·~--~~~----t--~-----~---E. ____ J I 4 I 1978-2013 I 7,000 i 5,000 I 3,000 j' 0 _j_ 0 I L ____ __._ ____ J _______ _,_ _____ , ___ ...L__. __ .. -------·--' Based on the criteria shown in the table above, the annual recharge volumes (shown on Figure 7 and Table 14) were developed for Scenarios 3 and 4 . As shown, the average annual recharge was 2,670 acre-ft/yr during the 36-year simulation period. For the purpose of this study, it was assumed that the recharge volume rate was not affected by evapotranspiration, since evapotranspiration is expected to be very small. GEOSCIENCE ""7'"" 6 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 Once the amount of recharge was applied for each year, a percentage of that total volume recharged was apportioned as potential additional pumpage to each of the wells belonging to the City of Colton, the City of Rialto or WVWD within the 1961 Decree boundary. The distribution of this pumpage was based upon the percentage of water rights specified in the 1961 Decree . In Scenario 3, annual artificial recharge was applied to Cactus Basins 3 and 3A based on the recharge table above. Total pumping from each well was the total from Scenario 1. For all City of Colton, City of Rialto and WVWD wells, a percentage of the annual Cactus Basins recharge was added to each well as additional pumpage-regardless of predicted water levels and decreed pumping restrictions (see Table 15). In Scenario 4, the annual artificial recharge was applied to Cactus Basins 3 and 3A based on the recharge table above. Total pumping from each well was the total from Scenario 2. For all City of Colton, City of Rialto and WVWD wells, a percentage of the annual Cactus Basins recharge was added to each well as additional pumpage-regardless of predicted water levels and decreed pumping restrictions (see Table 16). 2.3 Initial Conditions for the Predictive Runs Initial water levels for all of the predictive runs were taken to be Basin water levels for the year 2014 (at the end of the flow model calibration runs). The initial perchlorate concentrations for all of the predictive scenario runs were the perchlorate concentrations throughout the Basin at the end of 2014- as determined from the solute transport calibration runs. 2.4 Additional Perchlorate Mass Loading In areas where significant contamination exists, the effect of significant water level rises into -a zone where the contaminant may have been previously bound-up by a less permeable material. In addition, a significant downward percolation of rainfall infiltration can cause contaminants to be transported out of the less permeable material and down to the water table. To account for these conditions, mass balance evaluations can be made such that the increase in contaminant concentrations can be matched with the transport model. As part of the Rialto-Colton solute transport modeling effort, a mass loading analysis was conducted at wells where there have been documented increases in concentration resulting from water level changes. Figures 8 and 9 illustrate how the mass loading analysis was developed by first establishing a relationship between the observed water levels and mass loading for the for the 2000-2014 period . The GEOSCIENCE ~ 7 Valley Dist rict/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 model results were then evaluated to see where other mass loading relationships may be located . The relationships from the evaluations found in the 2000-2014 time period was then applied back to the 1978-1999 period to establish the mass loading for the hydrology from 1978-2013 that could be applied to future scenarios using the hydrology for the 2015-2050 predictive runs. This approach is consistent with comments originating in TAC workshops and is considered a conservative approach. As discussed by Mr. Ron Falta (City of Colton), the mass loading from same level storm events would tend to decrease over time. This decrease happens because when the water level goes up and reaches a new high elevation, the perchlorate mass stored in the vadose zone is washed out, resulting in a corresponding increase in concentration. After this initial water level rise, there will be less perchlorate mass left in the vadose zone. Therefore, if water levels rise up to or below the height of the previous water level rise, the perchlorate concentration will still increase -but at a Jesser rate than that observed previously. However, in order to evaluate the worst case for perchlorate contamination, future mass loading amounts are assumed to be the same as the historical ones without any reductions. For each predictive scenario, two solute transport model runs were made : one without mass loading and one with the mass loading developed from the calibration run. These two bookend solute transport model runs were used to evaluate the i mpacts from recharge in the Cactus Basins. It is Important to note that the solute transport scenario without mass loading was not intended to neglect that mass loading occurs, but rather to identify and understand the difference that mass loading makes. GEOSCIENCE ""V7"" 8 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 3.0 RESULTS OF PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS FOR THE FOUR SCENARIOS Based upon the specified pumping quantities for each scenario and the artificial recharge volumes added to Scenarios 3 and 4, predictive model runs were made and water levels and perchlorate concentrations were recorded for many of the wells within the Basin. 3.1 Water Level Changes from the Predictive Model Runs Figure 10 shows the predicted water level at the index wells based upon the Baseline Scenarios (Scenarios 1 and 2). The hydrograph for Scenario 1 (based upon the assumption that all parties except Fontana are held to the 1961 Decree pumping restrictions) rose about 30 ft in the early years and declined about 35 ft below the 2015 level by 2050. The hydrograph for Scenario 2 (based upon the assumption that all water producers, including Fontana, are restricted to the 1961 Decree pumping restrictions} shows a greater rise in the early years and a 2050 water level closer to the initial 2015 water level. Annual pumping during this time period was closer to the safe yield of the Basin. The difference in water levels between the two scenarios ranges from 20 to 35ft, with higher water levels for the predictive runs where all parties adhere to the 1961 Decree. Figure 11 shows the predictive water levels for all four predictive scenarios. The dashed green and orange lines show the effects of Baseline Scenarios 1 and 2 from Figure 10 and the solid lines represent the water levels from Scenarios 3 and 4. The later two have recharge at the Cactus Basins added into the model and simultaneously extracted from the Basin through extra pumping allowances at Project wells belonging to the companies who paid for the recharged water. The overall effect of the recharge in the index wells is less than a 3-ft rise in water levels at the end of the 36-year period (2050). Figure 12 shows the inflow and outflow terms for the average annual groundwater budgets for the Basin under each predictive model run . The only real differences in the budget boxes for the four scenarios are changes in groundwater pumping and artificial recharge of imported water. This change results in corresponding changes in the underflow to North Riverside Basin and changes to groundwater storage . Representative hydrographs for wells in model layers 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6 are shown in Figures 13 through 17. These hydrographs show similar rises in water levels for both scenarios where wells within the 1961 Decree area are subjected to the 1961 Decree restrictions (Scenarios 2 and 4) as well as for those where all pumpers except Fontana were held to the 1961 Decree restrictions (Scenarios 1 and 3). For layers 1 and 2 (Figures 13 and 14) there is essentially no change in water level between the four scenarios (only one line is visible as the orange and green lines are on top of each other). In model layer 3 (Figure 15), there is a very minor difference in water levels between Scenarios 3 and 4 . In layers 5 and 6 (Figures 16 GEOSCIENCE """""'V7* 9 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City o f Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 and 17), the water levels for Scenarios 3 and 4 have differences of as much as 10ft. The only difference between the two scenarios is that the Fontana wells were not kept to the pumping stipulated by the 1961 Decree . These differences in water levels were more obvious upgradient of the Cactus Basins than below the ponds. 3.2 Changes in Perchlorate Concentrations from the Predictive Model Runs Examining perchlorate concentrations in wells from the predictive model runs gives a good idea of the effects of recharging water at the Cactus Basins. Figure 18 shows the predicted perchlorate concentrations of Well EMW-03B located northwest of the spreading grounds. The concentration In the well is predicted to rise to about 65 micrograms per liter {~L) in 2016-2017 and then decline rapidly to about 5 11g/L in 2020 and trace amounts in 2035. The difference in concentrations with or without recharge is negligible as both Scenarios 2 and 4 plot on top of each other. Figure 19 for Well 1S/SW-3AS and 1S/5W-3A6, which is located near the spreading grounds, shows a very pronounced difference between the Baseline Scenario 2 and Project Scenario 4 with recharge at the Cactus Basins. The significant dilution of the perchlorate is evident from the much faster decline in the perchlorate concentration around 2016-2017 from 130 to almost 0 IJ.g/L as a result of the recharge. In the Baseline Scenario (Scenario 2), the concentration stays up at 175 IJ.g/L until about 2020 and then declines to trace amounts around 2022. Figure 20 shows predicted perchlorate concentrations in the Rialto 6 well located near the spreading grounds. The orange line on this figure shows that as the concentrations decline, the concentration for perchlorate in Scenario 4 {or Project scenario) is less than that for Scenario 2 (Baseline scenario} due to the dilution effect of the additional water recharged at the ponds. The perchlorate concentrations at Wells CPW 16A through 160 and PW-148 and PW-14C (Figures 21 and 22) show the effect of the recharge diluting the perchlorate and also moving the plume farther southeast. The two concentration mounds and troughs in the vicinity of both of these wells is a result of plume movement in the area plus the dilution effect from artificial recharge. The perchlorate concentrations in Wells CPW-17C and 170 (Figure 23} further illustrate the dilution effect on groundwater downgradient from the recharge ponds; concentrations in Scenario 4 are much lower than concentrations in Scenario 2. After 2040, the perchlorate concentrations under Scenario 4 drop to two-thirds of the value under Scenario 2, but are still well above the drinking water standard. GEOSCIENCE ~ 10 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 Figure 24 shows the perchlorate in Well Colton-15, located just east of the Unnamed fault that crosses the Basin perpendicularly to the groundwater flow direction. The character of the plume shows that the dilution has not had as much effect here as it did farther upgradient and to the northwest. At this point, the concentration of perchlorate reaches approximately 40 ~g/l and the dilution effect is not nearly as significant as that in wells to the northwest. Figures 25 through 31 show perchlorate concentrations through time for Scenario 2 and Scenario 4 in pumping wells Rialto-3 , Miro-2, Miro-3, F-49A, F-13A, F-138, and EW-1 . Figures 32 through 53 show perchlorate concentrations through time for Scenario 2 and Scenario 4 in monitoring wells M-1, M-2, M-4, M-5, M-6, N-13, N-18, N-20, and F-32 . In general, the anticipated impact on the Western Plume from Project recharge will not be significant. Dilution effect from the Project recharge is observed in wells EW-1 and M-4. Perchlorate concentrations will slightly increase under the Project recharge conditions in wells M-5, M-6, and N-18-located northwest of the Cactus Basins. These slight increases are most likely the result of recharge downstream slowing down the plume movement upstream of the recharge ponds. Attached Appendices B1 through B4 show the chemographs of perchlorate concentrations for additional target wells within the Basin. Appendices Bl and B2 compare concentrations at the wells based on Scenarios 1 and 3 while Appendices B3 and B4 compare concentration at the wells based on Scenarios 2 and 4. 3.3 Plume Changes Over Time from Flow and Dilution from Artificial Recharge Figures 54 through 59 illustrate the movement of the major plumes throughout the area for model layers 3, 5, and 6 over various time frames (Initial, Model Year 13, Model Year 21, and Model Year 36 or the end of model run). Examination of the plumes for the area based upon Scenario 2 and Scenario 4 for the specified years show how the concentrations move through the Basin from northwest to southeast. The decreases in the size of the plumes and decreased concentration in each layer between the snapshots for Scenario 2 and Scenario 4 best illustrate the minor dilution effects of the artificial recharge. Appendices C1 through C4 show additional plume shapes over time for different layers with and without additional mass loading. Appendix C1 shows the plume shapes for Scenarios 1 and 3 without mass loading for model layers 3, 5 and 6. Appendix C2 shows the plume shapes for Scenarios 2 and 4 with mass loading for layers 3, 5, and 6. Appendix C3 shows the plume shapes for Scenarios 2 and 3 for layers GEOSCIENCE ""V7" 11 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 3, 5, and 6 with no mass loading; and Appendix C4 shows the plume shapes for Scenarios 2 and 4 for layers 3, 5, and 6 with mass loading. 3.4 Particle Tracking Analysis In this study, MODPATH was used to calculate the particle tracking zones for each of the pumping wells during the predictive modeling period. MODPATH is a post-processing package developed to compute three-dimensional flow paths (i.e., particle tracking) using output from the groundwater flow model. MODPATH does not take into account dispersion, retardation, or half-life decay. The results of MODPATH simply provide an Indication of the direction and rate of groundwater flow. Figures 60 through 63 show the results of particle tracking analysis for Scenarios 1 through 4, respectively. In general, the sizes of capture zones are very similar under no Project recharge conditions and Project recharge conditions. For the remediation wells (i.e., Wells EW-1, Rialto-3, F-49A, Miro-2, Mlro-3, and Rialto-G), the change in the widths of capture zones caused by Project recharge are not significant. This observation indicates that the Project recharge at Cactus Basins will barely have any impacts on the plume remediation. GEOSCIENCE ~ 12 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 4.0 FINDINGS Analysis of the predictive model runs for the four scenarios Illustrate that recharging approximately 2,700 acre-ft/yr of water at Cactus Basins 3 and 3A while simultaneously extracting that same volume through wells throughout the Basin has a very minimal effect on water levels or perchlorate concentrations throughout the Basin. Results of the analysis Include the following. • The baseline predictive model runs (Scenarios 1 and 2) show water level differences of 20-35 ft between the runs when all parties adhere to the 1961 Decree and when all parties except Fontana adhere to the 1961 pumping restrictions. The higher water levels represent the lower pumping conditions of Scenario 2 when all parties adhered to the 1961 Decree. • Water levels increased up to 2-ft in the vicinity of the recharge ponds as a result of recharge versus no recharge. Water level increases due to recharge were Imperceptible elsewhere in the Basin. • Slight increases (2-5 ~L) in perchlorate concentrations were seen in wells upgradient and northwest of the recharge ponds (where existing concentrations are already 70-200 ~L) as a result of recharge versus no recharge. These slight increases are most likely the result of the recharge downstream slowing down the plume movement upstream of the recharge ponds. • Much earlier declines of perchlorate concentration from 175 to 0 ~g/L were seen immediately downgradient of the ponds as a result of dilution of the groundwater from artificial recharge at the ponds. • Some downgradient wells show slight increases in perchlorate for the runs with the additional recharge earlier than they do without the recharge. However, the magnitude of perchlorate concentration is still generally the same as without the recharge -only the timing of the peak is different. • Perchlorate concentrations downgradient of the recharge ponds decrease with recharge versus no recharge as a result of dilution from recharged water. • There is no significant change in the size of the geographic footprint of the perchlorate plumes with or without recharge at the Cactus Basins, but concentrations are decreased from dilution. • The calibrated model overestimates or underestimates the perchlorate concentrations in some wells near the boundary of the Eastern Plume (e .g., N-2S, EMW-5A, EMW-38, and PW-11). This GEOSCIENCE ~ 13 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 result is caused by minor differences in flow direction between those simulated in the flow model and actual conditions. • Even if the perchlorate concentration at one of the calibration wells is slightly above or below the historic conditions, because the model used the same initial conditions for both the base scenario and Project scenario, any resulting change in concentrations between the two runs is reflect ive of only the differences in the No Project and the Project scenario runs. • The model predictive results show no anticipated significant groundwater contamination impacts from the proposed Project, suggesting that no additional mitigation measures are needed beyond those that have been previously planned and are in place . GEOSCIENCE "'""7""" 14 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 5.0 ASSUMPTIONS AND LIMITATIONS While groundwater models are useful tools for evaluating water levels, basin management strategies and remediation strategies, all models are a simplified approximation of a complex hydrogeologic system. As such, there are certain built-in assumptions. The accuracy of the predictions made by the model is therefore dependent on the simplifying assumptions used. Assumptions for the JGWM include the following: • Groundwater flow is assumed to be horizontal within each model layer and vertical between layers, • The layers are horizontally isotropic, • Changes In the groundwater storage in the model layers occur Instantaneously with changes in hydraulic head, and • Recharge, like that from return flow, reaches the water table immediately (i.e., no time delay for travel time through unsaturated materials). GEOSCIENCE --=:::y;:-15 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1-Dec-15 6.0 REFERENCES CH2M Hill, 2012 . Numerical Groundwater Flow Model Report, Rialto-Colton Basin .1 June. County of San Bernardino Superior Court, 1961. Decree no . 81264 in the matter of The Lytle Creek Water and Improvement Company v. Fontana Ranchos Water Company et al. December 22, 1961. Geo-Logic Associates, Inc. (GLA), 2010 . Updated Hydrogeologic Model of Perchlorate Transport Conditions in the Northern RCB, San Bernardino County, California. February. GLA, 2007. Hydrogeologic Model of Perchlorate Transport Conditions In the Northern RCB, San Bernardino County, California. March. GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. (GEOSCIENCE), 2015. Draft Technical Memorandum, Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin Model. September 11, 2015. GEOSCIENCE, 1994. Opinions as to Conditions in the Rialto-Colton Groundwater Basin. Hardt, W.F~, and Hutchinson, C.B ., 1980. Development and Use of a Mathematical Model of the San Bernardino Valley Ground-Water Basin, California: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 80- 516,80 p. Paulinski, S., 2012. Structural, Hydrogeologic Framework, and Textural Model of the Rialto-Coloton Basin and the Chino and North Riverside Area . M .S. Thesis, California State University, Sacramento. Spitz, K. and Moreno, J., 1996. A Practical Guide to Groundwater and Solute Transport Modeling. Oxford University Press, Inc. U.S . Geological Survey (USGS), 2005. Numerical Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Assessment of the Effects of Artificial Recharge in the Rialto-Colton Basin, San Bernardino County, California. L.R. Woolfenden and K.M. Koczot. USGS, 2001. Numerical Simulation of Ground -Water Flow and Assessment of the Effects of Artificial Recharge in the Rialto-Colton Basin, San Bernardino County, California. L.R. Woolfenden and K.M. Koczot. Woolfenden, L.R ., and Kadhim, D., 1997. Geohydrology and Water Chemistry In the Rialto-Colton Basin, San Bernardino County, California: Water-Resources Investigations Report 97-4012, 101 p. GEOSCIENCE ~ 16 Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/ City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlc!lve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Bosin Grovnctwot u Model 1-0et-15 Woolfenden, LR., and Koczo t, K.M., 200 1 . N umerical Si mulat ion o f Gro u nd-Water Fl ow and Assessm ent of the Effects of Artificial Recna r re in the Ri alto-Co lton Bas i n, San Bernardino County, California. USGS Report. GEOSCIENCE """V"" 17 Vallev OISirlct/Wut Vallev{Goodrich/ City of Rlolto/City of Colton FIGURES GEOSCIENCE ~ ·I·- -~~~--_.~----~--~-----J.~·· ,..,...1S ............ , DL ............ I SIIMf'll•l-~V: •-a.lftDKIIKl....,..~KMr.-lttiMIIL .b- NOII'!'II ' PllDic:TWI MDDEL.UIU OF1MIIMIJO.COL1VN IMINGIDUNDWAIIIIII MOI:IB. . ,;:-) . I Pr . I. !. GENE IUU. LOCATION ~lqGirauncborllsln -__ \~ "---:.-~,. ~\ Figure 1 Valley Dlstrla/West Vdey/Goodrktt/City of Riilllo/Oty of Colton Predldhoe Madel Runs of the RWto<olton Basin Gnlundwater Model 110 100 90 j 80 c 70 c i :t: 0.. 60 ·o I. 1 so c .i 40 30 20 0 0 'ot 00 ~ :g 0 :!< ... ... en "' "' .... ... N ... .. 00 en en en 0\ en ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... 1·Dec-1S Cumulative Departure from Mean Annual Precipitation San Bernardino County Hospital Station (1890-2013) "' 0 'ot ... N ~ 0 ~ 00 N "' 0 'ot 00 N N "" ,., ,., 'ot 1./'l &1\ "' "' .... .... .... 00 en en 0\ ·en 0'1 en en en en "' "' en "' "' ... .... .... ... ... ... ... ... .... .... .... ... .... .... ... Calendar Year 70 60 so .. I c 40 c i .1:11 .!!- 30 u I 1 20 c .i c • 10 .. :::t 0 ! 2! :I -10 t: • 0.. .. D -20 ~ j :I -30 E :I u -40 -SO -60 ., :s 0 • 00 N ... c ii" en "' en 0 c ... "' en "' "' ~ C) c c ... ... ... ... N N i N GEOSCIENCf SUpport Services, Inc. Valley Dlstrtct/Wat Vdey/Gooclridl/aty of Rlalto/aty of Colton Predlctlvl! Model ...., of the RWto-Colton Basin 6I'CMIIIC!WIIter Model 1,050 1,040 1,030 1,020 1,010 ... ~ 1,000 ~ c .5! 990 i w 980 i 1 c: 970 ::1 e. lit 960 I .. ~ 950 940 930 920 910 Water Level Elevations of Rialto Basin Index Wells for 1978 -2013 and 2015 -2050 Predictive Period -------1---------------------------------------------- Pumping : Unlimited --------- ::::r=r\=-=~---·::~=~:~::::~:::~::::=:=::·_---·-:::~::::=z~~:=:~::::=-------==:~~~~~=::~=:~ ---+-----h--;-----------------j_-~----------------1--.,_---.~----:-(\_/" _ 1002.3ftamsl _/ _(\_1\:------1 _______ l___ . ---~-----------------~----'-"---------·---------___________ L___ ------"\}-~-------\·---------- . ~~=~-:., f---------~----------/--------T----- 1961 Decree ) --·--------~-----t--------------'\·-- / 969.7 ft amsl -\ --·····-!-\ ~~--------===';;:;j-==------==-~ --------------------------------····--------·····---------------------------------·----·-----------·--------------·----------------- Pumping: Reduced by 1% for .• every foot the average is below ---------------·----------------------·--------------------··--·······----------·-·----------··-······-- 969.7 ft, to a maximum of SO% =t=---------------~=~=~~:::===~=~~::: _________ =~----------------= , ciii' c 900 2050 ; 1970 1980 2000 2015 2010 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 1985 1990 1995 2005 1975 w 1-1*-15 GEOSCIENCE 5Cipport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rlalto/aty of Colton Predldlw! Model R11ns of the Rlaha-Colton llolsln Gru11ndwater Model Pumpl111 Restrictions from the 1961 Decree Based on Water Levels at Index Wells 1050 . :_~]:_ ------------1040 1030 1020 1010 1000 990 Pumping: As imposed 980 · by the 1961 Decree 960 950 940 ............ -........ _ -· 930 920 910 Pumping: Reduced by 1%for every foot the average is below 969.7 ft, to a maximum of 50% ····---····-·--·· --· ··1 ·······-·-····-····""'"'''-''''"''"-·"~·~-! 969.7amsl ............... ._ ..••..••. _. ..... _ .. ,,"j 900 +-~~~~~~~-r~~~~-r~~~-T-r~~~~-r~~~~-r,-~~-T-r~~~~-r~~~~ 1963 1968 1973 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 1-Dec-.15 GEOSCENCE Support Senfku,lnc. V.lley District/West \filley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predll:lfve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Blsln Groundwlltar Model \JNWD,40% 6,104AF Units in Acre -Feet per Year 1-Dec-15 ® llllS, GECSCIENCE Soipport SoNicol,lnc. All rilht> rae.-...!. ~o::.-t~n~ t,:., 920A~ Rialto (Lease to County), 1~1.600AF X:\Projl!c:b\SIIIII_I«IIIIrdl"o-MUHf\JII) ll)ltta_c.llon_M .. I\tS}TisiO Jmktfwe.)ho~MW,.,NAL_Aeport\f.,,_\fliS,.I to11oo, .'o~· ~.900t.; RJ;Ito, 18% 2,766AF Rialto Basin Extraction Rights GEOSCIENCE Per 1961 Decree "'""7 GEOSCENC[ Support S.M<OC, '"" I'.O.ICNllZD.CI.,.mo nt,CA 11711 Tol: (9D9I451·r.D Ft" (-1451-1511 _..,._ Figure 5 Vllley Distrtct/WISt V....,/~Oty ot ~llo{City of Colton Predlc:tlw Madel Ruru of the lll8llo<olton Basin ~t« Model Exceedance Probability CUrve of Table A Allocation 100% "j ~ Wet (Recharge of 7,000 acre-ft/year) 90% Above Normal (Recharge of 5,000 acre-ft/year) 80% 70% Normal (Recharge of 3,000 acre-ft/year) 60% c ~ j -..: 50% < ..1! .a {! 40% Below Normal 20% 10% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Exceedanw Probability 1-Deo-15 GEOSCIENCE Support 5eMca. Inc. Valley District/West V...,/Goodtktl/0/ly ot •tto/Clty ot CGIIDn Prwdlctllle Model Runs <If the Rialto-Colton Basin Graundw_, Model 20,000 18,000 16,000 114,000 f 12,000 ! 10,000 !o j 8,000 t 6,000 4,000 2,000 0 1-Dec.-15 CIO ... "' .... 1---- ~ lil .... N :a ;;!; 00 00 0'1 ~ 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 .... .... .... ... .... Annual Artificial Rechai'Je at Cactus Basins to Apply to Predictive Model Averag/:670 acre-ft/year f----~ ----------- f--1--- Ln ID ""' gg a\ 0 .... N "' ~ Ill "' ""' ~ en 8 .... co co 00 co ~ en 0\ 0'1 "' "' "' "' 8 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 0'1 "' 0'1 0'1 "' "' ~ a\ 0 ... ... .... ... ... .... ... ... ... ... ... ... N N Hydro lock: Yew --1------,..._ r--- N ~ :g Ln ID s :!!! 8 0 .... N "' "'I 8 8 8 .... .... .... .... ii" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~ c: N N N N N N N N N N N ; ..... GEOSOENCE Support Servlas, Inc. Valley District/West V;~lley/6oodrtch/City of Rialto/aty of Colton Predlttfve Model Runs of U1e Rillito-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Water Levels and Mass Loadiltl at 160-acre Source Area l~Tr=======================================~--~--------------------------~2~ -Hlstorlce l Water Levels Synthesized Water Levels 0 calibrated Mass Loadlns 0 Assumed Mass L.oadln& I I I I I co ',\ i' I I ····-----·-·-----.: ~: ~)\~· ------·-·--·-·· --·-:------ ~ ... • II II \ I I 1,250 .. ~: .1,\ I' I ';; (II 11 I 1 1 I 1 I ~ f If 1 I I 1t ,. -1 n\l I h ~ ~~~~ I '•'/ 'i;\ ''' ' "''J. . .u ~~ ''I It,~\ I I II ~ AI II ~~~ I I I• 200 f'l , II l ''" •,•• •~'' \''' :;i: 1.200 +------r---Tf --lt---4-.!.ti---L----.---T a; ,"'• , l I , 150 ~ .. .. I ~1.150 ~ 1:1 1,100 I "',:, ~· ~\ _, ~ , ~Jf. ·'·~-• I I f' -------·-·------·· ·--------·------···-·-------- :---Solute Transport Calibration Period ------o 0 0 0 0 0 I I I I I I -----------+------o-------- 1 0 0 0 0 0 ~ .. 1: ] = • 100 :IE so 1,050 +--.--.---.-~-r--.----r(D~..--.-~~>--...--.-...,....-.---,,.-.~~-.---.----41--..--r--r--o-..---.--.<JI;Ul!:JO-.-~ .............. _,.___,_ 0 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 GEOSCIENCE Suppolt Servl-, Int. Valley District/West Vrltey/Goodridt/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Pmllcthe Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton lasln Groundwater Model Water Levels and Mass Loading at Western Plume Source Area 1~T.===~~~~=;=;=======7=;~~==~=;--;-----------------------T ~ -Historical Water levels Synthesized Water levels o Calibrated Mass loading 0 Assumed Mass loading 1,250 t---------------------------------------------~1L1----;---------------------------------+ II I n :--Solute Transport Calibration Period , :~ I -!i., II II I "'41-• • I I I I 't' "' ... ~" I •' I ~ •r'r•l '•( II I ::f 1 1 11 • ,11 I I II• ~ 1,200 +-----------~~r-------~~~~--~~~~~~+r.-------------------------t ..,; I~ .. I I ~···· 'I ,, ~~·II I 16 I -I IIIII {fit I '.~t• '"' M fl ' ~~~ ( •• W .~ U' ! ~, '" ; ~ ~ ~ _! ~I f ~ Ill Ill I I 1,150 ~~-~J~~~~+-~~L1-4-------------------------------------------;------------\.~-------------------+ i ..... : I! ID 0 .eo 0 .:> 1,100 +---------------------------------------------;-----------------------------+ () 0 0 0 1,050 -l-...--...--..-~~p.le:::,,.....~;r.;j~---.__,.___,.~--.----.----.--.---.-~~IQJ~ ................. ~:l,----.--...--.,.--,---l 1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 200 50 0 1..1)ec.15 GEOSCIENCE SUpport SeMcies, Inc. V•lley District/West VaUey/Goodrich/Oty of Rlallo/aty of Colton Predldlw Model Runs of the Rlalbl.colto11 Basin Gnlundwater Model Average of Measured and Model-calculated Spring-High Water Level Elevations of Rialto Basin lnc:l•x Wells with Two Predictive Scenarios 1,0 50 .-------------------------r==========;-, • Mea sured --Calibration 1,040 --···--·--·--·-··----+------·-· ·---······-----·----. ---·------·--···. ·---·-------- • Scenario 1 Scenario 2 1,010 11,000 = i 990 = ... ~ 980 I ·~ 1:1 960 1950 940 1,030 1,020 ·:~~-:::.~ :=~~~-=:·~::.~---~1~-~-~~::_·~-~~-~--~=~: .. :: ~~~:-~:~~:::=--::--:--_::.:==:::~~:::·~~~-::.~: .. :=-=-~:-.~~~::=::. ~-~=--~-:_~.:~----~ ·---·--·-····· -···· ........... "J/. _____ \~----····-... _ ........... ·············--···--------·--------------------····-·········-·-··-·--·······--·------· ·--·------• • 1-------..,1'----.:'~..!~ • 1002.3 ft amsl ----------------+ :·~~:=~-f~~=~-:~·~::~·-··~-=-~.~~·-·~~· :~~---=~~~~-·=~~:~--~-~~ -~~---•::· •• 7 • .r 969.7 ft amsl - ---.---._-j-------------------------------·-·--··----~--------------------------------------------·- vY -• •..-·-;-----------------------------+\-·:-·· --·--·-----:-=-;:.-.::-·----·------. -' ····-·· -··-·---···--··-·-··-·-·-----... -·-···--· .. ·-·-·----·-··-... ·-···--·-.. -··------------··--·--· .. -··----·--.oc-::-·--.. - ' \ 930 ···------·· ---·--·---------------... --.----·----------·--· ---··-· ·---·· .... --------· ·····--·-····· ----·---------·-----·-···---·-· ···-···--·. ····-t··--- ' 920 -----------· ------· ___ .......... ·-----------·--··-·-···------·---· ... __________ .. , ---------·------------------·· ---·-···-· -----------· ·--· __________ , _______ -\- 910 .......... _, ·······-··-............... '"• . .__ .......... ····-..... -....................... -·----------------------------·-······ .... --··-·-·-.... ----·-·-------·-· ---·------!! cc c ~0 ~ 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ... c 1-Dto-15 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senrlms, Inc. Veley District/West Vdey/Goodrtch/City of RlatiD/City of Colton l'redlctlw Madel Runs of the RJalto.<:olton a.Jn Groundwater Model Average of Measured and Model-Calculated Spring-High Water Level Elevations of Rialto Basin Index Wells with Four Predictive Scenarios 1,0~ ~------------------------------------------------------r=====================~ • Measured --calibration 1,040 ··············--·········-----+----·-·······---------·······-·······-·····------·-······--------··············· • Scenario 1 Scenario 3 Scenario 2 ---· Scenario 4 1,030 ···-·········-------------• ·-·-·········--··-··-··-···········--·············--············------··········-------------- 1,020 1,010 11,000 4: f: 1 970 ! 960 f Ill 950 ~ 940 • -----·-····-----------------------------------------------------·- t=:::::::::::::::::::::=t-===~~~~--::._:: __ ~--~-=--=---=-=-=-=: .... :.~-~-~:~~~~~----------------------------------------------_-_-_ -__ -__ -___ -__ -_-_-f_ ~~-:-~~--:;;;:;:~~- 920 -------------------··----------·--···--······--·-··-··--····--·----····-·····-··-····-·--~ 910 ------------------·-·····-··----------------------------·······--············-------·-··-········----------------------"'I cE" I: ... CD 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ..... 1-0ec-15 GEOSCIENC£ 5uppart Senlc:es, Inc. Valley District/West Villley/~Oty of RWiofOty of Coltan Pndictlve Model Runs of the Rllllto-Cobn Basin Groundwater Model Groundwater Pumplnt 28,400 22,450 !1,070 25,110 Underflow ~ to Chino Basin 100 ~--.,.. 1-Dec-15 100 100 100 Riverside Basin 7,720 10,D40 7,670 10,020 Areal Rechar1e from Precipitation 2,460 2,460 2,460 2,460 IV> Z015, GEOSCIEM:E Suppon S.MI:.,, Inc. All i'Wltl r.1ornd. Unppd Runoff 1nd Subsurface Inflow from Badlands Streambed Percolation from SAR & Warm Ck. Ungaged Runoff and Artificial Anthropopnlc Subsurface Inflow from Return Flow San Gabriel Mountains 4,680 310 3,120 1,100 4,680 310 3,120 1,100 4,680 310 3,120 1,100 4,680 310 3,120 1,100 Rechai'Je of Imported Water 0 SC.1 0 Sc-2 2,670 SC·3 2,670 SC-4 Underflow from Lytle Basin ~ Underflow from 16,890 16,890 16,890 16,890 ---==~~ Bunker Hill Basin Units In Acre-Feet per Year GEOSCIENCE ~ 4,240 4,240 4,240 4,240 Average Annual Groundwater Budcets Model Years 1-36 X~tcts\Sitl_ .. ,.nlrlo_MUNI\2J) Riello_~odtl\li)Tiskl_Prwcfidtn_lluns'\DZ)FINAl,_l't:pon\Filw~l GlOSCifNa lllp,.,. Soniwi,IOC. P.O. 1 .. ZJD, a...oo~ CA 11111 ,.l:f000145HIII50 foil: 1900145l.f611 www.IISiwtar.cam Fl1ure 12 ----- r--...-_,_ 1-.. ~ -.. .. , . i ' . l ' __ ._ r . .... --.... - 1-P ~-t:.. ... _ .. ___ ......_.. ..... ,lt .. ~· ·-·~...........,._, .... _......,.... M>..-.-....----.---......._IJ-II o ~ ... -.. - """'"'"~ -~----_::__}, -._,AL ~-.......... lM!I 1M UD JiltS IOU aMS MODEL lAYER 1 5£1KTED HYDROGAAPHS SHOWING HIS'IOIIK AND PRfDIC11VE WATER LEVELS Wl8!!!l!l • w.IIL.Ot.tion • Mrts"~' Data ""'- kcnartol .... ,.~ ..... ........ St.tt~.arto 4J 10 roc;,. __ .... lottnd.wy (:::; .... -~~ ...... .,., ,.flf..aU'WtrnM-D•• h t! ......... , . ._. II IJI OM! my lound•ry - ~--· ... _ _..._ ·. , . :. . ·. ~ -----.l~---~ ..... ----~:- 1.000.15 ... IIIMHII¥>-. .. ,. ........... SIII.rt-111.1,.--'lt • 2111l.llt0io1Nct:s._.Joni-., : .... AllfW!M.-fW!l. MODELIAYIR2 sti.EC'IIO HYDIIOGRAPHS SHOWING HISTOIUC AND PREDICTIII! ~R LEVELS -• --• ............ ... ...... --1 ......... ......... -· --- kllanal MIW!elloulldMJ ' .. lp,..llnl!iNmdlor ... lh lA~,.,It --ZII1lj ~- Fi&Ure 14 -------,----·..--- I T:"-·- - -, .... _., -,.- ,..,.., ,..,._.lir: 01. ,_..,~:klbM.-111LIIMV. CIDI,.alautel SI..-:Serol-. N. AllrWaMIMII "011Tif ' -~~ ~ ... ~ ~ ~ .~--~ -' . ... ---,.. .... i I MOOB.IAYER 3 Sf:LECTED HYDROGRAPHS SHOWING HISTORIC AND PREDICTIY! WR"ER l£1/W -• ---.....Do. ~llw.tlall Scllllll1o1 SmNirlol ...... ,.. kiiMiriD4 (::; --- (::; RqTt;~n;~l Modtl l~ary '~ ~~· Sptcldllll Gn:umds or II$" Ulalflult C,..,.ntld.:ZOU} CMIMylo ..... fY Flpin! 15 l~c-15 ""'lnllll!f"IIJ,M(Iff'NIIIQlONkllrii ..... UIIJ,Z..,,'II. •llnS,•QtllpQ ..... ~R. M,.....,.__.. ~GRfM ' ..... MODB.IA'tll 5 SELECTED HYDIOGRAPHS SHOWING HISIORIC AND PREDICTIVE -LEVBS . -..- """"""' -· --- Flpre 16 I Ctt. •• ~ .. ,.'Woj~-J.Ai..La-• .. .,fiiH'WPflnl._...._ ..... ...,...~ • - '"'I uo~----~~~--~~~ -f-':>....,=i....S.--'-~~-----' 150+-------------------1 --~----------..J JSU ... u• .... ··l ·-·i · -r--.. . . ... ,~.: ·; MODEL LAYER 6 SELECTED HYDROGRAPHS SHOWING HISTORIC AND PREDicnYE WATER LEVELS Ul\II..ruilll to; _,_ .... • --.. ~ ... ilait: ... _ ... -.. ..• , ~ ...... , .. u ..... , Sc.enJ~O ~ 1:::) ._........_......., c:::; RqiOI'IIIMOdeiiOitftdary em.,.._ w ,....-.ttl,.!;n:ullh.N'blll Lotll fa~k (Peulhsk~ 2012) """"'- Vahy District/West V...,/6oodrld!/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predkdft Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton a.s1n &roundw-Madel 90 80 70 l t! 60 ! I!! .. c Zl c 50 8 i .2 40 ..c 1:! • D. 30 20 10 0 2000 1-0ec-15 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well EMW-038 2000-2050 • Observed -Calibration Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) • 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Model Layer 5 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Sllpport Senllces.lnc. V.ley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of RWto/Oty of CoiiDn Pl'ecllctlft Model Runs of tiM ~olton Basin~ Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Wells 15/SW-3A5 and 15/SW-3A6 2000 -ZOSO 1,ooo F================t--------+ Observed --Ctlibrallon ~'~- 900 800 700 300 200 100 0 2000 SCl!n~rio 1 (M•U Added) StE!114rio .II (M~ss Addcdl • 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 ~-X::-, "-. ... "'~·: .. :" ~ , .. I Model Layer 5 -~-:-------:-==--. 2035 2040 2045 2050 GI!OSClENCE SUpport Senllces, Inc. Vellay District/West Vallay/Goodrlch/City ol Rillito/City of Colton Pntdlctlw Model Runs Df the llalto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Predicted hn:hlorate Concentrations for Well Rialto-6 2000-2050 ~000 1;======================================~------------------~.·--~.~.~~'-~--~~----l • Observed ---calibratio n ry.: .. · '· ---Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenarfo4 (Mass Added) '~~1· · • • • • · •,, "'. ~ ....._ .'··~.· ~ ~· 900 800 700 l f 600 .. 500 8 I s ~ :. 400 200 100 I Model Layers 5, hnd 7 • -l c o ~~~r---~~--~----~----~----~----~--~=;~~~====~ i 2050 rg 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 GEOSQENCE Support Servlcel,lnc. Velley District/West Vllley/Goodrkh/City Df RilltD/City Df Colton Pndlctlve MDde l Runs Dfthe RllltD-Colton Basin GrDUnd-ter Model 1,000 900 800 • Observed Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Wells CPW-16A through 16D 2000 -2050 --calibration --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 700 ... l 1~.. __ M_o_de_I_La_ve_r_s __ _.l c 600 0 I 1!1 500 c: 8 .. ~ .. ~ l. 400 300 200 100 -~ 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 1-Dec--15 GEOSCifNC£ SUpport Services, Inc. Vdey Dllbict,/West Vllley/Goodrich/City of.U.Ito/City of Colton Pr~ Modellb.lns of the llalto-Colton S.1ln Groundwater MoRI Predicted Perchlcnte Concentration for Wells PW-148 and PW-14C 2000 -2050 ~~.=========================~--------------------------~ ... l c ! I!! 'E s ~ I .5! 1! II A. • Observed 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 --Calibmion Scenario 4 (Mass Added} • • i c 0 +------r----~~----~----~------T------r------~----~----~------~ a; 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Suppcwt SentlcM, Inc. v.-., District/West v.-.,/Goodrfdt/Oty o1 RiMto/City o1 Colton Predictive Model Runs ol the 11181to-Collon Basin Gr-.dwllter Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Wells CPW-17C and CPW-170 2000-2050 lOO r.===============================,-----------------~~----~--~ • Observed -Calibration • -·j.. ~ '·,'"""' ~n~r.~~ 2 ~Mass Added) Sce~~rl~ ~(Mass~~~~~-.. _ ~ ~~ • •. : • • , · . " '... . .. . " " , D ' ' "~~~ .. 9.: 90 80 70 I Model Layer 5 I .. 30 20 10 i c:: 0 +-------~--~·--~--~==~------~------,-------,-------~------~-------r-------r~ CiJ 2050 ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 l·Deo-15 GEOSCIENC£ Su!Jport SeMces, Inc. Valley District/West V....,/Goodlidt/aty tii!WtD/aty of Colton ~Model Runs of tM Rlalto-CDitan 8aln 6roundw-..,.. Pred icted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well Colton-15 Z000-2050 1oo rr==================================~~--------------- • Observed --calibration --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 90 80 70 l g 60 i s:: ~ 50 B ! .5! 40 I 30 20 10 0 2000 1-Dec>lS • • • • . .... ~--· ._,. • 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Madel Layers 3 •nd 5 2040 2045 i c iil 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support Servlca.lnc. Vlilley District/West V..,/Goodrfdt/0/ly of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model !tuns of Rlalto-Collon ... GrCiulldwater Model ... ~ c ~ 1: 8 1: 8 ., I! .!! ~ ~ :. Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well Rialto-3 2015-2050 lOO !r===========~------------------------~~---~~-~-'~~--~ -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) . :----1~ · S<oMrio4lMo,.Addodl ~ 0 ", 90 80 70 Model Layers 5 and 6 60 so 40 30 20 -. .................. 0 +---------~----------T----------.----------r-------~=r~~-~~----r---------~~ "TT ii' c ; 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valey Disbict/West Valley/Goodttch/City ol.u.!to/Oty of Colton Preclc:IM Model Runs ol ~on Basin 6irculdwater Model Predicted Perchlorate CoiKlentrations for Well Miro-Z 2015-zoso 100 Tr===============1----------------------------------~~"~---------------------/ cJ 90 80 Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~-:o :· ~ ' 70 +------------·--··----~~---------.. ·-----........... ___________ _ l Model Layer 6 f 60 fj s 50 t 0 ~ +-----------------i ------·-·-·-------~---- :. 30 ..... ---------~--~-----·-·-----· ----·---·-· ... ····-··-·-----· .... ··--............. __ ---- •;.---------------------·-----------·-·-· ·--------· .... ----·-·-·------- 0 +--------.------,--------...---=---::.::..:="-"-,-------.. , 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-o-15 GEOSCIENCE Support S.rvlcM, IIIC. Vdey Dlstric:t/West V .. ley/Goodrkh/City of Rialto/City of Colton Pncllctive Model Runs of Rlll~ton 8asln Groundwllter Model 100 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Predicted Pen:hlorate Concentrations for Well Miro-3 2015 ·2050 90 80 ~··If.-~ Scenario 4 (Mass Added) --~ 0 ""'-70 ... l c -8 I! 60 !! 8 50 s:: 8 ! I! .!! 40 - ~ ~ :. 30 20 10 '~\ \ "" ------· 0 ... 2015 2020 2025 2030 1-Deo-15 I -· 2035 2040 Model Layer 6 I - I __::;:.:;--" i I 2045 2050 "'I cS' c ; N ...., GEOSCENa Support SeMc:es, Inc. Valley Discrict/West V.Uey/Goodridi/City ~Rillito/City of Colton Predlcllw Mock! RIIM ~ Rillto-Colllon Basin ~er Model 90 Predicted Pen:hlorate Concentrations for Well F-49A 2015 -ZOSO --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 1-- ~ +---------------------------------------- 70 t------------------·--·--------------------------·-;=========:::;---1 Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 60 ---------·------------· --------. ---------··--···. ··------.... -----·---------------·-······ .. -------------------------------·---------· ---------------- 40 ------------------------------------· -·-------- 30 1-------------------·---..... ···------------·-. -----------------·----·· ------------ M +---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 10 -----·-··----···-------... ·--· . ----·-·--...... --------· --------------------·-------- 0 +-------r~~~----~-------~------ 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 "'I ii c ii1 ~ GEOSCENCE Support S.NI-.,Inc. v.-.y Disttlct/West Valay/GootJridi/Oty cf Rialto/City of COlton Pndlc:tlw Model Rum; of Rblfto.Colton lluk1 Gnlunclw8ter Model 100 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for WeH F·UA Z015-ZOSO 90 cf~l -Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ¥--:.:_ ·-0 ·. l ~ ·I l c 0 ~ .. ~ II .. ~ 0 1.1 I ~ : 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0 2015 1-Deo-15 - - - - 2020 2025 2030 ., I Model Layers 5, 6 and 7 I ' - -' -' 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCI!NCE SUpport SeMCies, IrK. V8leJ District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of RWlo/City of Coltoa Precldlft Model RIIM of~ Basin Graunclwlrter Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well F-138 2015-2050 100 ~==============~------------------------------~--~~~~--~ ,-f.l ~ --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) ----"'-...L_J' . , '" ~- 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 80 f-------·------------------------------------------------- 70 +---------------------------------------------·~======~========,--- Model Layel'l 6 and 7 ~ 60 1-----------·------------------------------------·-------·------------------------1 ! .§ I I so ------------··--------------------··-----------·-·-----·······--·--·-----·-------------------------·- 40 ----------.. -----------_ ... ----------------------------------- 30 -----------·-------------------------------------------------------------------------· w ---------------------------------------------------------------1 10 ------- 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 -------·------·--·----------------------- 2035 2040 2045 2050 GfOSCIENa Support Services. Inc. V•hy DistrlctJWest "*'t/Goo41kh/Oty of RiMto/Oty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of Rlafto.Colton Basin Grounclw•ter Model 1,000 900 Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well EW-1 2015-2050 -~- "' IT ~~ "-." 800 0 ~ 700 l c 600 0 i ~ c .. .. 500 c 0 u I Model Layers 5 and 6 I i 400 ~ : 300 200 100 --~ ' ----0 ---· ,. ··-·-.. ··---. -. 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 l·Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE Support Senllces, Inc. Vllley District/West V...,/Goo4kidi/City af IIWto/City af Colton Pnclcllwe Model Runs of Jllalto.Colton Basin Q -oclwlter Model Pred icted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M·lS Z015-Z050 1,000 -r.===============;----------------.......,...--;::::::::;--.;;"~-_--, -Scenario 2 (Mass Added I [J[J '-.. . "-. "- 900 Scenario 4 (Mass Addedl _ .......... __j -.". ~' 800 -----------------------------·------ 700 1-----------------·----------·---------~========;:;;;--1 I Model Layer 3 s 600 ---·--------·--·------------.. ------·--·--_______ .. _________ -----------------·- I 8 r:: 8 i .!! 1 500 ·-----------------------------------·---------------------------j 400 1------------------.. ·-------j 300 1---------------------------·--------·-·-···----------... ------··----------- 200 +-----------------------------------------------~ 100 +-------·-------------~--------.. ---------------··-· .. -·---- o ~- 2015 2020 2025 \ 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-DIIo-15 GEOSCIENCE Support S.rvlcer, Inc. Valey Dlltrtc:t/West Vf/16t/Go«Jndt/f1f<y of Rialto/f1f<y of Colton Pl'ecllctlve Model Runs of Rbllto-Calton Basin Groundwatef Model 1,000 -Scenario 2 (Mass Ad~) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M·lD 2015-2050 900 800 .· .· rf . ''---,.,, -Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~0 """ 700 .... l c 600 -8 I Model Layer 5 I i 8 c 8 500 B I! i 400 :. 300 200 100 0 ~ I --/~ - ..... _____ --• 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley Dlsltkt/West Valley/Goodrkh/City of !liMo/City of Coltoll Pr-*dwe Model Runs ot Rbolto-Colton Basin 6foundweter Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-2 Zone 1 2015-ZOSO 1 • 000 rr= -= -= -==Sc:e==n=ar=io=2=(=M=a=ss=Ad==d=ed=l=;---------------_----~~-----------. ---,~~----;:lr:::::;--~~,_-:_:-__ -,--~ 900 . Scenario 4 (Mass Added) _ ·---------------. "' ""'._,__.. -. ~0 ,, 800 +------·--------------------·------------- ' 700 ~------------------------·----------;========::::;---j Model Layer 3 ! 600 ---------·~-·-----------------·-· ---------· ---------·----·-------··- 1: 3 ~ i ..!! ] .. Q, 500 ·-··-----------------·-·--· -·---------------·------------·-----------·---·-- 400 -·····-·--····-· ----·----------·---- 300 ···-----···--·-······--·--·· ---------.. ----------- 200 ~---------------------------------------------4 100 ---·---·····-.. -·········-··-··-----·-~7~ -------·------------ 0 --~ 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1..U..15 GEOSCIENQ SUpport Services. II!£. Valey Discrlct/West V*'t/Goo6ttdi/City of Rialto/City of Cokon Pn!dlctlw Modelllun5 ol R~on Basin 6nlundonter Model 1,000 900 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-2 Zone 2 2015-2050 -Sclenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 {Mass Added) .·!7n 800 ~' ~ 0 "" " 700 -l c 600 i I Model Layer 5 I i s c: 0 u 500 ! 400 .!! ~ t. 300 200 100 0 ~ 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1~15 G!OSCIENCE SUpport Sen11ces, Inc. Valey District/West V811ey/Gooclrich/City d IIWID/City of Cokcn Prellktlwo! Model Runs of Ill~ lasla finMidw.C.r Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-Z Zone 3 throuah 7 zo1s-zaso ~OOO rr====~==M==ri=o=2={M=a=s=sAd==d=e=d)=1------------------------------------,-/~.~,---rSJ~·~,~.'~~-~,~.~-~-.--~ 900 ~nario 4 (Mass Added) , -, · · '· ~ .,...J -,, - 800 +-------------·-------------------0 700 t-··-----·-----------------·---------------r============~·--- Model Layer 6 f--------------·--------------------------------------·--·--------------------- 500 -----------------·--------------·---------------------------- 400 -.. ------···----------- 300 f--·------------·----·---------------------------·--------------------- 200 100 -------·----------·-------· ------------------------- o t=====~~~~====~~~~==~========~======a.T--------~~-----··-- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSQENCIE Support Servlms,.lnc. V...., Distrid/West V..,/Goodridt/Cill.y of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of RJalto.OIIIDn Basin Groundwater Model 100 90 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-4$ 2015-2050 C1 ~"" o~ "' .· .. 80 ~ 70 ... ! c 60 0 I Model Layer 5 I '! 1: :!: c 50 8 .. ! .!! 40 ~ :. 30 20 10 r:-:·-~ \ \\ '\. 0 ·--.---·---~ .. , -·-r - 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec>lS V .. ey l*tric:t/West V*'t/GooOtldo/Oty of RaltD/Oty of Colton Precllctlw Model Runs of Rillito-Colton llasih Groundwlltet Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-40 2015-2050 loo rr==============~----------------------------~--~~"~---r ---~[?~, 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Add~) 80 +-------------·--------····---··-------·---·--· --~ 70 +---·------- Model L..yer & 60 ---·-·-·---· .. -----------··---·-···--··--··--·------------------·-- so ---·-------------·---·--···---···--····---···-----·-·-·--------·-·--·--·----·- : ~·-··_-_-_-_-____ "\-_ __:-_.--~~---------_·-_--_-_· __ ·-~----_··_--_--_-_-_ -_-_ -_ -_-_-_· _-_-·_·-~~-·-__ ._-_-·_-_·_· ·_-_-·_-_--_-_·--·--·--! \ 10 -·····-------------·------···---------···---------------------- 0 +--------~--------r--~~---,---------~--------~· 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 'TI ii c iii ~ GEOSCENCE Support SeNices, Inc. v.-.y District/West V...,/Goodrich/Oty of Rillito/City of ca1ton Pmllctlve Model Runt of Rialto-Colton Blosln GroundwMer Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M·S Zone 1 2015-2050 -! c 0 '! ! 8 ~ !I I! .i ~ t! t. 100 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 90 80 70 60 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~, ' \. I I I so ;---\ 40 ---~ 30 20 10 f-0 2015 / ' 2020 I I ~ D , ~ 2025 2030 . ~p~, --~.~ ·~ I Model Layer 3 I .. , -' , - 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENC! Support S.Mcu, In'- v • .., District/West V•..,/&oodtidt/Oty d IIIMta/City d Coltan Pr..tlctlwe Madellt\lns d .wto-coltan lasltiGftxlndwllter Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-5 Zone Z 2015-ZOSO 100 ~================~------------------------------~--~~~------. _____ -IT,~ 80 f--·-------------·---~ ', --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) l 70 --. -·· .. -T·--· -~odel -~yer ~ ··--- j 60 +----------------------------------------------------------~================::~ I ~ ~ ~---------------·-----------------------------------------------------------------1 B I 40 -----------------·-·-·--·---··-··-··-------··-----·----··--·------·-----· .1: 1:! :. \ ' 30 -----·-----------------·-------------------·-----------------------t ~ +--.,~----------------------------------------·--------1 10 ---------·-----------·---· ____ _,_ --------------·---------·-·--------- 0 +------~~---......... - 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1..0.0.15 GEOSOENCE SUpport Sei'VIc:s, lnr.. V...., Distritt/Wert V.hy/6ooclrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton PrHktlwe Model Runs of ~on Basin 6rowldwllter Model Predicted Pe~hlorate Concentrations for Well M-5 Zone 3 t hrou1h 7 2015 -2050 100 90 . ~~ -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) .· cr~' . Scenario 4 (Mass Added) r '-. 80 . "' . ~· 0 """' 70 ... l I Model Layer 6 I r! 60 .2 1! ~ Pl so c 8 .. ! 40 0 :2 1:! .f 30 20 10 f--\. ' ~. 0 . ' . ' 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Deo-15 Valley District/West v.a.,/Goodrictt/aty ~ llalto/City of Colton Precllc:tlwe Mocld Rains ~ IIWtD-Colton Buln &ro.lclwatet Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 1 2015-2050 1,000 ~r========:;-----------------:r----;:::::::;-,--:----, --·tf ·· -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) -~ 900 ... ··-·-----~--------------~ Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 -i-------------···-···----- 700 -------------------------.=======::::;---1 Model Layer 3 { ~ ----·-----. ---·-- ) i i 500 -·---·-----··-··------·--------· -· -·------···-·--·-------------·--·--·--····-------·- 400 -······ .. ---· ...... -... 300 ·-----------·----------·--------·----·---·------· --------- 200 +------------------------------------------~ 100 .. -- 0 2015 .- 2020 r- 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ., a· c ; t; GEOSCIENCE SupPOrt Services, Inc. V811ey Dlstrlct/Wnt Vfl}ey/Goodrtdl/Qy of 11181to/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of Rialto-Colton lasln Groundwater Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 2 through 3 2015-2050 1,000 900 800 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) IT·~~ -Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ..------------------'" ~"" .J ' 0 ' ,. ' " ' 700 ..... l ,; 600 t i s 500 I Model Layer 5 I ~ ..2 400 ~ i 300 200 100 0 /~'\. /~ -------· --' ' 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-D~15 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Int. VdiiY Dlltrlct/West V•ley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton PI'Rktlw Mode l Runs flllllalto-Colton Basin Groundwllter MocW l Predicted Perchlo...te Concentrations for Well M-6 Zone 4 throulh 7 ZOlS -2050 100 r,:= _=_==Sc=en==ar=io=2=(=M=a=ss=Ad=d=ed=)~-------------------' ' ~ '· '~ 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) __ . -l r . '· "' " ~ " ,. 80 +----------------------""'\ Q ~ 70 ··-··---·-···-----·--· Model Layer 6 J f 60 8 50 ~---------------------------------------------------------------~ a i 0 40 1------· --------------·--~~-----------t : 30 ---·----------·------·---·------------------------------------·------~ : ~~----------7-~-----~~~---'--~ 0 ~-------.-==~~~--~-~---------~-------~-~-~--~----~ 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 i c i t GEOSCIENCE Support Servl-,lnc. V..., Plstrict,/West V....,/Goolttldt/Oty of Rillito/City of Collon Predictive Model RIIM of RJalto.Colton Basin Groundwater Mod.~ 1,000 --scenario 2 (Mass Added) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-135 2015 -2050 900 800 r ~~ Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~ 700 l g 600 ~ .. c • I Model Layer 3 I ... c 8 500 I .2 400 '5 ... • Go 300 200 100 0 /"'.... I -,,_ _...--.. -----I -. 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-o.-15 GEOSCENC£ Support Senlk:es, Inc. Vai'-Y District/West vaney/Goodrich/City of Rlalto/aty of Colton Pnddlw Model Runs of Rlalto-Coltolt llasin Groundwater Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-13D 2015-ZOSO ~000 ~============~~----------------------------~--~~~----~ L-~~-=-~_a_r:_:_::_:~_s_:_:_:_d_~_, --···--······ ·····-------------_ cY ':~" 900 800 ~-----------~--------------------~ 0 ' ', " 700 ~--------·---------------------·-----·----;::=========;-1 Model Layer 6 -~~~~----- 500 ---------·· ··-·--· -··-·----·----------·-----·---- 400 ~------------·-·-·----·---------~ ~--~------ 300 +--------------------------·--·-· --·--------··-------·-------- 200 --------------------------·-----_____ ,_ ------·----·--------- 100 ·-------· ---·------------·--------·----------------· ___ , __________ ·-------- 0 2015 ... 2020 ... 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIOia Suppart Services, Inc. Valey District/West V*'I/Goo6tktl/ctty of Rialto/City of Colton ~Model Runs of Rialto-Coltott 8asln Gl~ Model 100 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-188 2015-2050 n 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) ~ Scenario 4 (Mass Added) , u~ ., "" 80 '"-. 0 ~ 70 l r= 60 0 ----- I I Model Layer 3 i ~ c • .. c 50 0 u ! .2 40 ~ • 0.. 30 20 10 L'. \ 0 I r ' I I 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Deo-15 GEOSCIENCE Support 5eMces, Inc. Valey Dl5trlct/West V*r/Goo6tkto/CJty oflliMo/City of Colton l'ncllctlft Model Runs oflillllo-CDiton Basin CinNndw1ter Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-18C-1 2015-2050 100 ~==============~~------------------------------~--~~~------. .' . ~~ '"-------S<:enario 2 (Mass Added) ___ , LJ ,, ··""" BO ,--------------------------------· --------~ 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) "-~ 70 -------M-od~l-~y~r~-r··- 5 60 +-------------------------------------~==============~~ i ~ +-----------------------------------------------------------------~ I 40 ----· ---------·-· ·-------------· -----... ··----------....... ----------- ~ +---------------- 20 ----~-----------------------------·------------------------------------------i 10 r--__,_~---------------------------------------------------------------! 0 +------r----=~---- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Suppart S..W.. Inc. v ... , District/Wat Vaky/Gooflrtdi/CJty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Modellluns of lllalto-co!ton Basin Groundwllter Model 100 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-18C·2 2015·2050 '" cf~ ""'. . . " . 80 ~0 ~ 70 ~ I c 60 .2 ! 1: r: 50 c: 0 u I Model Layer 6 I ~ .. i II a. 40 30 20 10 -\ ~. --.... _ 0 -I I . , I 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Deo-15 GEOSOENCE SUpport Services, Int. Valley Dlslrict/West V.U.V/&oodrich/City d R;.lto/Cily d Colt011 ~ Model Runs d IIIMto<olton Basin &rounchftter Model l f <: Predicted Pe rchlorate Concentrations for Well N-ZO Zone 1 throu1h 2 2015-2050 lOO tr================;---------------------------------~--~~~~----~ tl . """-.:.... ---cr-, , ~ ~··· ' ""- --Scenario 2 (Mass Addedl 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Addedl 80 ;------·----------------------------- 70 -t-----------------------·--- Model Layer 3 60 r-------------~------- :: 50 +------8 -------·----·-·--·----·-·--------·-----·----·-·--··--------i I .5! ~ • A. 40 ···------· -··--. ····------------·······-~ 30 --·--·· 20 i---------------------------------------------------------------------------~ 10 -··-·-- 0 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 i c i Ul 0 GEOSCIENCE Support S.rviEM,IM. Veley District/West Veley/Goo6rk'lt/Oty of Rl81to/City of Colton Predktlve Model Rurw al RWio-Colton lasln Groundwater Model Predicted Perchlorate Con centrations for Well N-20 Zone 3 2015 -2050 ... l t! .2 i 8 c 8 .. ! 0 l! ~ l 100 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0 2015 1-Dec-15 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) r--·---·· ~, -. -• 2020 2025 2030 IT'~, _, ___ ~ () ' "' """, I Model Layer 5 I ·----- -' -. -.--'I 2035 2040 20 45 2050 GEOSCI ENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Vdey District/West Vdlly/&oodrlch/City Dll!lalto/City of Colton Precllctlve Model Runs Dllll8ltD-Colton Basin ~er Model Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well N-ZO Zone 4 throu1h 6 Z015· ZOSO 100 ~================.-------------------------------~--~~"----~ ~--~ c-1 ~ --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 80 r------------------------~~ 70 --------------------------------------r=========;;-1 Model Layer 6 1---------··---· ----------··· --···----··--··--· -------····-·--·---------·------·--------------- 50 r---------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ 30 ---------·-----------------------------·-·-----------· ------------------·- 20 +------------------------------------------------------------; 10 ----·--·------------·---------------------------·----------------- 0 - 2015 2020 2025 .-- 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Suppllft Senlbl, Inc. Vllley Dlstrkt/West V*'t/Goodridt/City of Rialto/City ol Colton Precllcthe Model Runs olllalto-Cofton a.ln ~Model 100 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 90 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 80 70 ... l c 0 '! 60 c .. .. c: 8 50 i .!! 40 J:. ~ .. A. 30 20 10 0 -., - 2015 2020 1-0ec-15 Predicted Perchlorate Concentrations for Well F-32 2015-2050 -. -~ ,--' -' 2025 2030 2035 2040 D'J··,~ ~ ' , I Model Layer 3 I -I -' 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senlkes, Inc. ' ' ' ' ' ...... ' ... ' ,,, " \ .............. ::": ,' ', ', ' 'J;":, \ \ ', J \ ' .,, ', ', ' ' ' ' ' ' • MODELf'REDIClBI I'EKHI.Our! PWME IN SEIKnD PERIODS FOR MODB. LAYER 3 5CENARI01 Willi MASS LOADING ~ Mode~~ChlriJIID '-lcllkwllt CMc.ntmJd .. MAJ ..... ...... -...... &a•100 --• 0 <': • 4- 0 D D D (2yafCotton atyafN<~ttG aty fA llllvcnlllc fonta!D ~tat Clnpinr -·-----W.'IIWityWIWDWict s,r-11111 GroiHids or aaw ... ,_,...,., ~leySinlttry~-ftll/ ,.,_, luMtrSM F~p~re54 ,,, " \ ', ~c \a ,' ', ', ' .... d ' ' .... ... . \ ' ..,, ', "'\ • ... . ', ' ,. ',· -r .... ' ... ' \ \ ... , ··' \ MOIIEIA'II£DICTD l'fiiCHLOIUifE I'WME IN SELE.CJU) PERIODS POR MODEl. lAYER 3 SCENA11104 WITH MASS IDADING ..... ...... -.. .... 6Dk11DO -liXJ .. DJ -,.., .. Olyof-... 0 CftyotNallo (i) Cfty.tllvenlde + FofaN WM:trton\ + ~AD..., --0 wac v..ywar Dl*td s,t'Ndi,.~Of ...... 0 160olcft Parul 0 JtaMhurst!ilhl [J Mro-v.ll.y SU.bry La"dtll/ fcKnlet""*«Site F1Jure55 ·. ' ' ' ' ' ', ' ... ' ._,, " ' ........ '\ j , ' ' '' -~ ' ... ' .,, ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ... ' ' .pG, ', ' ' ' ' ,. MO-EDICTED P!IIDII.OJUin PLUME IN SEIECIID PIRJODS FOR MDOEI. LAYER 5 SCENMIOZ WITH MASS lOADING ~ Modai-INIIctllllfilft.hlon~lil ... _M/11 ..... ....... ... .., &OID:.OO .......... -.... • 0 0 <· ... () D D D ar.,~CGtlod CllyotRtllto fay.tiii:MI~dl! fo!GM W*f ~IIIY -&Doky -Co- 'WIIIl*!nWtterDiiflrtd llnMI!"C&bvndi or lain Flp1reS6 MODEL-PREDIC'Ja) PIIICHLOIIATE PWME IN SEIECT!D PERIODS FO~ MODEl lAYER 5 saNAIII04 Willi MASS LOADING -Mod~·rNCI~d ....O.bralf: Caftm ll't mi~n C"'ILJ OtDlO ....... ...... i0101()() ..... u City of..,_ 0 OtyofiUitto e (ltyflfiUwnlllle <· FOIIItanaw.tRr~ • _.. ...... -CaopnJ c ~'Wieyw.rCHIIrk:t SpracA-IJGroundtot.._.fl D Ui()..Acn!hrcel D _ ... D Mlllf.V.Icy Setlbry Lln.MII / Fonner Bunter Sb Flpre57 ' ' .. ' ..... •. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ',, ,, ' ' , ... , .... ,, \ ' .··-I \ \ .... ' ~ID I \ \ ' t..,...o " ' ' ',J ',', "1, " \ I \ \ ·fl", ·, ' -EDICTID mDtUIMTE PWME IN SBICIID PERIODS FOII..xJEL IAY£115 5CBIAIII01 wmt MASS I.OADIMG ,. .. 40 ... .. .., &0.100 -lDD111;J:OO () 0 ~~ .. ..;. () D D D - DlyafCottar~ dlyafla•tiD CllycriRiverslde- FOnbM"hterCompanr Mcdii.O.Iqo -c...r-.. 'wr.tWieyWt .. r ~Arta. ~GIIVUndsorBnla ---.. ... __ ... dill Fawlwluft..,Sbo Fl1ure 58 .. MODEL-PlEDICTED PEIICIII.OMTf PWME IN SELECTED PERIOD5 FOR MOOnlAYEIIIi 5ClNAIII04 wmt MASS LO.\DIN6 .lll:laWQli --.. --M/1.1 ... ,., ''"""" ...... 001111100 10019200 ->200 (!) OtyofCollon 0 CtyofOiollo • OtyafR!venlde v FonQaJ W.ter Coll'l,. • ............ --c Wesl\'.tlq'w.tarDIIbtd. ~4ilacnlhot1Min 0 --0 _,., 0 _.....,.,_...,._, fOf'IWf8I.MIIttSIIIt Flpne5!il l.O.C.IS l'ftJIIIftltlf:OI ..... ~~~l!IU.z-.'11 .. ~.Gml0flt(JS'4gortsw.rf8, • ..._ ~ ~IWitf'IIIN -... • 0 (i) + + () r ; IIACitWMD PARTICLE TRACKS SCDIAJIIOl ~ Clly.rColloo otvoflllleo Clty'af!IIRnlde fontala water Company ftlleeks&Daley w_.,_, MCIIItllciii!M•mal'l•lhril •nd~ WeRIAIIev'WiterDI:Arlct lildMird Parti£1e:Trada Ftam W!i!IS (lOIS.,lDSO) 01D5.,....S 5talD¥&B 1011:115v-t lStaJU,_. 2011C125'1'dn Z51D3D.,an !10to • .,eli5 1::::) ........ -.......... -..... Flsure 60 ,. __ J ....... n. MI,Jrlooj.alfll'llan.PI-1-z-ll •»U.G~C.SCm~as.,....,....,.,.c. AII!Wib_., '"" ..... ' 1 ! ! "-"" .... • 0 0 +· • <I 0 BACKWARD PIIUITIClE TUCKS SCENAia02 -aty•fCollcn Cttyof'NIII» CltyofNwenlde JoMIM Wlltlr Company Metts&~tY WMttCo~ny MDI'Mdta Pbm01W Pllrll 1ndMortulr;' wm v.lleyw.ter Dlnrtd: IKbiMrd Plll"ttd ~ Thu:lcs From Wells 12015\'02050) DtoSyears smto.,..rs 101D15Yftll'l 1Sto20yeers l01D25ymB lS1D30yews JOWl5'1'0'1 FIKUre 61 I '\ ••i• t -·--·····---· ·--·· . ··--··-r.. ..... -.:+-=-~---=~~-~----!..c ~~:--~ -! . ...... INI!f: f4 t.Uip~SU.MIM1Mt,l.or.e '\l. • -.I,CIIC.C!Illa-...S!nbl,lr~~t. AI Hila-""" -.... • • + + () c IACXWAIID MlmCLE 11tAC1CS SC£NARI03 -"""'"'"'"" """'- QlyCif~ fo ... 'WaWCompar.r M .... &DILIIf _.,_, M~M1rnD111Ihrtc ..... '"""' Wilt VJI.y Wllbr Dr.ar1d IIKbMtdhnfdl''bdlsfiM\Wtls (201SID2cdol o-.s.-rs s•UII'fl'ln: 1.0 _15.,... 11 ...... zo•n.-rs ZSDJOyan JOtoJiyars Ficure &Z i- t _ .. _ .. _ ·-. ~-···----.. ~ ..t~ ... --------~---·5: ~-~. l·D•c.-15 ~rU~DIL M .... ~NM"'*l'JJJ,lo•\1 .... ... • ]D!J,.&KISIZIKII ............ Ifle • .wlftl!lb~ ..... ... PIIDir:tlW: MODlLB.INI OF,.IIIAI.TOoCOI.'ION IMINGl!IOUNDtiMQD MDDIL • 0 G -~ .. + ~ 0 BACKWARD IWmCL! liiACICS SCENARI04 -OtyofCcltan CllyoiR- cttvf:Jf~· ro.t.,.. ... tr~ -·--·-Man~ettto Memorial P.tl: II'ICIMortuart w.P v.~., WMn DlsWt ltildrwllrdPMX'Ie'hc:lu:f~W.lls (2015 to 1050) OtD5 ,.-. Sto JOyeen 1Dto lSyan 15to10ywrs 20toU,_D 2$to30y.ID 10tol6,ats TABLES GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/WISt Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctllll! Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwmr Model Assumptions for Predictive Model Scenarios Model Scenario Hydrologic Period Cactus Basins Spreading Groundwater Pumping Scenario 1 • Anticipated future production subject to the 1961 (Baseline Run 1) 1978-2013 No Decree (FWC not included) • Lease Agreements Scenario 2 • Anticipated f uture production subject to t he 1961 (Baseline Run 2) 1978-2013 No Decree (FWC included) • Lease Agreements • Varies each year depending • Anticipated f utu re production su bject to t he 1961 Scenario 3 Decree (FWC not included) (Project Run 1) 1978-2013 on SWP Availability • Lea se Agree me nts • 2,670 AFY (Basin s 3 and 3a) • Extraction of stored SWP water • Varies each year depending • Anticipated future production subject to the 1961 Scenario 4 1978-2013 on SWP Availability Decree (FWC i ncluded) (Project Run 2) • 2,670 AFY (Basins 3 and 3a) • Lease Agreements • Extraction of stored SWP water 1 -Dec-15 GEOSCI£NC£ Support Servk:es, lnt- Valley District/West Valley/Gocl*ich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctlw Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Owner Well Name City of Colton EW-1 City of Colton Rlalto-3 City of Colton Colton-15 City of Colton Colton-17 City of Colton Subtotal Avera1e Annual Groundwater Pumpifll City of Colton Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Model Initial Adjusted Based on Input Model-Calculated Water Level [acre·ft/yr) 2,742 2,565 200 200 251 56 707 159 3 ,900 2,980 Scenario 3 Model Input Note 3,072 Emhart Lease 237 County Lease 103 290 3,701 GEOSCIENCE Support s.m-, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctlw Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Grounclwllter Model Owner Well Name City of Colton EW-1 City of Colton Rialto-3 City of Colton Colton-15 City of Colton Colton-17 City of Colton Subtotal 1-Dec>lS Average Annual Groundwater Pumping City of Colton Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 2 ScenarioZ Model Initial Adjusted Based on Model-Calculated Input Water Level [acre-ft/yr] 2,742 2,742 200 200 251 202 707 570 3,900 3,71S Scenario 4 Model Input Note 3,251 Emhart Le ase 237 Cou nty Lease 249 701 4,439 GEOSOENa SUpport 5eMces. Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rlalto/aty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Owner Well Name City of Rialto F-49A Clty of Rialto Miro-2 City of Rialto Miro-3 City of Rialto Rialto-3 City of Rialto Rialto-5 City of Rialto Rialto-6 City of Rialto Subtotal 1-Dec.-15 Average Annual Groundwater Pumping City of Ria Ito Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Model Initial Adjusted Based on Model-Calculated Input Water Level [acre-ft/yr] 1,600 1,600 0 0 112 39 1,897 1,588 757 108 0 0 4,366 3,335 Scenario 3 Model Input Note 1,897 County Lease 0 County Lease 59 County Lease 1,940 County Lease 248 0 4,145 GEOSCIENCE Support .S.rvl111s, Inc. Valley District/West V•lley/Gooclrich/C"Ity of Rialto/City of Colton P~lcthm Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model OWner Well Name City of Rialto F-49A City of Ria Ito Miro-2 City of Ria Ito Miro-3 City of Rialto Rialto-3 City of Rialto Rialto-5 City of Rialto Rialto-6 City of Rialto Subtotal 1-Dec-lS Average Annual Groundwater Pumping City of Rialto Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 2 Scenario 2 Model Initial Adjusted Based on Model-Calculated Input Water level [acre-ft/yr] 1,600 1,600 0 0 112 96 1,897 1,888 757 575 0 0 4,366 4,159 Scenario4 Model Input Note 1,897 County Lease 0 County Lease 116 County Lease 2,240 County Lease 715 0 4,969 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West V811ey/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin 6roundwater Model Averace Annual Groundwater Pumping West Valley Water Dlstrla Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Scenario3 Model Initial Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Model-calculated Model Input Input Water Level [acre-ft/yrJ WVWD Rialto-6 3,065 3,065 3,634 WVWD WVWD-10 0 0 0 WVWD WVWD-11 0 0 0 WVWD WVWD-16 627 222 338 WVWD WVWD-17 0 0 0 WVWD WVWD-24 351 124 189 WVWD WVWD-33 1,062 375 572 WVWD WVWD-54 1,000 1,000 1,186 West Valley Water District Subtotal 6,104 4,786 5,918 l·Dec:-15 Note UTC lease GEOSCENCE Support SIII'VIces, Inc. Valey Di$trict/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R181to-Colton Basin Grot~ndwater Model Average Annual Groundwater Pumping West Valley Water District Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 Year 2015·2050 Scenario 2 Scenario Z Scenario 4 Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Modellnitiallnput Model-Calculated Model Input Water Level [acre-ft/yr] WVWD Ri.alto-6 3,065 3,065 3,634 WVWD WVWD-10 0 0 0 WVWD WVWD-11 0 0 0 WVWD WVWD-16 627 538 654 wvwo WVWD-17 0 0 0 wvwo WVWD-24 351 301 366 wvwo WVWD-33 1,062 911 1,108 WVWD WVWD-54 1,000 1,000 1,186 West Valley Water District Subtotal 6,104 5,814 6,947 1-Dec-15 Note UTCLease GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Vall~y District/West Va lle y/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predld lw Model Runs of t he Rillito-Colton Basin Groundwat~r Model Averap Annual Groundwater Pumping Fontana Water Company Wells for Scenario 1 and 3 Year 2015·2050 Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Scenario3 Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Modellnltlallnput Model-calculated Model Input Water level [acre-ft/yr] FWC F13A 1,542 1,542 1,542 FWC F13B 1,718 1,718 1,718 FWC F15A 1,089 1,089 1,089 FWC F49A 1 ,086 1,086 1,086 FWC F10B 1 ,971 1,971 1,971 FWC FlOC 1,795 1,795 1,795 FWC F10D 216 216 216 Fontana Water Company Subtotal 9,417 9,417 9,417 Note GEOSCIENCE Support s.rvlats, Inc. Valley District/West Velley/Gooclrkii/City of ~Ito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Grounctw.ter Model Average Annual Groundwater Pumping Fontana Water Company Wells for Scenario 2 and 4 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 2 Scenario l Scenario 4 Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Modellnitiallnput Model-Calculated Model Input Water Level [acre-ft/yr] FWC F13A 151 144 144 FWC F13B 168 160 160 FWC F15A 106 101 101 FWC F49A 106 101 101 FWC F10B 193 183 183 FWC FlOC 175 167 167 FWC FlOD 21 20 20 Fontana Water Company Subtotal 920 876 876 1-Dec-15 Note GEOSOENC£ Support SeMces, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/aty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwaur Model Average Annual Groundwater Pumpins Outside of 1961 Decree Area for Scenario 1 and 3 Year 2015-2050 Scenario 1 Scenario 1 Scenarlo3 Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Model Initial Input Model-Calculated Model Input Water Level [acre-ft/yr] Subtotal Regulated by 1961 Decree 23,787 20,517 23,182 City of Colton Colton-22 2,500 2,500 2,500 City of Colton Colton-23 2,500 2,500 2,500 Meeks & Daley Sperry 81 81 81 Water Company Montetito Memorial Park and Barton Rd 103 103 103 Mortuary City of Riverside Johnson 4 2,700 2,700 2,700 Subtotal (Not Regulated by 1961 Decree) 7,884 7,884 7,884 Rialto-Colton Basin Total 31,671 Z8,400 31,065 Note GEOSCENCE Support Servlca, Inc. Valley Dlstrkt/Wut Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictiw Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Average Annual Groundwater Pumping Outside of 1961 Decree Area for Scenario 2 and 4 Year 2015·2050 ScenarloZ s~enario 2 Scenarlo4 Adjusted Based on Owner Well Name Modellnitiallnput Model-cal~lated Model Input Water level [acre-ft/yr] Subtotal Regulated by 1961 Decree 15,290 14,565 17,231 City of Colton Colton-22 2,500 2,500 2,500 City of Colton Colton-23 2,500 2,500 2,500 Meeks & Daley Sperry Water Company 81 81 81 Montecito Memorial Park and Barton Rd 103 103 103 Mortuary Clty of Riverside Johnson 4 2,700 2,700 2,700 Subtotal (Not Regulated by 1961 Decree) 7,884 7,884 7,884 Rialto-Colton Basin Total 23,174 22,448 25,115 1-Dec-15 Note GEOSCIENCE Support Senrices, Inc. V.llty Dllttkt/w.rtV.IIyf-....cW./Cftf .t Rlall.fdly _,c:.lbNI flrellkllnModel._oP ..... III-CotlenlulnGI'MI ....... Mod•l I WoiiNomo Pllmpin& I~~:.::. t::: I I Subjo<tm ,..,.:~ Borton Rei 1961 Docree CltyofR"""'Id• John"'"• _, ~ltonllolnTotol Annuol Groundwot" Pumplnl for 5a!narlo 1 2015·2050 Tabta12 m• we 2ou 20b 1 zou ZD>a :mJ. 10Z2 20zs ~ ~ ~ --"'!!_ _..,._ ~ zaaa :1031 ..... ...u ~ ~ C74: C74: '.74: !.74: 2,US U7ll 2,017 2,!115 I,DD5 ...... 1-"''"" 1,900 o.aez 1,701 0.577 5,470 5,314 Ut1 01110 0,115 5.1112 5152 --·2D••I•~•2Dm--~ml~m;~~~~~~~~~~1·~~~n-Bwi~M :1.500 __M wtmt~=1~=-,~~=w•~'~'m==tm=tm 2.700 :1.700 ~700 ~700 :.700 ,700 ~700 2.700 1.700 ~700 2.700 1,700 ~100 ,700 ,700 .700 :.700 2.700 ~700 ~~~~-~~·~-~~~-~PI•~~~~~-~~~ POII,Jelof2 v.e~ey~v.•r~ot.a."-/Dtr .tc.tt. .. ,.,..._ .. _. ... _,._ ... ~ ...... 5 .. uM..n.r Mell .. .:::. .,..,.. --- ' IAose I ''A CouhtYLCI .. I I I """l'lnl W.)Ktl<l 1ti1Dec:ree: _WO/WP _IWC_ ........ 1"'.:;~~ I .. ~.:.:::'!: .. -Rd l!IJ1DtcrM <llyoiRIWr>lde Jolwuon4 ·-~~-· :W4 :lOSS - 20C 20C 20!1 3,0t1 1.041 ),031 ii.4U ._ &,AQO ..... 4,751 4.751 ..... . .... • .. ~:!._ :zo,ao 20020 ...... 11 103 103 103 ,700 ~700 ~700 7,184 ·~· ..... Allllllll ,,_.ltor """"*"fo< -1 2015 -2050 .... --:1040 2041 20a 20 2 ,901 2,1SI ..... ..,.. 2.n1 ..... ~'· QQ 00 ..... .. ... .... .. S,lZI ..-:&.f75 ..... ~ ........ <USS 4,158 ..... . .... . .... ·~· f.417 ..... atMU 20,tte -11,705 10-a;zoo ., 11 ., 103 103 103 101 ""' 103 ~700 :&.700 !,700 ,700 ,700 ,700 • ••• 7.114 7114 7,111! 7-..... Table12 041 -li045 ..... 2041 ..... -:11150 AI& ""' 20C 200 200 1,103 2.U7 2.475 1,1!1 1,l01 ..... ..... .. ... ...., !)() 00 Zt17 ..... 2.775 :&.AI 1,!51 z.zoa 1,W un a, an 4002 ,055 ~ .. .... . 4,015 ..... ..... ..... 4,780 . .... '.Al'~~ ..... '""' I,W t.417 f.411 ·~· 1&17 ...... -it 1*-Ml 17,Mt 17,asl 17,615 17,61!5 20,517 _11_ II 11 103 103 103 103 103 101 10> 10> 103 ,700 1,700 2,700 ~700 !,700 :&.700 !,700 ,700 ,700 7114 7,114 , ... 4 ·-7.114 7,114 7,114 7,114 7,114 GEOSCIENCI SUp,.r11erve.. line. v.u..~~~~.,•~flleldtt•~ JllrNid:~tM.;el._llf .... IID.C:..._._..,,......,M ... .I :::.·. ow-: WoUNo .. - ~ 1-& .... El ffii-'""'Prnr ""'Joctto ~ suso.cn. ~ fWC- ....... ,, .... ,_by111L-.o) tB: ~Rd SubjecttD .:=~:. 1Ml0et ... CltYof...,slde Jo""""'' ......... Annual Grau•dwllt.r PUmplnrfGr s..onorla z wu-21150 Z1115 ZD10 ZD17 aMI 2011 mzo 2D21 211U 21121 3,17.1 !,051 1,071 1,111 1.241 ..... ,_ ,_ 1,100 U21 1,411 ...... 11,1117 -~· 4,07.1 ..__ ...... ... ... ..... ..,.. ..... .,_ _s,m 11\706 '--·-l,llN 702 7ZG n1 ""' 77Z ... -IZII IZD '11-...... .... .. U,MZ I >2,7o• ...... 1...-u.uo ..... 103 103 10> ,.,. 103 103 10!1 103 "" 1.700 2,700 C700 """ 2,700 2,700 2.700 ,700 """ . .... ..... . .... ·-..... ..... . ... . .... ··- Poplofl ZIIU ZDJ5 . _ll>al 21127 21121 ~ .. aGIO ZOll ,.,_ :IOU .... ..--..-oo 1.100 .... ,_ I.IOG -1.100 ~ ~ ... .. .. ~ ~ ..... .... .. .... ...., ~ ~ ...... .. .... ~ ~ ...... 4,104 1.104 U04 1211 ... ~ ... IZO --. .., IZD 1211 no , ....... 15.110 , .... ~ UoltO ......., lu.aa li.zoo 1J,DQ ~~ . 15,210 "" 103 1<ll 103 103 """ 103 103 """ )Oil _2.1ll<l_ 2.700 ,,.,. __l.""'. __l.""'. __l.""'. 1.700 2,700 2.700 ~700 ..... 7,114 ..... ·-..... ·-•••• >.-·-..... ___ .....,_ .. ._,..,... ...... ,.. ..... Mffitl ...... ~ .... ,,_.....,~ .:::: """"' WoiiNomo Note I I Dtyo =~ QtyofRooMoSUMohl I -... ) ...... 1111 Decree WVWD fWCIII-1 5ub!D!oll_l_l ~--• City of( I I ... ) ...... .. ~onno~~:,, Banon Rd ttfl DKN• -· .......... lbyUilD.,..I Annual Gto~~~~dwalllr P11111plnc for SC.nerlo 2 ZOl5 ·Z050 20M -.... '"''" -•• ..... """' 20U ...... ~--..... ....,., ..... ..... ..... 1,900 uoo ...... oi,H& ... '""' ..... 4.11"" .... , ... u 1.JOI 6,10< ...... 1.-100 ""' "'"" . .-··-...... ..... 1:10 120 ... no ezD !nO_ ... no 120 15,290 15,210 15.210 . 1$.210 15,:!!"_ 15,110 1l2SO ....... ~· 10J 103 ,. 1Dl 1011 ,. 103 1011 103 >,.700 2,700 2,700_ 1,70() >.700 2,700 c700 Z.700 2,700 7,104 7.- ,_ , .... , .... ,_ , .... , .... 7 .... Pop 2 of2 Tldlle13 D4S ..... 2D4S -1007 -Jbet 2llSO Aw& ..... ... .. ,.... J,755 .... 1 ~-S.21Z J.u• 1,715 .... ... .. 4,M7 4.»A ..... . ... , ..... 1.511 ...... ..... &,100 f,07S 5.111 $.MJ ..... ... ... _ -~· ...... I2D . .., 11.4 ... ... ... ,.. , .. .,. 15,110 u.:oo 15210 ... .,.. 1!1,114 ...... .... " 12,J71 1(.1115 ,. 10> ,. 103 103 '"' ,. 103 103 2,700 ~700 2.700 2,700 C700 ,100 1,700 .. ,0 ,700 , .... , .... , ... , .... , .... , .... , .... , .... 1.- 8 105011'«:1 lupport ~Mc . Valley District/West Valley/Goodrlch/aty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Annual Proj ect Recharge in Cactus Basins 2015-2050 Table 14 Calendar Year Hydrologic Year Artificial Recharge [acre-ft] 2015 1978 5,000 2016 1979 3,000 2017 1980 5,000 2018 1981 0 2019 1982 5,000 2020 1983 7,000 2021 1984 5,000 2022 1985 3,000 2023 1986 3,000 2024 1987 0 2025 1988 0 2026 1989 3,000 2027 1990 0 2028 1991 0 2029 1992 0 2030 1993 3,000 2031 1994 0 2032 1995 3,000 2033 1996 3,000 2034 1997 5,000 2035 1998 5,000 2036 1999 3,000 2037 2000 3,000 2038 2001 0 2039 2002 3,000 2040 2003 3,000 2041 2004 0 2042 2005 5,000 2043 2006 7,000 2044 2007 5,000 2045 2008 3,000 2046 2009 3,000 2047 2010 0 2048 2011 0 2049 2012 3,000 2050 2013 0 Average 2,667 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. ¥111tor0Wrkt/W•.Cv.ity~-~.,c..M!M .,..,... .. Moii ...... ., .. ~....,. .......... -Meftl WoiiNomo CltyofColton "' otyof._ ... _ I I I otyof _____ _ -~lw1111Do atyofl ,~ ... .,.,.., Annuli Groundwater Puropl,. ftJr S..norlo 3 2015 ·10!0 21)15 .... 2017 .... 2018 -211t1 2DU 21120 ..... ..... 1,51! Table 15 U21 4,240 4,1117 1,215 U05 5,7t5 5 -o71 !,US 5,Z77 4,3!0 4,1AO 0,120 S Ul 5,m U19 HQ 1,575 4,415 4,A42 1,041 1, 09 c 348 D9 l,OOO l.OOO 00 ,200 1; 09 1,7c;. S,lll7 11.n1 4,5C 871! 1,111 7,KI 7J.S7 7,s7a ...... 5,1M ._.,. 5-5,l&& 5,051 ~7 4,1197 1,255 11.201 1,017 1,017 O,A17 I,A17 t,A17 9,A17 9,017 I,A17 1,4&7 9-417 O,A17 91A17 I 417 I,A17 O,o17 9,011 l,o17 l,o17 S,o17 ~1M~1~~~~1~WJ~1~~1~1~1M~1~~1M ,100 1,100 '1,100 1,100 ~100 '1,100 2,700 ,100 ,700 2,100 1,700 2,700 Z.700 .700 2,700 2,700 Z,100 ,,.. Z,700 v.a., Dktltc:tiW•atv.llq,._.JM/!Otf.tRirtfto.aat""C..... Prtlkt~tM .... IIIII• ..... ~ ............. tMaiW ::.::. awn.r Wei-- Annual Graun-Pulllpi"Cfor Sc.lariDI J015-2050 -zoos "'"" lllln zoas -......, "'" ""' Tllble16 .... 2044 -..... 2017 ---""" ..,. Ito o OlYoiiOII00-1 I,IQ 4.t21 4,111 Ul7 I,US .... ~· f,044 4,414 5,041 4,N1 .... 1,515 2,150 ~I ._ t.PI 4_S45 ~m•• ~~~~~~~~II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:!~~~~~~~~~~~~ ... ,. .... 1t61Dooroo WVW1l-._,.. .,.., un .,_ ....,. >.n• ..... 4.2U ua 7pos 1.110 ·~ ....., 4.1115 4,105 ...,. ... 5,11a 1,411 .,.., .,..7 ••u M17 t.417 11,411 .,..7 .,.., 1,417 1,417 .,.., o.u1 .,.., 1,417 1,417 o,.u1 0,411 ~-u•••-~•••-~m~-~B~~~n-~~··~a~~m ~~· ~~1oJ~1001~~•••-w•~~1~,~~Witmtm :voo 2,700 2.700 2,700 1,700 2.700 >.700 2,700 2,1'00 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2.700 2.700 2,700_ ~700 2,700 ~~~·~~·~~~·-~~M~~~~~7M•~~ Pop2of2 v.a.r~v...y~}ttlr-IIWki/DtJflilc:.e.. ,.......,.~---~ ... ..........._~ :.:.'! WoiiNoftiO Qlyol' ~ .. ~i-1 Pwnpln& Subject to 11110tc:r44 WI/ FWC.SU-1 -I (Jtopatod I ,,..., .,.._, =-Slt~t· M:::=.,. ··-·d au..._ City of~ -· -I ,.,a.,.-..) Rlo_O .... Totol Annualliroundw.ter Punoplna for Sr:enariD 4 2015 -2050 :1015 2011 211117 1011 21119 211ZO :m1 :IOU .... 21124 ua .... _. S,tU "'" 5,507 ..... 4.714 4,714 ...... ...... .. ... 4"1 U07 5115 ..... UIS -s.rn 5,177 ._ ... '"i 1,050 4,141 ..... 7,111 ...... ..... 7,rll 1,m ..,_ .. 10:1 7211 717 711 1n ... 1211 I :Ill "" 1211 16,045 14.tla 17-015 1Z,2112 17,701 2UI1 -· ...... ...... 15-l90 103 103 ••• "" ... '"' ... 101 ... 103 2,100 ,100 """ ,100 ,100 2,700 Z,100 ,100 ,700 ,700 ..... 7.114 ..... _7._-, .... 7.114 ·~ ~ 7,114 ..... TMN111 .... 2021 21027 ...... 21129 211130 :11111 """' 211Si ._ ... 4.714 J,JDO ...... ..... 4,714 ...... 4_.710 4710 u " s.m .... _ "'"'" "'"" s,m .... s,m 5Z77 4,UM 7,1l11 IJ-100 1,100 . .-7,171 .,~ .. 7,171 7,171 ... '"' ... tzll ... ... ... flO no '5,2!10_ ...... lS.UO ...... 15,200 11,210 IS,ZfO 10,2!10 .. _....,_ LlOO 105 103 10i 101 "" 101 , .. ••• 103 ~100 2.'100 ~100 2,100 Z,100 2.100 2,700 2,100 2.XJO 7,114 ..... _7_ 1-414 ..... ..... ~4 7,114 ~ Vei...,Oiittrkt,fW..tV.~_, .. ._IIIII/OIJ.,~ ""kWIMW ... _ _, .. ~ • ....._.,_,_.Mocftl = --!W.l. ,.,...,, .... ~ ~ I I'Um~ Subject to 1JI1Doc,_ PW<;- ·-(loaPI-.1 ... Uf1Docne) -Sub;.ctto .. ::.:~"!: .. .. ....... 1J51DK,_ John..,• , ...... ) lllofto.ClollonloolnTOIII -s.&96 ..... .. _ .... .... - ,.,. _>.:roo ·- ..,.. .... ... .... 1010 -..... . .... _ ..... ... .... ....,. <lo7k 4.714 ...... 5,277 1,2)7 4,110 ~m 5,177 165 .. ... 7,171 7,/RI ....... ..... .171 ... ... .. "" •• ... -U,ttO Sl,aiD ~ -U2t0 ., 103 101 -'"' 10> ""' 2.71>0 2,700 2.700 2.700 voo "00 ..... . .... ..... ..... ··-..... Pace 2 of2 3041 -ou ZD44 ............. ---Ava ,74: ., ,078 3,696 1,015 ,742 3,2SJ ...... ..... 5,100 ..... ~ 4,170 UIU .... ,. " ... 1,155 ..... ., ... ...... . ..... ..... r.ut S,1ZS ... 1,127 "sao ..-..... 55 ..... ·-1,071 ..... -·-7155 ua ..... Llt7 .... 5,147 t:IO ... ... .... !M ... ... .... .,. -m n . .aa -ZJ.DD -u,aJ4 177111 11.-~~,~. u,au 1Z,I7l n .zn 103 103 103 103 ,.. 103 '"' "" 103 103 103 """ ~-"00 !,71>0 2,JOO 2.7()0_ ,700 .700 ,700 ~-~700 ·-..... . .... . .•. ·-7,114 ··-..... ..... ·-7,114 APPENDICES GEOSCIENCE -~~--~ 'v APPENDIXA1 GEOSCIENCE's Responses to UTC's 21-Sep-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model Runs TM GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs ofthe Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Appendix A1 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO UTC'S 21-SEP-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM UTC's Comments GEOSCIENCE's Responses For each i ndividual Scenario, wer e singl e pumping rates used for each w ell for the 2015 Variable pumping rates were used during the -2050 period or did the pumping rates 2015-2050 period. Tables 12, 13, 15 and 16 were change from year to year based on projected added in the Final TM showing annual pumping water levels? Additionally, If annual pumping amounts for each individual well under each rates were varied, can tables be included in Scenario . the report showing the pumping rates. Is the annual artificial recharge data shown in The annual recharge shown on Figure 7 is Figure 7 actually historic data or is it data that assumed based the hydrology of the p redictive wa s calculated; and was the volume of period. The recharge r ates in Scenarios 3 and 4 artificial recharge used in Scenarios 3 and 4 were varied from year to year during the 2015- varied from year to year. If recharge was 2050 period due to the variation of hydrology. varied, can tables be included In the report Table 14 was added in the Final TM showing showing recharge for each year. annual project recharge amounts. Please further explain the underlying concepts · In the calibration model, there is an add itional behind the "Wet Years Recharge at cactus recharge of 57,000 ac re-ft at cactus Basin du ring Basin .. that's shown on Figure 12. It appears the period of Oct 1982 through Mar 1987 to that the volume of assumed recharge is based account for the additional recharge in very wet on data contained in Figure 6, but this source years. This component was included in the areal of recharge is not clearly explained and recharge in the Final Calibration TM. However, It doesn't appear to have been considered in the was separated in the Draft Predictive Model Runs Initial model calibration (see Figure 73 in the TM. In order to keep the terms consistent, Figure Flow and Solute Transport Model calibration 12 was revised in the Fi nal Predictive Model Runs Technical Memorandum). TM . The text states that a percentage of the total In Scenarios 3 and 4, 100% of the recharged volume recharged was apportioned as water was pumped o ut at certain wells regardless potential pumpage at certain wells. Was this of predicted water levels and comparison to the done regardless of predicted water levels and 1961 Decree. This point was further clarified in comparison to the 1961 decree? Section 2.2. How does the additional perchlorate mass loading approach used in the model account The same amount of perchlorate mass loading for the anticipated reduction i n vadose zone was assumed for each event to evaluate the perchlorate mass over t i me? In other words, worst case of the contamination. This point was is the amount of mass loading assumed to be further clarified in Section 2.4. the same for each mas s loading event? Al-1 GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Appendix A1 6. 7. 8 . 9 . 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO UTC'S 21-SEP-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM UTC's Comments GEOSCIENCE's Responses As assumed, the pumpage for Well EW-1 would Why is a reduction in pumping shown for Well not be reduced until the pumpages for Wells EW-1 rather than Colton 15 or Colton 17 Colton 15 and Colton 17 are reduced to zero. under Scenario 1 (Adjusted Based on Model-Table 2 only shows the average annual pumping Calculated Water level)? Is this consistent for the entire predictive period. Table 12 was with water rights agreements between Emhart added showing the pumpage for each indivi dual and the City of Colton? year and the pumpages for each well are consistent with the assumptions. Due to uncertainty of the future pumping, on the 23-Jul-15 model workshop, the group decided to The pumping rate shown for EW-1 under pump out all the project recharge at Cactus Scenario 4 (3,251 acre-ft/year) exceeds what Basins in the project scenarios using Colton, Rialto, and WVWD wells within the 1961 Decree we understand to be the water rights boundary. This additional amount of pumping conveyed from the City of Colton to Emhart. The pumping rate should be capped at an will be distributed proportionally to Individual amount equal to the conveyed water rights. wells based on the Pumping Assumption Table for Scenario 1 co lumn 2 regardless whether it is a remediation well or not (see 23 -Jul-15 Model Workshop Minutes Section 4 last bullet). The pumping rate shown for Rialto-6 under Scenarios 3 and 4 (3,634 acre-ft/year) exceeds the currently available groundwater treatment See the response to comment No. 7. capacity at this location. The pumping r ate should be capped at a maximum of 3,065 acre- ft/year under all scenarios. We would suggest using consistent nomenclature for the different Scenarios throughout the text, tables and figures . For This comment was incorporated In the Final TM . example, only use Scenarios 1, 2, 3, and 4 rather than also using Project 1 and 2 and Baseline 1 and 2. Al-2 GEOSCIENCE ""'7""" Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model Appendix A1 GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO UTC'S 21-SEP-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM UTC's Comments GEOSCIENCE's Responses 10. We would recommend inclusion of additional Per this comment, GEOSCIENCE conducted 1-Dec-15 figures showing particle tracking zones to each particle tracking model ru ns for each Scena r io. pumping well for each of the four Scenarios Results were summarized the results in t he Final ove r the projection period . TM Section 3.4. Al-3 GEOSCIENCE ~ APPENDIXA2 GEOSCIENCE's Responses to City of Colton's 22-Sep-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model Runs TM GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model AppendixA2 1. 2. 3. 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO CITY OF COLTON'S 22-SEP-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM City of Colton's Comments GEOSCIENCE's Responses Figures 8 and 9 show the mass loading approach for correlating perchlorate Input to water levels. I understand Figure 8, where GEOSCIENCE revised mass loadi ng assumptions t he high rate of assumed mass loading and re-ran the models. The changes in mass cor responds to a high synthesized water level. loading assumptions did not have significant However, I do not understand why the impacts on the model results. assumed mass loading is assigned to a period of low synthesized water level in Figure 9. On the bottom of page 4, the perchlorate concentration graph for CPW-17A and B is discussed. It is mentioned here that the concentrations from the project 2 prediction run are much lower than the concentrations in the baseline 2 run. I see almost no difference Th is comment was incorporated in the Final TM in the two curves from 2015 to 2040. After Section 3.2. 2040, the project 2 concentration curve drops to 2/3 the value of the base line 2 curve, but it is still well above the drinking water standard, and at least a f actor of ten higher than it is today. At the bottom of page 10, and the top of page 11 the text mentions non-synthetic perchlorate in wells Colton 15 and Colton 17. These non-synthetic perchlorate levels are This comment was inco rporated in t he Final TM low, in the few ug/l range. It is relevant that Section 4.0. the predicted future higher levels In Colton Well 15 are due to synthetic perchlorate from the upgradient perchlorate plume . A2 -1 GEOSCIENCE -:::v- APPENDIXA3 GEOSCIENcE•s Responses to County/Geo-Logic Associates' 9-0ct-15 Comments on the Draft Predictive Model Runs TM GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model AppendlxA3 1 . 2. 3. 4. 5. GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO COUNTY/GEO-LOGIC ASSOCIATES' 9~CT-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM County/GlA's Comments on Model Inputs GEOSCIENCE's Responses Did Valley Distri ct verify that the bas ins are The proposed Project recharge occurs during the capabl e of holding both imported water and high dry season from April to October. This will avoi d storm water runoff during the same "wet'' year? impacts on Flood Control's operations. The maximum percolation rate used for Project What assumptions are made about surface water recharge was 1.8 ft/day. This is well below the percolation rat e of 5.6 ft/day f rom the results of percolation rates? t he infiltration test conducted for t he cactus Bas i ns 1 and 2 (West Valley Water District, 2012). Will the recharge program potentially affect Flood See response for Comment No. 1. Control's retention requirements? Is it reasonable to assume that purveyors will The primary purpose of the Project recharge is to simultaneously increase groundwater pumping increase the basin yield In response to declini ng water levels in recent years . It is our opinion that i t rates during especially wet periods when would be reasonable to assume tha t water consumer demands will be reduced? What is the purveyors need to increase the yield from the ba sin effect if there is a delay between recharge and wit hdr awal? to meet water demands, regardless of wet or dry years . At times when groundwater levels are reduced This is a basin management i ssue . Guidelines for below the two trigger levels identified in the how this operates will be discussed among the Court's 1961 Stipulated Judgment, will the purveyors and established. For the purposes of this purveyors be able to simultaneously Increase study, "put and take" operation is assumed, I.e., pumping during that same year? Won't they need Project recharge is recognized as a "banking to wait for groundwater levels to r ise? Or will practice" that allows purveyors to pump out the recharge be recognized as a "banking practice" recharged water shortly after basin recharge, that will allow purveyors to pump shortly after independen t of the 1961 Decree. basin recharge efforts are initiated? 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE ~ A3·1 Valley District/West Va lley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basirr Groundwater Model AppendixA3 6. 7. 1. GEOSCIENCE'S RESPONSES TO COUNTY/GEO-LOGIC ASSOCIATES' 9-0CT-15 COMMENTS ON THE DRAFT PREDICTIVE MODEL RUNS TM County/GLA's Comments on Model Inputs GEOSCIENCE's Responses Has sensitivity analysis been performed to evaluate plume migration if some purveyors do See response for Comment No. 5. In add it io n, per not partidpate i n the banking program? Simi larly, t he discussion at a previous conference call , given have analysis been completed to evaluate plume the unknowns of future pumping and pending behavior if, in response to the banking program, development of the operating rules, it was conservatively assumed that certain recharge will purveyor pumping deviates from historical average occur based on the availability of SWP water. pumping practices. The Draft Predictive Model Runs Technical Memorandum (TM) only lists the average annual pumping for each individual well. In the Final TM, Assumptions regarding the City of Rialto's pumping annual pumping for each well was shown (see Final schedule, particularly for Rialto Well #5 are not TM Tables 12, 13, 15 and 16). In the years when clear . Typically, Rialto Well #5 is not expected to water levels are below the second trigger level in the pump when groundwater levels are below the 1961 Decree, Rialto 5 and Rialto 6 would be first two second trigger in the Court's 1961 Stipulated wells to be reduced . Judgment. Rialto pumping is also more likely to occur at CR-3 or the Miro wells if needed for the The pumping for Rialto -3 (CR-3) is 2,297 acre-ft/yr perchlorate remediation. and the pumping for M i ro-3 is 112 acre-ft/yr under no restriction conditions. Pumping for M iro-2 is assumed to be zero based on the records from 2010 t o 2014. County/GLA's Comments on Model Outputs GEOSCIENCE's Responses Model output should be provided that identifies changes in perchlorate concentrations at following The model-calculated perchlorate concentrations wells: Production Wells: a. Rialto 3, Miro-2, Miro-3, F-49A, F-13A, F-13B through time for these wells were plotted and and EW-1. shown in the Final TM Section 3.2 . Discussions of b. Monitoring Wells: M-1, M -2, M-4, M-5, M-6, t he r es ults wer e added as wel l. N-13, N-18, N-20 and F-32 . 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE -=:::y:;"'" A3-2 APPENDIXBl Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the .Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 1 and 3 without Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West V..,/Goodtido/City of Rialto/City d Colton Predlclllol! Model Runs d the Rlalto-Colttln linin Groundwater Model • Oh$t'1VQd. --C:.;iflllt;tt oon 4,500 -~e l'l~rJfr 1 Scenario 3 4 ,000 3,500 .... l g 3,000 ~ s 0:: ~ 2,500 .g J 2,000 ~ :. 1,500 1,000 . 500 0 - 2000 2005 2010 2015 l~ec-1 5. 2020 CMW-ZA I ~l ~~ )''.-. ' . ' ~" : .. ;· \ •.· I M txk!l!.;~yer l I ,. , , CD :I D. r-5C 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m .... 81-1 GEOSCIENCE Support SeNICM, IIIC. Valley District/West Valley/6oodridi/City of Rialto/City ol Colton Predic:tive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton &.sin Groundwater Model CMW-lA 5,000 • Oll,oM'O -C.itltb rcui iD R -~~ 4,500 --scrm~tlo 1 Scemtt1o3 ~·. 4,000 ~<·-.: 3,500 l Model Layer 3 j 3,CICIO l ~soo 0 .... .. 1ii A 2..000 ~ .. Q. 1,500 .. ·•· 1,000 • 500 A > , 1 e: 0 )( 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20l!"> 2030 2035 2040 2045 w;u Ol ..... 1~15 81-2 GEOSCIENCE SUpport 5enrices, Inc. Valley District/West V•...,/Gooclrich/City of Ri811o/City of Colton Preclcllve Model Runs of the RWto-Coltcn lasln GI"CCUndwatH Model PW-2 20,000 • Observed --(;JiiOriJIIoro /,f :~~ 18,000 --~ce n~r1o 1 Sct~~a r ia 3 ~··.,. 16,000 ~"< 14,000 ~ Mod~l l.3yer i3 l g 12,000 ~ ~ c .. ~ 10,000 0 • '"' i Ji 8,000 ... a; a. 6,000 • 4,000 •• 2,000 ~ , II :I D. 0 --·· ;c· 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 aJ .... 1-o<!<:-B 81..3 GEOSCJfHCE Sll ppon SPM!:ti, In'- Valley Dls1rl ct/West V•lltviGoodridllatv of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctiw Model Ru ns of the Ria lto-Colton lllosin Grou ndwater Model PW-3 1,000 • Observed Calibration I rf.:-~~ -Scenariol Scenario 3 900 ~ ·-.. 800 ~~:·\ ............ . .. .. 700 ... Model Layer 3 l c 0 ~ ~ 1: 600 .. ... 1: 500 " !! I! .e .I: ~ :. 400 300 200 -~ I, ,. 100 • ~ ~ ~ • ._t ~ CD ••:J ~ = ~ Q, 0 •• ;c I 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20 25 2030 2035 20 40 2045 2050 al ~ 1-Dec-15 81 -4 GmSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. 81-5 GEOSOENC£ Support SeNICH, Inc. V811ey District/West Vdey/Goodrkh/City of llielto/C!ty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Riei10-Colton Basin Grounclwl1er Model EMW-OSA 1,000 • Oh>ef'o'ecl --ca~brallon 900 -->ce ~no l 5cen~riD 3 800 700 ~ l Model Layer 3 ' ·;: i 600 ' ~ ... . --·· • ~ 500 8 B j 400 f:l l 300 200 100 .. > ~ ~ e :::) a. 0 ' --.--iii' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2'025 2030 Ull5 2040 2045 2050 Ill ~ l-4lec-iS 81-6 GEOSOENCf Support SeMc:es, Inc. V*Y District/West V•lley/Gooclrkh/City of .u.fto/Cily of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rqlto-Colton llasln Grou~ Model EMW-OSB 1.,000 r.. • Observed --C:a lo~rJt~M I ,~. 900 --st~nario 1 St.E'IIaiiO 3 ~-· . . . 800 ~ "<··· .. : 700 ... Modf!l lS\''i!!r !I l f .. !!: 600 0::: .. .. 500 0::: 0 u I .2 .z= t! 400 .. ~ 300 200 100 > '10 'C 0 :I CL 0 -.---;· 2000 :.roos 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 CD ~ 1-~-15 81-7 GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. v•~ev District/West Valley/Goodrldi/City of RN!Ito/aty of Colton Predictive Model Ru ns of the ~ Basin Groundwater Model EMW-OSC 1,000 • Ob$1!1VI!d --C:;:~hbrat l on ~ ~· 900 --SCto M rlol s~no3 ... .. '• BOO ~ ~ :--: ........ ~···.: 700 . -~--··--- l Model Layer 6 c. 600 .2 c ~ 500 g v .. ~ 400 l: ~ .. ~ 300 zoo 100 » ., 1 ::J Q. ..... 0 ... X zooo 2005 2010 2015 2020 20~S 2030 2035 2040 )Oil!i 2050 Ill ...... t.~·U B1-8 6EOSOENCE SUpport SeMces, Inc. Valley District/West Vall/lt/Goodtridi/Citt of lu.tto/Oty d Colton Precllctift Model Runs afthe .U.Ito-C.oltonllesin 6roundwat6 Model EMW-04A 1,000 r.===================;----------- • Qb)e'l'\'i!t; --Callborar.cn 900 --.SCen~no 1 SCI!Jl.i!fl<l 3 800 700 _, l & 600 .. t!! ... c l!l c 500 8 j s: .. .. :. 400 300 100 0 -1-----..---=~~r---=;--- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 81 -9 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1 a. 5C IJI ... GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcu,lnc. Valley District/West Valley/6oodric:h/City of Rialto/City of Colton Precl"octive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 900 800 700 .... ! i 600 ''ill .. i .. :! 500 8 ! j 400 ] 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 I 2020 EMW-048 2025 81-10 2035 ~··· .. :\ ~ , .. Model Layer 5 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport 5el'vlces, Inc. Valley District/West V*t/Goodtidi/Crty of ~City of Colton Predictive Model RuM (If the RWto-Colton lltiioo Groundwater Model ... l c 0 i i s c: 8 j ~ ~ :. 900 SQO 700 wo sna 400 300 200 100 • O b~!!i'W!d --.SCef!D rjc) 1 -Callbratltln St:.l!narit~3 EMW-04C 0 ---.---,- 2000 200 5 2010 2015 2020 2025 61-11 Mod el L.lyer· 6 --;-----,---, 2030 2035 2().4() 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support ServiCQ. Inc. valley Dlstltct/West vra.v/Goodl'dt/aty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R11ho<olton 8ll5in Groundwater Model PW-8A 1,000 • Obs erved --Calib ration --Scenario 1 Scenario 3 "-,_ ... ·• 900 ' " " ·,, .. 800 ........ ,. .. "'-..-· ... · .. \' ~'........,: . ·.' ,,~·.: 700 l Model layer 3 c 600 0 I 1: 8 500 ~ " !I I! .Q .., t 400 Q. 300 200 ,. 100 "1:' "1:' Cll = Q. 0 ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m ~ 1-D«-15 8 1-12 GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Valier DiWict/West Valiflv/Goodrich/CJty of IIWto/City of Colton Predlctlw Model R11ns of tile Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 800 700 ... l & 600 .. I!! .. c • u c 500 0 u I R 400 .!: ~ .. D. 300 200 100 0 2000 • Obs~NEd --Sce nanol • --Callbratlor' ~Ct!nllrll'll /.' / ... . - 2005 2010 20 15 2020 PW-88 2025 20 30 2035 81-13 2040 r-- 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valey Dls1rict/WestValey/GooclrldVOty of lllalto/Oty of Colton Pr.dictlve Model Runs of the R181to<obn aas;n Groundwater Model PW-8C, PW-80 and PW-8E 900 BOO 700 ... l c 0 ~ s 600 c II ... c 500 ~ ! :! :i I:! t. 400 300 200 .. 100 -• 0 -.-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 1-Dec-15 81-14 Model Layer 6 --·---,-- 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE SUpport SeMces, Inc. V*Y Distrkt/West V..,/Goodtrid>/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictlw! Model Runs of tile Rialto-Colton Basin Grouncl-ter MocW WVWD-22 (Intermediate Aquifer) • Ob~NVI!d C~librmhon 900 --~cen;ufo J Stj!n~r l o 3 800 700 ... l l 600 I!! .. c • .. c 500 0 u I Jl 400 • • .c ~ .. A. 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 B1-15 ... 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIEIIC£ SUpport SeiVIces, Int. Valey Olstrid/West Valll!y/Goodrldt/City af Rialto/City af Colton Predidive Model Runs afthe lt181to<olton Basin Grounclwa1er Model WVWD-2Z (Upper Regional Aquifer) 1,000 r.=======================:;-----------r.:t-~,~-......... ~-~ .... fl' '· -.. ---........... 900 • BOO •• • 700 .... l c -8 I! ~ § 8 .21 I! .s ~ ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-()eo.lS • Obs erved --Scenario 1 • 2005 2010 --Ca li bra tio n -Sce na rio 3 2015 2020 i...f.:·o ' ~ "-:.. -., : .. " " . ' ~ "'·. . '~, ' I J • ." .. ' ~ :-,-. --~ ' ,............_ ~ · .. ,.· \ ........ ,, ~ Model Layer 5 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 81-16 GEOSCIENCE SUfiPOrt Servlcn, Inc. Valley District/West V•lllry/Goodrlch/City oflli*o/City of Colton Preclctive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Groundwater Model EMW-03A 100 !!>'-~ I • Observed --Calibration I ·t::. '-, 90 Scenario 1 Scenario 3 ""'-t_Y.. ~. • -....., '~·,, . . ~ .. \ 80 . . \ ... \ ............. •.• 70 ... Model Layer 3 l r! D 60 = I! 1! fl 50 0::: 8 i Jl .1: ~ Ill 40 IL 30 20 \ ,.. 10 'a 1 ::II ca. 0 '-;c .- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20 25 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m - 1-o-15 61-17 GEOSOENCE Support Services. Inc. Valley Dlstrtct/West Va ky/Goodittdt/Ot'f of ~Ito/City of Colton PreciJctlw Model Runs of the ru.lto-Colton Basin Groundwa1er Model EMW-038 100 O~ff'led -Ci!llbmion ___I!] • u~·· -Sc:enaoo 1 Scenanol ·.f!J 90 . .. ~ w' . - 80 ... 70 ~ Model layer 5 l i 60 i .. :! so 8 ! j 1 l 40 30 20 10 ~ 'g ~ a. 0 ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20~5 2030 ".ro3!t 2040 2045 2050 CD ~ 1-Dec-15 81 -18 GIOSO ENCE SUpport s.Mcles, Inc. Valey Distrltt/West V*'f/Goo«idi/Clty ofm.lto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs ofthe Rialto-Colton lla*l Groundwloter Model EMW-03C roo~========================~--------------------~~~~~--~ II ·-~ '' -........ ~i:I ·o ~-~ 90 80 70 ... l c D 60 I § so 8 I .c ~ :_ 40 30 20 10 0 2000 • Observed --Calibration Scenario 1 / _, . --------. Scenario 3 r 2005 2010 2015 2020 - 2025 2030 , 20 35 "-.. . . " '-......_ ~--·· .. > \ ~ ~··· \ Model Layer & 2040 2045 2050 f i " m ...... 1-Dec-15 81 ·1 9 GEOSQENCE Support Servlc:Q. Inc. v.ney DlstJ1ct/West Vdey/Goodrtdv'Oty of Rielto/Oty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the ~on Basin Groundwa1er Model EPA-MW9A 1,000 ~0~ • Obser Ye d -Ci!f lbnlklll 900 SGHiano I Sc c t~~~~l(,3 800 ~~:· .. :\ 700 ..... ! Model Laye r 5 .:: 600 .2 ! § 500 8 • !! .R ,,& i a.. 400 300 200 • • )o> 100 "1:) "1:) ~ j Q, 0 M' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2D3S 2040 2045 2050 Ill .... 1-Dec-15 61-20 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West V*w/Goodtrich/City of Rialto/City of Coltooa Pr.didtve Model Runs Df the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model EPA-MW9B 1,000 II • Ob~~rvt•cl --CallbF~I Ir!ft r_f .. ~~ sc~nar l o 1 XeJiaric 3 900 ~-G>·.' •.. ' 800 ~~\ ~ ... .. 700 ... l M od el~y er 6 c .2 .. :! ~ 600 .. .. 500 <: 0 u I I! .5I ~ ... 400 a; a. 300 200 100 ,. "0 1 :I D. 0 ,-,-iC 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 20 35 2040 2045 20 50 m ... t •DH·l5 61-21 GEOSOI!NCE Support SeNices, Inc. Valley District/West Valey/Goodrich/Oty of Rs.lto/City of Colton Pndittlve Model Runs of the RWto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1,000 PW·SA and PW-SB 900 -Scl!nilllo l Scenario 3 800 700 _. ! c.' 600 .2 i ., ... 500 ~ 8 .. ~ I • D. 400 3.00 200 • • • 100 0 2000 2010 2015 2020 2025 81-22 Model layer S ,. 2030 2035 2040 2045 GEOSOENCE Support Senrkes,lnc. Valley District/West Vll!.y/Goocltlch/City of llilb/Clty of Colton Predktlw Model Runs ofthe R~tto<olton a.sln Ground _ _. Model PW-SC, PW-SD and PW-SE ..... l & ... I!! .. c: s c: 8 j .&. .. ... :. 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 • Ct.l«-tvr-d --S.Cenor10 1 • 2005 2010 --ull bt·;Uia~ 2015 2020 2025 81·2.3 r 2030 Mod!!l l &yel 6 2035 2040 2045 : 1 ~· c. ;i;" 2050 ~ Valey District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City crf Colton Predicti~~e Model Runs crf the Rlelto-Colton Basin Gtoundwatar Model EMW-OlA 1,000 ~~ • Omor ~!!d --C~I Ibt i!Uon u~ ... !>cen a rl ~> 1 St~Hitlo i " : .. 900 ~' 800 ~: ... 700 .-1 Mod~l l..iiyer '5 ) fi 600 ~ i .. ~ 500 ~ ! i 400 I 300 200 100 > "C "C .. ./ = Q. / ;c 0 -··--.-·r- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Ill .... 1-Deo-15 81-24 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Servlc:es, Inc. Valley District/West V....,/Goodrkh/C:It'{ of Rialto/City of Ct>ltan Precictlve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Blosioo Groundwater Model 1,000 900 800 700 ... l c .2 .. :! ~ 600 fl 500 0::: " I Jl .c ~ 400 a. 300 200 100 0 j 2000 • 0~~1/l!cl Sceno1lo l ~005 2010 --Ca l•brnl I o n 5C'enar!_nJ 2015 2020 EMW-018 2025 2030 2035 2040 B1·25 2045 ... .. \ ~ 1 ii ji( 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support Servl-. Inc. V*'t DIS1rlct/West va~/Gooafdt/Oty cl Rialto/City cl Colton Pn!cllctlve Model Runs cltha R'-lto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 1S/SW-3AS and 15/5W-3A6 1,000 r.=======================;----------r.GJ~::::::--"""""":::--1 • ObSttV!ld --CeTtb r<1 t 10n u~ .1 • _ 900 --Stc-•wlo 1 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 j 600 e w c fj 500 c a !! ~ .R. -s i 400 300 200 • 100 0 . L ~ --.--·- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2050 ~ 'X ~ a. ;c · CD - 81-26 GEOSCIENCE !MippGrt SeMces, Inc. VIIUey District/West Valey/6oodrlch/City of Ri81to/City of Colton PrM!ictive Model Runs of tile R~lto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model ... l c .S! .. I! 1!! u .. 0::: 0 u !I I! .S! ~ ~ Q, 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 • Ob$etveG --Sc.enurlo 1 2005 2010 2015 1S/SW-3A7 ,. ' Mo del Layer & ~· ,. "&:1 1 -------------------------------------J :::J D. ;c· 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 !! 91-27 GEOSOENCE Supp011 S.rvlcat,lnc. Valley District/West V .. ey/Gooclrldi/City of !Uito/City of Colton Preclldiw Model Runs of tM RJMto.Colton Basin GI'Oia'ldwater Model Rialto-6 1,000 rr===========.------------;f;:::::;;-""':;:------.::.........._:::::-~·. • Observed --Calibration . [" . -.. -........_ --Scenario 1 Scenario 3 "-'" '', '· ,-·: ... " 900 800 700 i c 600 j § 500 8 a I! t 400 - 300 200 • ' . ' . ', ,, ', 0 . ' ~-~~···~--'\ ~ --...., •.. Model Layers 5, 6 and 7 0 ~~~----~--~----~--~~--~~~;=~~====~==~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 loOec-15 81-28 GEOSCIENCE $utiPart SeMces, Inc:. Valley Distri~West V*'t/Goodtrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Preddlw Model Ruru of tile Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwtter MocW PW-9A, PW-9B and PW-9C 1,000 -r.========================:;-----------r.=-"""'~:-----,~::--1 --C.1llbrallm1 ----!?= I ~. ·• SCt!tr'dTio 3 J .... ·' \ '- Model lay er S • • ~ • 2010 201 5 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 > -a 'tl (I) ::J CL );" m ~ 6.1 ·29 GEOSCIENCE Support SeNicer.lnc. v.-.y District/West Valley/Goodrldi/Ctty a1 Rialto/City of Cotton Pmidive Model Runs of the Rialto-colton Basin Grounclwa1er Model PW-90, PW-9E and PW-9G • Observed --Ca li bration 900 --scenario 1 Scenario 3 800 700 ... l r! GOO ! I! ~ § 500 8 fl I! J! 400 .1: l • 300 200 .. 100 / • 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 l·Deo-15 81-30 Model layer 6 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. V811ey District/West V•hy/Goodl1ch/City of RWiio/City of Cotton Predctlve Model Runs of the Rialto-colton B1sin Groundwater Model PW-10A and PW-108 l,OOO ir===.=o:b:s01:'1'fd======::_::_::_=u=llbR=t:IO:n==:::;-------------,~~. -.:::::;:------..;;::::::----, Scen atiO 1 Sce naflo3 '--'~.: :· 900 800 700 ... l r! .5I i 600 8 c 500 8 J 400 I! :. • • 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 ~ - 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 B1-31 ~·· ~ "Z--.:\ Model Lay e r S 2040 2045 l 1 i iC 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Vallrf District/West V*'t/Goodtkti/City of ... o/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-colton Basin Ground-Model PW-lZA and PW-lZB 1,~ r;::=:=:::=:=:=:::::=:=:=:_=_=_=~:;e:l::::~::=;====~----------------------,,-~-·-~~~~,·-:·'~'·~.---.-~~=---~··~.1. .......... ·,, '......._ ., ' " ' ~~-~~co·: ....................... · .............. : -...--- ' \ Model LayerS 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 81-32 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valey District/West Vlley/Goodrich/Clty af Ri.no/City af Colton Predictive Model Runs afthe RWto-Colton Balli Graundwaw Model 100 10 •• EPA-MP8A through BC 0 +--------r-------,----~·~ ---.- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 B1-33 -.- 2035 -.------..--- 2040 2045 2050 Vllley Dlstr1ct/West V .. '-v/Goodr1di/City of Rillito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton a.sin ~Model EPA-MPSD and SE ~ l i ~ I! 'E • ~ 3 .! II 15 -'= ~ :. 100 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0 • Observed S~n~rfO ] •••• --C~I•b raoo11 Sc.enarlo l ~-----.-----...-----.----.- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1~15 B1 -34 Model Layer 6 -.--r--.-------r- 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senllces, Inc. Valier District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of RlaltG/City of Colton Predlctiw Model Runs of the RlaltD-CD!ton Basin Groundwa~ Model PW-llA and PW-118 1,000 900 800 700 ... l c 0 600 ~ 1: 8 c 500 8 I ~ I! l 400 300 200 100 0 2000 • Ob$!!1\ied SC!!n ~rfo 1 2005 2010 -t ~!jbration k e,.ario 3 2015 2020 2025 2030 81-35 ··· ... \ Modt:1 l.aye.r S 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley Dlstri~ Valley/Goodrldi/City of Rialto/City of CO/tOll Pl'ecliclhe Model Runs of the R181to<olton Basin Graulldwllter Model PW-llC, PW-110 and PW-llE 1,000 ~" 800 700 ... l c ~ I!! 1!! 600 § 500 B ! I! i ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec-15 • Observed --Scenario 1 2005 2010 --calibration Scenario 3 2015 2020 I 2025 2030 81-36 2035 ,. -, ·. ~ ~, ,, ..... ·""' ' .. . '"'-·. . . ·~. -.. , ... .-e .. -~. ~ "' ' \ "'--"'-. ·.: \ Model Layer 6 ... 2040 204 5 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senllces, Inc. Valley District/West Velley/Goodrich/City af Rialto/City af Colton Preclctive Model RUIIS of the Rl81to-Colton Basin 6roundw8tet Model EPA·MP7A through 7C 1 -Deo-15 --calibration Scenario 3 •••• ~ 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 81-37 Model Layer 5 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE SUpport Services, Inc. V .. ley District/West Valey/Goodrich/City of RWto/City ol Colton Predictive Model Runs of the llilllto<attcn Basin Groundwllter Model EPA·MP70 and 7E 100 90 1 1 80 70 ~ l c .g 60 e! ~ 8 c: 8 so i ~ I;! l. 40 30 20 10 0 2000 1-Dec-15 • Observed --Scenario 1 ... --calibration Scenario 3 2005 2010 2015 2020 I 2025 81-38 Model Layer 6 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENa 5upp«t Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valfly/Gcodlidi/City of lhllo/City of Colton PredlclhleMoclel Runs oftbe Rialto-Colton Basin 6roundwllter Model CPW-16A through 160 1,000 ·-~~ . . ' I • Observed --calibration I ~ -Scenariol Scenario 3 900 . . . "" . ' 800 ~ :··c, \ ~··· •.• 700 _, l Model Layer 5 & 600 .. e! .. c 8 c 8 500 j ~ II A. 400 300 200 100 ~·-• ., 'i ~ ::II -a. 0 ;c· 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2 035 2040 2045 205 0 ID .... 1-oec-15 8 1-39 GEOSCENCE Support Servlca,lnc. Valley Dlstr1ct/West Var..t/6oofJttldt/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs oftfle Rlelto-Colton Buin Groundlnter Model CPW-16E through 16G 1,000 I • Observed --Calibration I --Scenarlol Scenario 3 900 800 700 ... l r! 600 .g e! ~ § 8 500 • ! 0 400 J! ~ :. 300 200 100 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 1·Dec:-U 81-40 Model Layer 6 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc.,, Inc. va~ DistriCt/West V*'t/Goo«ldi/CJty of m.lto/City of Coltan Predictive Model Rims oftt. Rialto<olton Basin Groundwater Madel 100 PW-13A and PW-13B 2030 2035 Modet l..iiyerS 2040 2045 > 'a 1 ::II A. ;c 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Servi-, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rlalto/Oty of Calion Predicthle M odel RuN of the Rillito-Colton a.sin Groundwater Model PW-148 and PW-14C 100Tr=============================~------------------------------~ • Observed -Calibration --Scenario 1 Scenario 3 90 IZ1 -..... ........ r. -.r;: ............... "-. 80 ·"' LJ -: 'c · • '-,., "-.. ' .. ( \• . ' '-....~ '. . . "- ' 70 ~ ·~"~:-··--.'\. .J r · l '-...... "'~; ' c 60 -! I! Model Layer 5 ! ~ 50 8 ! :1 4 0 I! • l • 30 20 10 0 +------,----~--------~-----,~-----r------~------~-----r------.-------~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 81 -42 Valley District/West Vdey/Goodrich/Clty of Rialto/City of Colton Predlc:tiloe Model Runs of tile Rilllto<oltorl Basin 6roundwlter Model CPW-17A and CPW-178 90 80 70 .... l i :;::; !l 60 c: ! so c 8 i 40 .c I:! u Do. 30 20 10 0 2000 • ObseNed --Scenario 1 • ••••• --Calibration Scenario 3 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 203 0 81-43 2035 Model Layer 3 2040 2045 ,.. 'U ) Q. 5C 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support SeNt~ Inc. VII ley Dlslrlct/West V.lley/Goodrtch/City of Rillito/City of Colton PtedlctiYe Model Runs of the Rt.fto.Colton Basin Grounctw.ter Model CPW -17Cand CPW-170 --Calibration ;-............._ ........._ , 100 ~============================~-------------------f2f~"~.--~,~--~., .. Scenario 3 "-' l : · . · . ''.., -..........., ~-'• .. · ·,,, ' c """ ... "<;_--• •' _,_ • ' " ' " ~ '~··P. \ Model Layer 5 , 2015 20 20 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ,.. , , ~ ::J D. ;:c IJI ..... 1-Dec-15 81-44 GEOSCIENCE Support Setvlces, Inc. Valley Distrkt/West Valley/Goodrich/City ofi!Wto/City of Colton Predktlve Model Runs of the Rielto-Colton Basin Groundwater Madel Colton-17 100r.=========================~--------------~-r.~~--~--~ / ;-··-m. ~--"' ~ l·Dec-15 --Calibration Scenario 3 r~fllli • • ...!!-\" ... I .-- 2010 2015 2020 2025 81 -45 ~···>, ~~·a:\ Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 ~-~ :~11 I I I liiC ' "-------' - 2030 m ... 2040 2045 2050 203S GEOSCENCE Support services, Inc. Vdey Distrkt/West Valley/GooclrldVOty of lli8lta/Oty of Colton PrHictive Model Runs of the Rialto-colton Basin Groundwater Model Colton-15 lOO T.===========================~--------------~--(1~~~~---. --Calib ration ··. r··k} ~ ~- 1 -'t :. CJ ' . · Scenario 3 '' ...) ·· · ' ...... . . ' ' ""' ' ' "· ', ,, ... ~~-.. ~ · .... <\- ~ ''·,_ .•. ¢" \ Model Layers 3 and 5 ~-- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 l ·Dec-15 81-46 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Vdey District/West Ve/kr/Goo«lch/CKy of Rialto/City of Coltllft PredictNe Model Runs of the IIWto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model ... l r! 0 ~ 1: 8 c 8 I ~ l N-5 ~ooor.====================;======~--------------~~~~~~--~ • Observed --Calibration · -Iii ""'-. '-..,__ . 900 800 700 600 • 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 I <;) ' ' ' """ '-..,__ --Scenario 1 Scenario 3 ~--' ::. _ '\. -~ .. ' • ·n. • • 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 ~ -~.·.-: .. \\ ~ ~-·;· Model Layer 3 2040 2045 2050 ~ l ;c ID .... 1-Deo-15 81-47 GEOSCENCE Support Services, Inc. v•~ev Dlsttlct/West V*'f/Goocttich/Oty of Rlalto/Oty o1 Colton Predictive Model Runs ol the Rillito-Colton lllo5in Groundwater Model 900 800 700 ... l c .5! .. I! 1!! 600 21 c 500 8 I ~ ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 ~. 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-Dec-15 F-6 ,- 2020 2025 2030 2035 81-48 Model layer 3 2040 2045 I • > "C 1 a. :;c· 2050 ~ Valley Distltct/West V*'t/Goodridi/Clty of Rialto/City of Colton Predidiw Model Runs of tllo!! Rialto-Colton Basil! Groundwater Model F-6AS 1,000 -rr======================::;---------~~-.:::::::::--o::::::::::-1 calibration . --~ • -Observed Scenario 3 ~~· _. •• -."' .· ·.. " ' ~~~··.: • --Scenario 1 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 3 c 0 60 0 I 1: 8 c 500 8 i .c: I! :_ 400 300 • • ' • 200 • ••• 1l• • .. .. , 100 ... . ~ ..... • 0 .. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f • ii 5C m ... 1 -Dec-15 81-49 GEOSOENCI Support Servlcm, Inc. Vdey Dlstrld/West V*'t/Goodrich/Oty of Rillito/City of Coftan Predictive Model Runs of the Rlllto-Colton Basin Grounctw.ter Model N-35 2,000 ~===================:::::::;-------:-. --~·1,.:--::: ......... :-: .. --~~____,. ''CJ;· • Observed --Calibration r -1 . ........___ ~ -Scenario 1 · Scenario 3 '' L...-. • • '·,'\. ' '·""" ·. ~ "-, ~ ~ · .... · '\- .....___ -~ · ... " \ '-.... ""' .. 1,800 1,600 1,400 l Model Layer 3 ~ 1,200 I c 1,000 ·•· 8 i .. • 600 .. 400 • 200 0 .p::~~~~*-----·-.. I , .. --. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Deo-15 81-50 GEOSCIENCE Suppon SeMces, Inc. 2035 2040 2045 205 0 t D. ;c m - GEOSCIENCE Support Servt-, Inc. v.-.y District/West Vlley/GoodrldtiCity of RJ.Ito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Ri-'to-Colton Basin Groundwater Model N-85 900 800 1,000 rr===========================~---------='.,.-~;_,~c--..::::::::::-.......,....1 • Observed --Calibration . ---kJ --Scenario 1 Scenario 3 '·~-~ : •. . . '_'-·' " .. " ""' ~ . . ~·. -""' . .-··: ·~\·-~ ' ... ' ..... , ......... eo;• 700 ~ l Model Layer 3 c 600 -8 i 8 500 c 8 ~ :1 ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 -•--. --. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f :I Q, ;c· ID .. 1-Dec-15 61-52 GEOSCIENCE Support Senlices, Inc. 2035 r:-.~~ ~~-·-. ~ .... l..J~ .· ~--.:\ Mot;lel l.<lyer S f i )i" 2040 2045 2050 !! Valley~ Valey/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlalto<olton Basin 6rounctw.1er Model N-12 1,000 • O~ErYed -C..-,IIbrailon r 1f:. -St:mario 1 kenarto3 ~J.e :· ... 900 "' ' .. 800 ~~··.~ \ 700 ... l Model Layer 3 t 600 = :! ~ ! 500 a ! .. .i -5 i 400 300 • • • 7 •• 200 J • •• > 100 ~ ,;, "' i ~ .. ~ Q. 0 , .. ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 ~07.S 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 OJ ... 1~-lS 81-54 GEOSCIENCE Support SeNICB, InC:. V., Dlsttict/W~ V.,/Goodr"tdl/oty of lhlto/City of ColtGn Preclctift Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llll5in Groundwater Model M-3-Zone 1 through Zone 4 2030 2035 (i) •• . .• Model Layer 5 2040 2045 . .. ~· 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servt-, Int. V .. ey DlstrlcVWest Valley/Gooclrldi/City of Rialto/City of COlton Predictive Model Runs of the Ri81to-Colton Basin Groundwater Model M-3-Zone 5 through ZOne 7 1,000 r;::::::===:=::====:=::=========;------------;?i" •. """'"-:::---............. ;;;:::::-_,..,...., .. ,-f: -., ............. 20 35 1-0ec-15 8 1-56 l /"r. ' ' '. . . . " ~G) .. ·• • "' ' ' , . '-·-~ ·"-;:,: • 7-···· . .'\ ~ '··, .. ~. ........... ' .. Model layer 6 2040 -.-- 2045 -r- 20 50 f ~ s:c· m .... GEOSCIENCE SUpport services, Inc. V .. .y District/West V .. .y/6oodrich/City of Ri*:o/City of Colton Predktive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton ll8$ln Groundwater MocW Rialto-3 1DO r,=============================~------------------f.l7'~--"~~ • Observed --Scenario 1 90 80 70 ~ l c 60 ! I! ! ; 50 " i J2 40 "§ t. • • • 30 20 • 10 • 0 2000 2005 2010 1-Dec-15 --Calibration Scenario 3 2015 202 0 2025 20 30 81-57 ----2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. APPENDIX 82 Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 1 and 3 with Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ Vdey District/West V*'t/Go4drich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Precldlve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llasln Groundwllter Model CMW-2A 5,000 rr================;----------------, I • Observed --Calibration I 4,500 --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) .. ·· 4,000 3,500 i .{ 3,000 i Model layer 3 • ~ 2,500 8 i ~ 2,000 a; D. 1,500 1,000 500 o -+""---'"'t"''--~.;....;: ..... _,_L ~ -,----. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 1.0.c>l5 82-1 2030 2035 2040 ' 2045 -., 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support 5erviCIII, Inc. v...., District/West V .. ey/6oodr1ch/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llllsln Groundwater Model CMW-lA 5,000 rr===========================~-----------------, • Observed --Calibration 4,500 4,000 .. 3,500 l t! 3,000 ~ ! 8 c 2,500 8 ~ i 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 --scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) I Model Layer 3 ..... • A ----r 0 +-~--~~~~~_.~ ....... ---., 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 l..Oec-15 82-2 )oo "CC 1 a. (' --r· :;<• 2030 2035 2040 2045 20 50 IJI N GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. v.-., District/West ValleJ/Gooclrtch/Citv of Riallu/City of Colton Predictive Model RLmS of the Rialto-Colton I8Sill Groundwater Model PW-2 20,000 rr=========================~---------~~~; .~ ..... ~::----.:;;~=-~· • Observed --Calibration JJ, 1 j~·~ -- --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ~ • • '\. 18,000 16,000 14.000 l g 12,000 ~ 110,000 8 I s.ooo I 6,000 4,000 2,000 • • •• 0 +----... ---~~-.... • • • •. 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-o-15 ~~~\ Model Layer 3 (\ -r--.----.-- 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-3 GEOSCIENa Support SeNices, Inc. Valley District/West Vall«y/Goodridi/Oty cf Rialto/City cf Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R181to<olton a.sin Gtounclwlter Model 1,000 + Observed -calibration PW-3 900 --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) BOO 700 ... l c 0 ~ ~ 600 .. 8 500 "' 13 ! I! i ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Deo-15 2005 ~ . •• r-.;:: 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 82-4 20 35 ~"'-..'. L .. J". ~ :-. ""' . . . ""' .. . ... I Model Layer 3 2040 2045 \ 82-5 t ••• ·"" ~ L_J •. : . ' " ' '-: . ·. "' ~~--~\ Model Layer 3 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servl-., Inc. VII ley District/West vdev/6oodtldt/City of Rlllta/City ol Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlllto-Colton BIISin Groundwater Model EMW-OSA 1,000 r.::==========================~--------r.=;l"""'~-:----~::::--1 • O~TYed --C:al1bntJOtt r;l · "-~·. ·, ' ...... Scl!llilrio l lM.:~~i M!fed I Scan;; no 3 [M;m Adde dl ~--' • ; • , '\. """ •.. " ~~ .. : 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 3 .i 600 ~ E .. ~ 500 !l i 400 l 300 200 100 '\ • 0 +-----~.-----=~,----~-. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ '0 ttl :::1 a. )(' OJ N 1-Dec-15 82-6 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc:es, Inc. Valley Olsdict/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Idaho/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto -Colton Basin Groundwater Model EMW-05B :,040 + ohserued Ld_it;rdlann — Scenario 1 I Mass Aod� S�cen trla 3 (Mass AddvEQ 900 gt 800 700 cf 600 500 s r 400 1' d a 300 200 100 0 ! 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 Model Uver 5 2040 D b G ;v ri x 2045 2050 i or. d 5 92-7 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcmr, Inc. Valley Dlslrlc:t/West Vale'f/Goo«ldt/City of .U.Ito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Modal -l e .g .. :: c J .. § :.;: ~ :. EMW-OSC ~~r.===========================~---------------r.~~--~~-. • Obs~m~e.d -C.IIbrntion ci . --Sl;en~rfo 1 {M.!~~Adde-d f Sc.elilllD 3IM<tJ~ Added) ~ •. : • , , .. 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o ~---.----,...------,--- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2030 82-8 ""' . ~ ~-·_ ~ "' ... Model Layer 6 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servllllls, Inc. Velley District/West Va lley/Goodrich/City of Ri*'o/City of cakon Predic:tive Model Runs of tile RW to-Colton Basin Groundwllter Model EMW-04A 1,1)00 r.===========================::::;-------- • Obs~~~~~ C<~IIIJ(atiQn 900 --s~en:a<I O 1 [1\'l(I;S~ Add ~~ S!:sn.arla 3 lMa~$ ADitftlJ 700 ... l c .5! ! 1: 600 21 r:: 500 ~ I ~ ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 '---- 2000 2005 2010 20 15 2020 2025 2030 2035 !VIodel li!yer 1 GEOSCENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Va k!f/Goo6ridi/Cty of Rialto/City of Colton Pred"octlve Model Runs of tM Rillito-Colton Basi~ Grounclwlter Model EMW-048 1,000 r;:=:=;::::::~====================::;------------r.=~l'"-:::::--~:-1 • O~rved --C~li b rniOII I ..... ·S . ' --Sc~narlo 1 1 Mass Added I S(.~na n o 3-(Mass Mded) ".. I. J \ • · " ~···.,. ' ~~--- 900 800 700 .... ~ Model Layers g 600 = ~ 'C: ~ 500 8 ! !! .i l ... 400 300 20 0 L':'--·· 100 -0 -' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20 25 2:0lD 2jll5 2040 2045 2050 > 'tl '2 ::) Q., 5C 01 "" 1-Deo-15 8 2-10 GEOSCIENCE Support Senrices, Inc. V*'f District/West Valey/Goodtidt/Cfty of Riallo/Cfty of Colton Predictive Model Runs ofthe Rialto<olton Basin Graunclwater Model EMW-o4C 1,000 r.========================:;---------?--.;;;:::::-~;;:;::;:--, •· O bsE'J'Ied --C<!ltbr<ll l!ln f. ... l i .. e .. c • " c 8 ! I!! .II .a: ~ .. Q. 900 . . . . --Sc.ena!lO 1 (Mas~ A.dd e<l) xenano 3 (Mass M~cl) ~\·.·G) •• , ~ ~.-.. : ... 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 o +---....---==:::;:===:r..~.,._ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 B2·l 1 ~ "'•.• Mod~ Llve.r 6 r- 2040 2045 2050 ~ "D • 1 iC' Ill N VII ley Dlstrld/West v .. ey/Goodrtch/City of Ri llto/City cf COlton Predictive Model Runs of the R .. lto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model 700 -' l c 600 0 ~ 1: 8 500 ~ 0 1..1 !I I! .S! £ .. .. a. 400 300 200 100 0 +-------r-----~~----~----~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1-De~lS PW-8A Model Layer 3 .- 2025 203 0 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-1 2 GEOSCIENCE SUP$10<t Services, Inc. Valley Olstrkt/West V*'t/G4odlidl/ctty of lli-'to/City ol Colton Predcdve Model Runs of the Rl•lto<olton Basin Groundwater Model PW-88 1,000 • Observed --Calibration 900 -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 800 700 .... l Model Layer 5 I! 600 J2 .. I! 1! 8 500 c ~ i J2 .1: ~ :. 400 300 200 • 100 . ~ • 0 '• . ..._ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-13 GEOSCIENCE Support 5ervi ca, Inc. V .. ley DisMct/West Vaky/Goodtlich/Clty of Rillito/City of Colton Predidive Model Runs of th~ Rilllto<olton BIKin Groundwatl!r Mod~l PW-BC, PW-80 and PW-BE 1,000 • Observed --Calibration 900 -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 800 700 -... l Model Layer 6 c 600 .g I! ~ ~ soo c: 8 a I! ~ ~ :. 400 300 200 100 + 0 a I I . I ~ ...__· ... -..... I I I ----.--..,.---.- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 l·Dec-15 82-14 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. v.aey District/West Valllly/Gooclrlch/Clty of Rillito/City of Colton Predic:tive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Grounctw.W Model WVWD-22 (Intermediate Aquifer) • Observed -Calibration 900 -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 800 700 ... l c .2 ~ 1: 600 8 !C 500 8 I ..c 1:! :. 400 • 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 B2·15 .. ... Model Layer 3 ,. \ "a "a ' II I :=I I ~ 2035 2040 2045 2050 Ill N GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Vakfv/Goodndi/City of &lto/C1ty of Colton Predictlw Model Runs of the RWW.Colton Basin GI'OUIIChmer Model WVWD-22 (Upper Re1ional Aquifer) 1,000 r.==================::::::;----------;3~:------:::::::::::-1 • Observed --calibration lf!.~'·:----...._ '~ 900 --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "'-. -: '• ; • • . . "" """·· '-. . ·,, 800 700 ... l c 0 -;::; s 1: t> ... 1: 500 8 !I I! :1 1:! :. 400 300 200 100 0 +----~----~----~--'~-~-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 1-Deo-15 62-16 2030 2035 " <· ~ --..... -·-. . . . ·-." . .......... '-.., . ' ""'-·"'..._· ·.: \ Model LayerS ~ i :I a. -. . ---=--. i --. >C. 2040 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support SerYices, Inc. Valley Distrkt/West V*'t/Goodlid1/0ty of Rialto/City of Colton Preclldlw Model Runs of the Rt.lto-Colton ...., 6roundwllter Model .... l i ! .. c • .. c 0 u !I I! .R ..0::: ~ • L EMW-G3A lOOr,=============================~------------------~~~~~--~ • Observed --Calibration • (· > 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 ' ~·. ·, -Scenario 1 {Mass Added) Scenario 3 {Mass Added) '"-1---' • • c.:5 · '\. «~.:\ \ 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 82-17 2030 2035 Model Layer 3 2040 2045 ~ 1 ~ 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Sel'lllces, Inc. Vlllley District/West V•ktf/Gt>odridi/Clty of Ri*/City ol Colton Predlctlw Model-ofthe RWto-Colton a.sin Groundwater Model EMW-038 100 ~==========================~----------------~~~--~--~ lr ... f l ~ • Observed 90 --scenario 1 (Mass Added) 80 70 _, l c 60 0 ~ i 8 50 c 8 a I!! .!I l Q, 40 30 20 10 --Calibration -Scenario 3 (Mass Added) l.f.•. ' ... ·.tS '· '"' . '. ·. ·-, "' . . .. " "-.;.-.:_· .. , .... , .\ -~ ... ·, ·... \ ....._ ..... - Model layer 5 f 0 ~-------.~~---r----~~-----,~-----r--~~~-~--~-~-~-=-~~~~~~---- ii -~ ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 82-18 GEOSCI ENCE SUpport 5etvk:es, Inc. V*'t District/West V*'!/Goodilcki/City of Rialto/City of Colt011 Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Grounctw.ter Model EMW-03C 100 ~============================~---------------;--~~~--~--~ II .. · r." . ............ . /: -~: -~ ~>:\ ........ ""'-•.• 90 80 • Obsi!IVed --Cal ibration Scenario 1 [Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 70 Model Layer 6 ~-------~---~==~~=-~~------~-------r------~~-----. r • 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Deo-15 82-19 GEOSQENCE Support Services. Inc. Valey DlstJttt/West Valley/Goodrlch/Oty of Rilllto/Oty of Colton Predlctlw Modelllllns of the RWto-Colton Basin Grounc:tw.ter Model EPA-MW9A 1,000 r;::=:;:::==;==========;========::;---------r.=~·-.....'=---:;~::::---, ~)-_, :. • Oh>erv.e-d --Qllb r~tlan cf :\ -Sc enatio 1 (111'..1:!.~ A!ld!!df ~;;oo] (Massl\ddt!d) ~ ~ ®·. 900 800 700 l 8' 'lW 600 rr i 500 s f • l .r; ~ l 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec-15 2005 2010 • • "----~·:·: . \ ~ "'-..•'.: Model Layer 5 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-20 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley Dlstrid/West V...,/Gooditidi/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictlw Model Runs of the~ ll8sin fiiroundwater Model EPA-MW9B 1,000 r.::==============::::;-----------;::;-,---:::,-~ • Observed -Calibration ~:l ··,j~ .-.~· ·· ~ . -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ~ 0 · . ' . . "' ~~:·::\ 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 6 { 600 e ,:; .. .. c 500 a .a e ..2 .1:! 1:! 400 .. Q. 300 200 100 0 ~--~----~~--~~~=;~==~====~===T====~--=~=-=--r---~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-21 GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Vd~ District/West V*'f/Goodt'ldt/City of Rillito/City vi Colton Predictive Model Runs vi the RU!Ito<olton a.sin Gtoui1Ciwat. Model PW-SA and PW-58 1,000 r.========================~---------"'F.'l"""""'~-0:::::::~~ ,~ cf :·~0· .\., • Observed --calibration 900 --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 800 700 .... l c .5! .. :! ~ 600 fl IC 500 8 II ! .5! .c ~ :. 400 300 200 100 .... 0 ~-~~---------.------~-----.r-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 1-Dec-15 82-22 2030 2035 ' . . ' ~. · .. ··,., " ,, ~."··:·.->,_- ' . • ... ........ .. Model LayerS f' ;- 2040 2045 2050 ~ "CC "CC CD ::s Q. ;c IJI N GfOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Vektt/Geodikh/C'rty of Rialto/City of Colton Pn!didift Model Runs of the llalta-Colton Besiol Groundw•ter Model PW-SC, PW-SD and PW-SE l,OOO r.:=.=o=bs=e=rv=e=d=======c=a=ll=br=at=lo=n====~------------:-.-:lf:;'• .c-• .~':::::, -~ .. ---.::::::::::---l -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ~. :: ·~: 900 800 700 • _, l c .g 600 • i 8 c 500 8 I ~ ~ :. 400 300 200 100 0 ./ 2000 2005 2010 l·Deo-15 • 201 5 2020 2025 2030 82-23 20 35 "'~ ·· ... >. ~ · ... ""' •.• Model Layer 6 2040 2045 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Servlclls, Inc. v.uey District/West V.AJ.y/Goodik:h/City of Rialto/Oty of Colton Prwcfic:tive Model Runs of the Riillto<olton Basin Grou...,_ter Model 1 t:t .5I ] ~ ~ .... :! I! .S! ~ .. Q., EMW-OlA 1,000 r;:::==========================;---------"'F.l r.l """'--.;;;;:::::--l • O bs erwd --CJjlbratlon f i' --........ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 ~--S:ccnano l (M!lfiS A1l'!J~clt Scen ano ~ j Mas~AdcfNl) 'Zt: : · . . " ·C9 . ' ~~·:: r 2025 B2-24 --.-·-- 2030 ... 2035 Model Laye r 5 ---T- 2.()~(1 ln45 2.CJSQ GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/WISt Vdllly/Goodtt'kti/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctift Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton linin Groundwater Madel 1S/SW-3AS and 15/SW-3A6 1,000 r.=======================::;----------1;":·--.:;:::::--"":-1 • Observed -Calibration · : ~t . · -~ --Sc•mario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ' L ! .. . " ~-, ·•· ··o ', "' . ., ~:··~ ' 900 800 ' ..... '"'-:- 700 ... l Model Layers & 600 ... I!! .. c .. u c 500 8 i .a .1: 400 ~ .. D. 300 200 • 100 ,~ o ~--....... --===--r------.-----...----,------·I 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 82-25 GEOSCIENa SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valey/Goodrldy'City of Rialto/City til Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlelto-Colton Basin Groundwllter Model EMW-018 1,000 r.=========================::;----------_h)r.r,---.........._'=---, i 1 • Ol:kl1!~d --Calliir.~tton I [jl~.· ·.-~. "'-...-.......... 11 --scenarto t ~M as s Ad d eli) Sct:nllriO 3 (M a·ss Ad dedl : ~--: ___ \ ~ , .. 700 ~ l_ Model layer 6 I c 600 • '.i! ............ i § d 500 B ~ .5I 400 • ~ 300 200 100 oJ--~--~~~·--~-~~==~~==~~.--~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 20 30 2035 2040 2045 82-26 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodtrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predidiwe Model Runs of the Rialto-colton lasln Groundwater Model 1S/SW-3A7 ~OOOT,===;=======================~------------~~-r.?'~--"~~ II • Observed --Calibration I / · r.: ~ ~ 900 II Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "'<... Lf-: ~ •. . . "'-· ·-...... ··~ . ·o ·. "- ~~: .. :\ 800 700 ... l Model Layer 6 c 600 1 I 500 8 I Jl i 400 :. 300 200 100 0 ~ ~ l 5C 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-1Jeo.15 82-27 GEOSCIENCE Suppoft ServiCIK, Inc. V1lley District/West Vl lley/Goodlich/Clty of Rialto/City of COlton Pl"edlct1ve Model Runs of the Rillto-Colton Bllsin GroundWiter Model Rialto-& 1,000 r.================;----------[f.~r.l:::;;--,,::::-,---.;;:........._::---....,. • Observed --Calibration ....._ .........._ . ·-" ............ --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "-• • , . '-.. "-.., ''. · .. '· ""-'· 0 . '-, .... .... ... '-.:--· ... -.. \ " ~· .•. -.......... ......... , -......... ~· ·.: ' 900 800 700 ~ I Model Layers 5, 6 and 7 c 600 1 f! 500 c 8 ~ .2 ~ 400 ~ : 300 200 100 0 ~ l a. 5C" 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1--o-15 82-28 GEOSOENCE SUpport 5efvlces, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrldl/Cily of lli*o/City of Colton Pretlctive Model Runs of the RQ!Ito-Colton Basin Groundwatar Model PW-9A, PW-98 and PW-9C 1,ooo r;::::=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:=::::;--------...... ,,....~,,--.~;;:::::--...,. ·· 1 • Observed --calibration ,_ ; 1 --~~~ • .' -...:....... ~ Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "' ~ "-. 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 r! 600 .!! 1! 1: 8 500 c: 8 • I 400 :2! ~ :. • 300 200 100 0 ---)o "D 1 ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 203 0 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Deo-15 82-29 GEOSOE'NCE Support Servl-, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of RJ.Ito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs ofthe Rlllto<olton Basin Groundwater Model ... l c 1 8 c 8 ! t t PW·9D, PW-9E and PW·9G 1,000 r.=====================~-----f'"---::~~-• Observed -Calibration -~ f_ ·.• . ,, --Scenari o 1 (Mass Addedl Scenario 3 (Mass Addedl "-:., , 900 800 700 600 soo 400 • 300 200 100 • • 0 2000 200S 2010 2015 2020 2025 82-30 ..... . . . ' '-...._ ':. ', '-...._ o . . ' "-<: •· '-"<:.;.. . • • ,.·· • • ~ -~ · ... --·------- 2030 2035 ~ '~ .. Model Layer 6 2040 ~ i ::1 a. -·--------s:c· 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCENCE Support Services, InC. Valley District/West Vllley/Goodrlch/City Qf RWto/Oty of Colton Predidlw! Model Runs Qf the RiWto-C.olton Basin Groundwater Model PW-lOA and PW-108 ~ooor.=============================~----------------~~~~--~~~ • Observed --Calibration r •· .1 !. . I ~ .. ~ ., • -SCenario 1 (Mass Added I Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ~-.J ' • • ' · ~: ··~ ··"'-~~· .. :\ 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 j 600 ! .. c .. .. c 500 0 ..., i • Jl 400 .1:: t! • • D. 300 ' 200 I 100 0 ___/ - 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20 50 82-31 GEOSCIENCE Support Servle~~~,lnc. V .. ey Dlstrtc:t/West V.lley/Goodl1ch/C1ty of Rholto/Clty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the RIMto-Colton Basin Graundwner Model PW-lZA and PW-128 ~~ r;==.==o=~=e=N=e=d===========-~=-=c=a=ll=br=a=tio=n========~----------------------.--~~:~.:1.'~~"~.-~--~~~----~ --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) :-...., l.J ·. • • · . "'-' " . . . \. ... l r: 0 ~ ~ 8 c ~ i .S! ii .. .. ~ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec-15 2005 2010 2015 2020 ',, . ·.. . ""- ·~· .. > ... , ··_@ ....... ' \ ... ' '"\, ........ , ... ' .. Model Layer 5 -~ ~ ~ 1 ~--~ 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 82-32 GEOSCIENCE SllppCirt SeMces, Inc. Valley District/West V•lflv/Goodttidi/Crty oflli*D/City of Cotta. Predctlw Model RUI\$ of the RJ.ItD<ofton a.sin Grounctw.ter Model EPA-MP8A through SC 100rr===========================~------------~-r.~~--"~~ • Observed -Calibration · .. £. ~ ..... l i ';:I £ c .. u c 8 I .s:; :! ::. 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0 2000 1-Dec-15 .. ~... ' scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) l_l · .• ·,., .. 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 ~ . ., 0 ... .. '\:" \ Model Layer S ,· 2040 ··.-· 2045 ~ 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support S•NJ-, Inc. Val ley District/West V'I!Mey/Goodil1ch/Clty of RW.O/City of Colton Precllc:tive Model Runs of the Rllllto<olton I8Sin Groundwatll' Model ... l ~ ~ .. c .. " c 8 .s I!! .!l .c t! .. D. EPA-MPSD and BE lOO r.=============================~----------------~~--~~--~ • Observed --Calib ration ·-fl ·,--...._ '--..,_ Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ,~· ~ : • .·.: · ~""' ,, ·~""" Jo '' 90 80 70 60 50 40 .. 30 20 10 •••• o +----.----...,...----, 2000 20 05 2010 2015 -.---- 2020 2025 62-34 ''-..' ~ 0 •• _ ., ""' ""'· ... ""' ,_ Model Layer 6 -,---.---·----...-- 2030 2035 20 40 2045 205 0 GEOSCI ENCE Support Servk:u, InC. V1lley District/West Va lley/Goodrich/City of Ri-'to/City of Colton Preclictl.,. Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basill Groundwllter Model PW-11A and PW-118 ~OOO T.=============================~------------~~~"~~~--~ I • Observed --Calibration I ./ ·· ~;; -'-.~ '-..... Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) . t. J· . .. . · . " ~ ........... 900 • . ·., ., ' 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 c 600 .2 i IS 500 II: 8 !I I! .5I i • Q. ·400 300 200 100 -= ~ 2040 2045 205 0 ~ 1 :I ICl. ~ m N 82-35 G£0SOENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley Dlstrttt/West Vahy/Goodridi/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlttlve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model ... l f i! ~ 8 !I j l Q, PW-llC, PW-llD and PW-llE 1,000 r;,=========================l:;-------Lf?.l""'.'--:::-.. -_-.::::: ..... :::,-_~-. • Observed --Calibration _--.,_ ~ . . '-...... Scenario 1 (M ass Added ) Scenario 3 (M ass Added) · ~ ·" . . "-. 900 .. (. ' 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 . '. "" ' '~:-.a.·· .. ,~.-,, ... \ .....: .. Model Layer 6 0 !----~--~~~======~====~~==------====~-~~~:::::::;::::==~~~==~=-========-;d- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dee-15 B2-36 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valier Discrict/West V*'t/Gt>odtich/C:fty of Rillito/City of Coltoa Precllcthe Model Ru M of the Rlalto-ColtDI'I llllsin Groundwllter Model EPA-MP7A through 7 C WO Tr=============================~----------------~~~--"~~ II • Observed -Calibration I ·. f.]. , ~. '~ II -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ""'-I~·-' • ;· .. · """ ~ 90 ~"· ' ., .. ~~·.:\ 70 ..... l Model LayerS c 60 0 ~ 1: 8 50 c: 8 I 40 :c ~ :. 30 20 10 ••• • • 0 ------··· ... 2000 2005 2010 2015 202 0 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ,. 'D 'D .. :s ca. x· Ill N 82-37 GEOSCIENCE Support Setvlc:.,lnc. Valley Distrkt/West Vdey/Goodtich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Groundwater Model EPA-MP7D and 7E lOO r,=============================~----------------r-1"~~~--~ I • Observed --Calibrati on I r ·~. :'~, ---~ --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) · Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "'-~. U : • " 90 "·· ••• " '""' .• ~ "-, '·~ ,"··~ · ... · .... - ,.....__ .... \ ' .,. 80 · 70 l Model Layer 6 c 0 60 ~ 1: 8 c 50 .. 0 u B e J2 40 ~ Q, 30 20 10 0 +----~---~--·-·~·L-~~~--=T--~~--~~~r------~-------r-----,----~==~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f ii jj(' aJ N 1-0ec-15 82-38 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West V•llly/Goodrlch/City of .u.IID/Crty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llasln Graunctw.ter Model CPW-16A through 160 1,000 i l • Observed --Calibration I Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 c .2 .. l! 1!! 600 ~ 500 8 ll I! ..5l ..c: t 400 a. 300 200 100 -· /' .---0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 1-Dec:-15 82-39 GEOSCIENCE Support SI!'VIC.. Inc. Valley District/West Vdey/Gooclrtch/City of Ri*o/City af Colton Predidive Model Runs af the Rialto-cotton Basin Groundwater Model ... l c -! I! ~ § 8 ~ f J! ~ ~ l CPW-16E throueh 16G 1,000 r;::=========================~---------~'1:''-::----:::......_:::::---:.,..., I • Observed -Calibration I •-.. "'""-'--..... l ·. "" ~ --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) -·Scenario 3 (Mass Added) '-> , • ' 900 ' • • • ., "-, . ', · .• " "' --~-,:, .. ~ ~-:\. ~ ""'·· .. ~ \ 800 . 700 Model Layer 6 600 500 400 300 200 100 )lo :g CD -:I 0 1------~---A·~~~~==~======~~==::~~====~==~==~=====::;:::::::;::::::=:J ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dee-15 82-40 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West V*r/Goodrich/Clty of Rlalto/Clty of Colt011 Predictive Model Runs of tile Rialto<dton Basin GroundWIIter Model • Obsetved --Calibration PW-13A and PW-138 -Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 90 80 Modell..ilyer5 I~ ( (\,.. ~----~---=-~--~----~----~--~----~--~----~--~~ 1 20 20 2025 203 0 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-l)ec-15 B2-41 GEOSCENQ: Support Services, lllc. Valley District/West v.-.y/Goodrtch/City of ~/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton ltsin GroundMtar Model PW-148 and PW-14C lOO T.=============================~----------------------------------------------------------~ • Obse rve d --Ca libration Scenari o 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 90 1~----------------~----------------~. • .!a~, • ~ [_r.;·,~~ I ~ ......_ ~., ·., ·. '-,· . . . . " 80 70 l c 60 i 1: ~ so 8 i ..2 40 .. 1 30 20 10 '," .. ,, . ". .. . ·, . )\" . ................... . . ,• -, .o. \ ' .. Model Layer 5 • • ~ 1 = Q. 0 ~----~----~-r------~----~r------r------,-----~r-----~------~------~ ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 82-42 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. V..., District/West V...,/GIJodtrid>/City of ~/City of Colton Predictiw Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llain Groundwater Model 8 0 70 _, l c .2 i 60 § 50 8 I ~ I:! ~ 40 30 20 10 ••• • • 0 • 2000 2005 2010 2015 CPW-17A and CPW-178 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 B2-43 2045 ···O .. )o , 1 :::J D. )(" 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support SeNicer,.Jnc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rielto/City of CoiiDn Predidive Model Runs of the Rlaho-Colton Basin Groundwater Model CPW-17C and CPW-170 100 r,=============================~--------------~~~~~--~ r···~ >:--.._ ~ ., LY·::-., .·· . '" " ~ '·· . "' ~~.~\ 90 80 • Observed --Calibration Scenario 1 (Mass Addedl · · Scenario 3 (Mass Addedl 70 ... l Model Layer 5 c 0 :;::1 s 60 1: 8 1: 50 ~ a I! ~ 1:! :. 40 30 20 10 0 4----~---·~~--~~~---~------r----~r-----~-----r----~-----~ 2000 2005 2010 201 5 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-~15 82-44 GEOSCIENCE SUpport~. Inc. V•I'-Y District/West V•ley/Goodrid!/City of Rlalto/Oty of Colton Precldlve Model Runs of the Rialto<olton Basin Groundwater Model Colton-17 lOO r,===========================~----------------IG~~~~--~ • Observed --Calibration : -I i ~ "-...__ 90 SCenario 1 (Mass Added) SCenario 3 (Mass Added) J • . · """ ~ .· ·. '" ' 80 ~-\ 70 ... l Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 r! 60 D ';:1 i § so ~ I .sr ~ l 40 30 20 ~~ -.~ .-I I I I 5C 10 • • :.f~fJ · • • • • • • :. .. 0 --• I • . .. ...:.c;.--. I 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ l·Dec-15 B2~ GEOSOENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Gooclrldt/City of Rillto/Crty ol Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlllto-Colton Basin GI"'OM''dwatet' Moftl COiton-15 100 r.=============================~------------~~~~~~~--~ • Observed -Cali bration 1-·f .. '·.'-.... '-~ ... .... l c .2 .. e 1!! 8 c: 8 i Ji! ~ ~ :. 90 80 70 GO so 40 30 20 10 - 0 2000 1-Deo-15 --scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ~ l... • • · "\. ''·, .. "' ' .. ~ • • ....... ' ~,~~~:.~··'\ Model Layers 3 and 5 ~I . . . .... ~--·-· ·-----~--~-~------~r-----~r-------r-------r------r-------r-------~ 2005 2010 201S 2020 202S 2030 203S 2040 2045 2050 82-46 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, InC. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of I!Wto/City of Calton Preclcllve Model Runs of the Rlaho-Cofton Basin Groundwater Model N-5 1,000 r.==========================::;---------r.:i"",,~--::::::::--1 • Observed --Calibration · : -~ •· ~ ~ 900 Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "-' l_§S: . ." '\. ·~. . : ·.,_ ""' ~~.,~ .. · .. ~\ ~ .,.l. 800 700 .... l Model Layer 3 i 600 :0: ~ • c: 8 500 c: 8 I 'E 400 :. 300 200 100 0 ~--4111r-J~~....;t,:.......J---· ·-· --' '"'\ ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 82-47 GEOSOENCE Support SetviCM, Inc. Valley Olstrkt/West Valley/Gooclrlch/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictiw Model Runs of the Rlalto<olton ll8sin Groundwater Model F-6 1,000 r;::•::O:b:s:e:N:e:d::::::::::::_:_:~C:a:llb:r:at:lo:n::::::::::~---------------------.-___ lf_~f.-... <~~~~-_--,-._~.~---~--l Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) '"' l.,.9t.: -- 900 BOO 700 ... l ~ .. 600 f .. c .. .. 500 c 8 s e :f t! : 400 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-~15 2020 202S 2030 2035 B2-48 ', • rl • .., """ -. " '" -~~· .. -_ ·:'·\· '· ., . '-.... .. Model Layer 3 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE 5uj)pOrt Senllces, Inc. Vai'-J District/West V*'t/Goodtrich/Crty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton BIISin Groundwater Model 700 .... l c t 1: 600 I!! c 500 8 I ~ I! :. 400 300 • • ~ • 200 • ••• 11• • .. .. ~ 100 . . .. ..... • 0 ... T 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-~15 F-6AS ~ 2020 2025 2030 82-49 2035 Model Layer 3 2040 ~ 1 :II ICL ;c 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Sflrvtces, Inc. V .. ley Disttid/West Vllley/Gooclridi/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predidlve Model Runs of the Rlelto<olton Basin Groundwater Model N-35 2,000 r;::==========================~-------r.;--;;;;;~----,~::---, • Ob-serv ed --Cal ll»'iillon ~ -_ -S CA!rl~r'o 1 (M~~~ Added) Scenarfo 3 (M~s~ Ac:ldeaj ~: : • 1,800 ~ ••• ' . ~ ~:·.-: .\ 1,600 ~ ... ,, .. : 1,400 l Model Layer 3 f 1,200 11,000 8 • i t 800 • 600 • 400 • • 200 0 .p=~!......:~~~·--~--· . I 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-oec·lS Bl-50 GEOSCENCE 5uppol't Setvices, Inc. V•IIIIY Dlst11ct/West Vdev/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of COlton Pre dictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton lllsin Groundwater Model N-3D 2,000 r;:::::======================;--------:-: .. :--. (r:=;o, -::::,:;----..::,:;::----, • Observed -Callbrc~tlon · ;··· .g_' . '-....., ............. 1,800 1,600 1,400 l g 1,200 i § 1,000 8 f I aoo :. 600 400 200 0 2000 1·Deo-15 scenario 1 (Mass Added) scenilriO 3 (Miss Added) ' I ~-. .~. . ~ . ....._ « .. ~\ ·~--~------~------~---,-- 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 82-51 2035 Model lAyer 5 -,- 2040 --.- 2045 -r- 2050 GEOSCENCE Support Servl121, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/~ich/Crty of Rialto/City~ Colton Preclictive Model Runs of the RU!lto-Colton Basin 6roundwtter MCidel N-85 1,000 r.::============================:;---------lr''~-~::--1 • Observed --Calibrati on • ·-· · -~ ""' l ··, . ' '~ --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) "V • ·· ', .. ~·· .. ~" ~ • • ~· D ••• • .,. ' """ ~. ' ""' . ... \ ""' ., ~· 900 800 - 700 ... l Model Layer 3 c ! I! ~ 600 § 500 8 ! .!! 400 ~ 1:! .f •• 300 200 100 0 +------~-----~~~ ·~ / .... 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 B2-52 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West V....,/Goodtlch/Crty of RWto/City of Colton Preclidtwe Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton B8sin Groundwater Model N-80 ~~ ~==.==o=~=e=N=ed:=:=:=:=:=:=_:~=ca=r=~br.rt:=lo=n========~----------------~ ... ---... ~.~~~~~~-~--~~~----~ 1 ~o ·.. ""-~ --Scenarlol(MassAdded) Scenario3(MassAdded) '-t;., _ _, • ••• ··""' ~··.:\ 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 l 600 I!! 'E • " c 500 8 B e .5I .tt. 400 ~ • A. 300 200 100 0 -~-----,...-----.,r------.. -I ·er== 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 82-53 GEOSCENCE Support Services, Inc. VII ley DlstJtct/West V.Uey/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlaho-Colton a.sin Groundwater Model N·12 • Observed --Ca li bration --' "--.. 1,000 ~o:=::=:=::=::=::=:==============:::;---------f"l"~-"'~1 --Scenar io 1 (Mass Added) -· Scenario 3 (Mass Added) 'v, l. i: •.. · "-, -....:., "'( ·.. "·· ......... ~'e ••· ., .............. . ' . \ .............. ..... . . . \ ""'.... ' .. 900 800 700 .... ! Model Layer 3 rt 0 'ii 600 :a c u .. c 500 8 ! I!! Jl 400 ..c !:! .. G. 300 • • • ,. v 2.00 -· -· 0 +-----,,--------.--""""-'~ ............. 2.000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2.035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec:·15 62·54 GEDSCENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley Dlstric:V'Nest Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Ru ns of tile Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model M-3-Zone 1 through Zone 4 1,000 • Observed Calibration 900 --Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Sce nario 3 {Ma ss Added) BOO 700 ..... l c 600 0 ... • i 8 500 c: " I i : 400 300 200 100 -\.. , ... 1\ 0 '----. ·-' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 82-55 ~ 2035 Modellolyer5 2040 2045 ~ 1 !Ct. 5C 2050 e GEOSQENCE Support Services, Inc. V811ey District/West V..,/Goodtridt/Oty of Rialto/City ol Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton linin Groundwater Model l c: ! . .. § d f Jl ii t .... M-3-Zone 5 through Zone 7 1,000 ~r===========================::::;--------r.l""'-..........~-,~:::--1 • Ob}CJVeO -Callllfatioo 0~.~ ',· --..., ~ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 --SC:M~IIO l tM;mAtfded} SCena riu3 (M~s Mdcd l ~ ctl ., "\ ~:,\ . ,.,.. . ~ Model Layer 6 -· .... / 0 +----~~~,.~•·,·•·t~·------~~~----~;r--~--~~------r-------r-~----r-----,- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1~15 B2.SG GEOSOENCE Support Servlcu, Inc:. Valley District/West Valey/Goodrtch/Cty of Rialto/City of Colt011 Preclicliwe Model Runs of the Ri811o<olton Basin Groundwater Model Rialto-3 100 Tr===;=======================~------------~-r.~~--"~-r • Observed --Calibration ··· Scenario 1 (Mass Added) Scenario 3 (Mass Added) ; '· fi t J • ·~ -.. " . . ~0 ·. ~ ~· .... ' ~ ""'' 90 80 70 ... l Model Layers 5 and 6 f 60 I!! 'E .. .. c 50 B 21 • ~ .52 .I! 40 ~ .. D. • • 30 20 • 10 • • 0 2000 2005 2010 1..Qeo.15 82-57 GEOSCENCE Support ServiCI!s, Inc. APPENDIX 83 Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 2 and 4 without Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE --...-.. ·--·-"-/..-- Valley District/West V•lley/Gooclr"od1/City olllialto/City of Cotta. Precllctive Model Runs ofthe Rblfto..Colton Basin Groundw•ter Model 5,000 4,500 'j ·• Obs erv-ed l;~hll n.l iQ!I -scenano2 SCtmarlo '1 4,000 3,500 .. l ; 3,000 .. .. i! § 2,500 8 J 2.000 ~ :. 1,500 1,000 500 0 ~ ~. 2000 2005 20W 2015 2020 1.0«·15 CMW·2A f :.~~ I ~ " ~ \ [ Model Laver :s I ,.. "' 1 :II ICt. r ;c 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m w 83-1 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Servlc.s, Inc. Velley Dlstrlc:t/West Velley/Goodrlch/City of Rialto/City of COlton Predic:tiw Model Runs of the ~on 1esin Grounclwat.-Modal CMW-lA 5,000 I • Obs erval --calllml tton 5C1!11~Jio 2 S1:00a rl o A 4,500 4,000 ~ \ ... ' -· 3,500 ~ ! Model Layer 3 t! 3 DOO ! . ~ !: ~ 2,SOO 8 s l! ~ 2.000 ~ f 1,500 1,000 • 500 .\ : 1 ::::. 11:1. 0 -. ... --. " 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2C)4(J 200 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 83-2 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Vdey/Goodrich/City of Rillito/City of Colton Preclcllve Model Runs of the Rlalm-colton llaY1 6rou~ter Model PW-Z ~0~00 r;==============================~--------------------~~~--~=---~ ~~. "--"" 18,000 16,000 14,000 _. l i 12,000 I 8 c: 10,000 8 I 8,000 I! :. 6,000 4,000 2,000 • ObJi'rvC!rl --$C{l>A~rlo:Z • • •• 0 , _____ ,41'Jl __ ..;:· .... -~..._tl..+- ... -· I .....• , -callbrahon St:tonarjc A 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 1-Doc-l.S I I •. ' ~ ' ·:.. " ~ ... ; \ I M Qd el l..lyer 3 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servt-, Inc. Model LiiYe,. 3 2040 205 0 GEOSCIENCE Support Setvlces, Inc. r i:.~ .. . . . . . • 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE Support Servlc:~~~, Inc. V811ey Dlstrkt/West v.rley/Goodrkh/City of RJ.Ito/City tA Colton Predlc1ive Model Runs of the Rllllto<olton hSin Groundwater Model EMW-OSA 1,000 rr===========================:::;-----------:-~:--",~:-----.:::::::--1 • Observed --cali brat ion . r·· . -~, . . " --Scenario 2 Scenario 4 ~. -·-• • -\, 900 800 ' .. ' ' ~ '~" 'w· •.• > ........ . ............_ ' ... "' ........ ~· 700 .... l Model Layer 3 g i 1: 600 .. " c: 500 8 !I I! .5i ... t 400 A. 300 200 100 .. 0 -· ---, ,- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 > "CC "CC II ::l Q. iii" 21 1-oec-lS 83-6 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. V•lley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlcti,. Model Runs of the Rialto<olton Basin GroundWllter MocW ~ l g ·; ~ § ~ I 1: t! :. 900 800 700 600 500 • 400 300 200 100 • ObH!C'il!!<l Sccnil no 2 --C'.lloblilliOn -ScEn.oo4 0 +-------~------~-------~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 EMW-058 r 2025 2030 2035 63-7 Model layer· 5. 2040 2045 ... •:• 2050 GEOSCIENa Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Va11ey/Goodridl/C1ty of Rlillto/City of Colton I'Qdlttl,.. Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton llllsin Groundw•'-Mode l EMW-OSC 1,000 • O~M\4:1 --Cillibratlcn ~:\. Sc:an.u iO l Scenana 4 900 . '·. BOO ~-..... · ' ... 700 ..... Modl!!l ll!lyllr 6 ! i 600 ~ ... M 500 ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ f. 400 300 200 100 ,.. -a tr Ill :I Q;, 0 ... ''I 'I • 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 aJ w ·1·D<!c>U B3-8 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valier District/West V..,/Goodlich/CJtv of RWto/City of Colton Predldive Model Runs of tile Rialto-Colton a.s1n 6round-te r Model EMW-04A 1,000 _, ~ . I • Ob$eNed --Ca~l»i!tTo n r-~~(!).· ~ -s.ten:aroo 1 ~e~lll 4 ·~· ... " ' 900 •. . . " 800 ~~: .. \ "'• 700 _, l Mod~ Layer3 c I 600 i! 8 c 500 8 I ~ I! 11. 400 300 200 100 ,.. '1:' 1 :I '-~ 0 M" 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m w 1-()eo.15 ~9 GEOSCENCE Support Service~, Inc. 2030 2035 Model Layer 5 2040 2045 ~ -g :I D. >C' 2050 ~ GEOSOENC£ Support Services, Int. Vellev District/West Vdey/Goodrtch/City of llilolto/C"rty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R;.lto-tolton llesin Groundwater MOIW EMW-04C 1,000 r;::=======================::;-------------:-:--[r-;:=-',-"'"""o::::::::---, ~· Oine"rved --CahllrllliOn • --Sf:ti1~rio2 900 800 700 ... l .8 600 .. i s 500 c 8 a I! Jl 1 A. 400 300 200 100 0 :00.... 2000 2005 2010 201 5 Sc.?nari() 4 2020 2025 2030 2035 ~··. ·. ~ ·~ ··· ... ~ "'•.'• Model lilyer 6 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Model Layer 3 2040 2045 ~ 1 :II a. 5C 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE SUpport 5eMces, Inc. 2035 2040 2050 Valley District/West Vdey/Goodrlch/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlalto<olton h$i1t Groundw.ter Model PW-BC, PW-80 and PW-BE l-Dec-15 --Calibration Scenario 4 -2015 2020 -.--.,..--- 2025 2030 2035 83-14 Model Layer 6 2040 2045 ~ 'i ::::J Q. )<' 2050 e GEOSCIENCE Support SeMen, IIIC. Valley District/West V*t/Goo6ricti/City of Rialto/City of eotta. Preclctiw! Model Runs of the R~o-Colton lllllin Grounctw.ter Model WVWD-22 (lntermed late Aquifer) 900 800 700 ..Jj l c .2 i 600 s c: 500 8 I ..c: t! :. 400 300 I 200 100 ' 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 93-15 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCENCE Support Servtcas, Inc. V .. ley District/West Vaky/Goodtf'odt/ctty Df Rl .. to/City rtl Colton Predlcltve Model Runs vittle Rlalto<olton Bnin Groundwater Model ... l c 0 ~ 1:! 8 c 8 ~ .!! ~ .t WVWD-22 (Upper Regional Aquifer) 1,000 r.======================::;----------f-;:::;~ ......... ~· -.....,.........._,---, • Observed -Calibration --· . ~ '-...._ Scenario 2 Scenario 4 '"" l.. • :o . . ·, ......._ 900 • 800 •• • 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 83-16 2030 2035 "' . ..... ·. ", """ . ~ "'-~ :"'~ . :-\: ~ '-...,··.: \ Model Layer 5 .. , ~· ~ 1 :I a. ~· 2040 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcles, Inc. Vlllley District/West V*Y/Goodttich/Oty of Rillito/City of Calto- Ptedictiwe Model Runs of die Rialto-colton _., Ciroumtw.ter Model 70 l c 60 t i <> 50 8 I ::c 40 I! ~ 30 20 10 0 2000 1-Deo-15 2005 2010 2015 EMW-03A Model Lllyer 3 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 83-17 CiEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. V-'ley District/West Vdey/Gooclltch/Oty of Ri81to/C"rty of Colton Predic:tive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Grounclw.ter Model EMW-038 100 • OIJi~f\I Cd --CahoollOn --Scl!narl o 2 StClnijtiC ~ 80 70 • ... MotteJuve~ s l .: 0 ';:; !l 60 c .. " 50 c 8 !! I! .s ~ 1:! :. 40 30 20 • 10 , "' ~ ~ :;, Q. 0 • -;c I I I I ·-· 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 "2 Cfl5 20 30 2035 204 0 2045 1.050 Gl w 1-0eo-15 8 3-18 GEOSOENC£ SUpport s.rvi<es, Inc. Valley Dislrict/West Va lley/Gooclrk h/City af Rlaii>D/Clty af Colton Preclttlve Model Run5 of the Rialto-Colton linin Groundwate Model EMW-03C 100 • Otnerved --Calibration ~-~~ --ScE1'1ariCJ2 SWII~I'\0 -1 ~~:(ef :, 90 . . . 80 ~ \ 70 .J Model J.a ye r 6 !. g 60 ~ I! £ .. ~ so tS tf ! Jl 40 1 30 20 10 : /. 1 "" ~ a. 0 R' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 OJ w l ·l)cc.U 83-19 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. v.aey District/West Valley/G<XMirim/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the lllelto-Colton 8nin Groundwater Model EPA-MW9A 1,000 r.:===============;----------.}r..J.~:"-'.-:-........ -. --.::::::::-~~ • Ob:seTVed --Ca li bration - I '• . ·, --Scena rio 2 Sc enario 4 ~ • · -.. . . o. ' ·. "· 900 800 700 l c 600 0 ~ l! .. c ~ 500 c 8 I .5I ii .. .. 400 G. 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec-15 2005 2010 • • 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 83-20 '· ' ", ·, ~·' '~-.,,<·. ·: '. ~ ~···.; Modell..clyers 2040 2045 '\" ' ' '\ 20 50 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Vlky/Goodtldt/ctty of Rialto/City of Colton Predidiw Model Runs of tile Rialto-Colton Basii!Groundwlt.r Model EPA-MW98 1,000 • Ob~efved --Ci!Ubn!li041 r ~"J .. '"-~ --51: nari'O ~ SteRllrl.u 4 L .. ·• ' 900 • i¥· " • .. I 800 ~ \ ... 700 ... l Molfel Layer 6 c 600 .2 ! "E ~ 500 8 f .i .c ~ 400 :. 300 200 100 ,. , i :II ICL 0 • iC 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m w l·J)K,.U B3-21 GEOSCENCE Support Ser.rl-, Inc. Valey District/West Valey/Goodrlch/City ol R",..to/Oty ol Colton Predidive Model Runs of the RJ.fto.Colton Basin Groundwlltar Model PW-SA and PW-SB 1,000 900 800 700 _. l j .. i 600 ~ 500 8 ~ • .i i 400 a.. 300 200 100 0 2000 • Obs~e d --Scenal1D :1. 2005 2010 --Cil ll br;t!i1:Ji'l St~narlo..ot 2015 2020 20Z5 83-22 MocM!I Lryl!t 5 2030 2035 204 0 2045 GEOSCJENC£ SUpport Services, Int. V.rley Dlstrkt/West V•lley/6oodrich/Cty of .u.IIG/City of Coltc. Predidive Mod4ll Runs of the Rialto<olton IIMin Grounctw.t.r MocW PW·SC, PW-50 and PW-SE 1,000 • • • • 2010 l<Oi!c·l:S -Ca lrnrutlon S~riariiHI 2015 2020 2025 2030 63-23 flotod ell..lyu6 2035 2040 2045 ,. "D 1 :::s Q, ie" 2050 ff Valley District/West Vdey/Gooclrh:h/Oty ol Rialto/City ol Colton PNclic:tlve Moclellluns of the Rialto-Colton Basin Grounc!Mter Model 900 800 700 _. l ., !-600 • :: § c 500 8 .. .. 5 l: ::: :. 400 300 200 100 ~ 0 · . -, 2000 2005 2010 ?015 2020 EMW-OlA =::;:::--~=----,-··· 2025 2030 2035 83-24 • a _ "-, ... Model Layer 5 2040 2045 • , "CC CD :I ICI. lC 205 0 fl GrosatNCE SUpport Services, IRC. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of lllalla/City of Colt011 Preclictive Model Runs of tile Rlalm-Ctllton lain 6roundwatet...,.. EMW-018 1,000 • O~"'"'ed --Cal lbriltl(ln --5(.()f\ill l0 1 S,C~IUrlQ ~ 900 "800 / ~ '-...._ "-.._ I IJ . "' ""'· ~·o ... ~"<··.:\ 700 .... l c 600 I c fl 500 c 8 I 400 ~ :. 300 200 100 0 i L ___ ..,.... __ ...,.::;::::::::::::~:=:::::=:::::=::==::;:===:::::::;:=-=~-'T'-·-.-----. ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 20 30 2035 2040 2050 ~ H l !!!:-1!. Bl-25 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc:Bo Inc. !i1 [ \· .. . . -·· •• + b ... · ' ... Model Layer 5 .-·· 2040 2050 1-Dec-15 83-26 GEOSCENCE Support Servlcti, Inc. Valley District/West Vdey/Goodrlch/City of RWto/Crty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of tile Rilllto<olton Basin Grounctw.ter Model 1,000 900 800 700 ... l i .. s 600 1: • .. 500 1: 0 u I .R ..c: .. 400 ;;; II. 300 200 100 0 2000 1-l:lk-l.S • Obsll rvea ~anol .. ere;::;: --Ca libr.rtl!l'll SC~norio II 1S/SW-3A7 ----:==::. 2005 2010 20 15 2020 2025 B:J.-27 2030 2035 Mod!!ll..aye r & 2040 2045 ,.. "g 1 t 205 0 ~ GEOSOENCI Support Servlcm, Inc. Valley Dlstritt/West Vllley/Goodl1ch/City of RWto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rlaho-Colton Basin Groundwloter Model Rialto-6 1,000 rr================;------------fri....--:,:--"""""::--"""1 • Observed --Calibration [-'---..._ Scenario 2 Scenario 4 "'<. -: • , ."" .......... . . ·., . ' ""-·s .' "" • "-....~". '-. c ~ ".....··.: 900 800 700 ... l Model Layers 5, 6 and 7 c 0 .. 600 e .. c .. ... c 500 8 !l I!! :i ~ l 400 300 200 • ·-~-/\ .... ···~ :: ~~ i t ---- 100 • 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 83-28 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West v.a.y/6oodrld!/City of lliafto/City of Colton Predicdw! Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton a-In Grounctw.ter Model .... l c ! i s c c3 i ..!1 J: 1:! .. Q, PW-9A, PW-98 and PW-9C 900 1,000 rr:====================:::;----------r.=--~:----:~::---, • O bs~ryed C~hbr 1 1 to" 1.: """'"• ' '"~'"" '-I 3'-.. ·.. . 800 700 600 • 500 400 • 300 I . ' 200 100 I :~ 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 83·29 2030 2035 o . . \ ... .. 2040 2045 2050 Ci[QSCJE NC£ S~~pport $ervi<B I, lllc;. Vdey District/West Vallrt/Goodlldt/CiAy of Rialto/Cily of Colton Predictive Model Runs of~ Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model PW-90, PW-9E and PW-96 1,000 rr=========================~-----------;::;;-:;;; .... ;:--,--, --C•IIbratlan ~ ............_ ~ Sce n~rfo •\ I..Y: ·~ ""' ... ..... .. Model Layer 6 • --- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 l..()ec;-15 83-30 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Vder District/West Vaktr/Goodtrith/City of ll"'*o/Oty of Colton Predidive Model Runs of the RIAitO<Colton Basin Groundwfter Model PW-lOA and PW-108 1,000 900 800 700 ..J l c t 600 8 c: 500 8 j .c e :. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 • Obsen.ea --5ts;nar lo l 2005 2010 • • -Ci~lilnn,o n So!;en~r1o.; 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 83-31 ~j IY' 2040 2045 ... ~ ~· \ 2050 GEOSCENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/WISt V811ey/Goodrlch/City of Ri .. to/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs ofthe Rlalto<olton Basin Groundw8t.r Model PW-12A and PW-128 1,000 ~r================::;----------fr.f-.;';::-:-. --.:-.....:;:::-:::--:-. 1· • Obs erved -Calibration -., [ .·.~ · ~ ~' --scenario 2 -Scenario 4 ... · ""' 900 800 700 ... l ~ ~ I! .. c: 600 .. .. c: 500 .3 l! I! .e .c ~ :. 400 300 200 100 -- 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 l-Deo-15 2025 2030 83-32 . . . '"' ~--- .. ~ ....... Modell..clyers ~--·--· 20 35 2040 2045 ' ... .. 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Int. V•lley District/West Vfllley/Giooclrich/City af Rallo/Clty af Colton Preddive MocW Runs of the IWto-colton Basin Ground-ter Model EPA-MPBA through SC ... l i ! c ~ .3 .. e ..5I fi t p. 100 I ~ • Ob1erved -Calibration -SCB n;~rl a:l 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 0 +-------,-------,_--.. ~·~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 SCI!,.Qrll!<lil ~ 2020 I 2025 203 0 . -- 2035 Modtl uyer 5 2040 2045 ~ 1 t 205 0 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc:m, lnc. V-'ley DistfiCt/West V*'t/Goo6tid'I/City of Rialto/City of Colton Precl1ctlve Model Runs of the Rielto-colton linin Groundwater Model EPA-MP8D and IE 100 90 80 70 ~ ~ 60 ~ I! ] c ~ 50 .. .. .i .I: t:: -"' ~ 40 30 20 10 0 2000 1-Deo-15 • 0bsl!fVI!d --Sconlltl(J2_ •••• --Cali tR it&n Sol:enil rfllil 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 83-34 Model Layer 6 -.---..-----.·-> 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support SerYicles, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrlch/Crty of llielto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model PW-11A and PW-llB ~~r.=========================~------------~--?.1~--~~~ •· QU~e~rved --GIJlliratJon ...-·· ,--f.l ~··. ~ '~··. . ~ --~oen~no z SC!1<1ilono-!\ .__.. ._. . . ... ~ ·~ ... 900 ~ 800 CJ ... • ~·· 700 ... l Modelbl.yef 5 c 600 .2 i § 8 500 ~ .I .II: 400 • ~ :. 300 200 100 /' 0 / -~ ~ ---=----- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servl-. Inc. Vel ley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive MocMI Runs of the Rilli to-Colton Basin Groundwwter Model PW-11C, PW-110 and PW-UE 1,000 9001 800 700 ... l .: 600 ! § 500 .... ~ I fi .. II D. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec:-15 • Observed --Scenarlo2 2005 2010 --Cal ibration · -· Scenario 4 -- I 2015 2020 2025 83-36 2030 ' .... . >....__ ......... .......... ·. . " ~ """ . ' ', . . . " '· . " ~ ~ "·-c -..··· ~ .........:.. · ... \ ' " .. Model Layer 6 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCIENCE Support Servk:es, lftc. Valley District/West Valey/Goodridi/City of Rillito/City of COlton Preclcllve Model Runs of the Rialto-COlton IIBsin Groundwater Model EPA-MP7A through 7C 100 9JI • Observed --calibration I -Scenario2 Scenario 4 80 70 ..... l i ";:; s 60 &:: 1'1 50 &:: 8 I £ 40 i 30 20 10 ••• • • 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 I•Dec-15 83-37 / ' (i1 ''"' .~ ~ '·" ~~.,;\ ..::._::_ . Model Layer 5 I ,. ~ ~ CD :II D. )(' 2035 2040 2045 2050 m w GEOSaENCE Support ServlCIII, Inc. Valley Dlstrlct/WIItt Valley/Goodridi/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predictiwe Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundw.ter Model EPA·MP7D and 7E 100 90 80 70 ... l t! 60 ! I 50 8 !! IS ~ t. 40 30 20 10 0 2000 l·Dec-15 • Observed Scenario 2 ... --Calibration Scenario4 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 83-38 Model Layer 6 2030 2035 2040 2045 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Servic:es, lllc. Valley District/West V*r/Goodtktt/City of Rialto/City of Colt• Ptedictive Model Runs afthe Rillto<olton a.ln Groundwater Model ... l c ! e! ~ ~ 8 i .I J::. ~ :. CPW-16A throu1h 160 1,000 r;:::::==========================::;---------r:=l"::-------:;;;::::--, --CIIIbr~\IOn fl ""---~ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 • O~rvt>d -SC'@Iiai'ICI 2 2005 2010 2015 ., .. " ~' ~enarJo4 • • '. 2020 2025 2030 2035 Model t..ver S 2040 2045 " 0 ... ~ 1 ICa. ji(' 2050 ~ GEOSCENCE Support Servlcm, Inc. Vllley Dlstr1ct/West vaa.,/GooOrldi/Clty of Rialto/City of Colton Ptecl1ctlve Model Runs of the Rlalto<oftan Basirl Grounclwa1er Model CPW-16E through 16G 1,000 900 I_ I 800 700 ~ l c I 600 21 c 500 8 i .R ~ .. A. 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-Dec-15 • Observed Scenari o 2 2005 2010 --Calibration -Scenario 4 2015 2020 I .· [1E·.>~ ~ ·. ~J · •• . " ~ ~. . .. ·. '\. ' . .. " ' . '-~-~:.:, .. ··<:,. -~ ~ ~-'.,: \ Model Layer 6 -------------2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 83-40 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley Distrkt/West Valley/G4odlich/Crty of lli*o/City of Colton Preclldlve Model Rum of the Rialto-Colton IIMin Groundwater Madel ..... l & ... I!! .. c .. .. c 8 i .a ..<: .. .. u IL PW-13A and PW-138 1001.===========================~------------------~~~~~--~ --C~II braiK!n / I [:. -~ ~ 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 ·~ 0 • 2000 • OIJ.s.erv ed SreoarlD 3. 2005 2010 2015 5eN 'IIriO<'l ~ •:.. "' ~~~.: 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 ~ '0 1 t 2050 ~ GEOSOINCE Support ServlCK, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrtch/City of Rialto/Oty cl Colton Predictive Model RIM'IS cl the Riaho-Colton Basin Gtoundwllt.r Model PW-148 and PW-14C lOO r.===========================~----------------------------~ ... l c 0 ;:I I! .. 0::: § 8 ! I! .2 .0::: ~ :. 90 80 70 60 so 40 30 20 10 • Observed --Scenario 2 Model Layer s --Calibration Scenario 4 • • 0 ~-----r----~r-----.-----~------r------r----~r-----~----~------~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f i R' ID w 1-Deo-15 83-42 GEOSOENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City ofRialto/Crty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Cotton llesin Groundwater MocJ.I CPW-17A and CPW-178 2030 2035 .. \ . . ··o .:. Mod~l Laye t ! 2040 2045 ,.. 'a 1 t 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE Support Servlc:ll!s, Inc. Valley Distrkt/West Valley/Goodridt/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predldlve Model Runs of the Rllllto<olton Basin Groundwater Model CPW-17C and CPW-170 100 ~,===========================~------------------~"~~~--~ • Observed --Calibrat ion -~ "-~ ~ 90 Scenario 2 Scenario 4 "-LJ.: ·: . . , •, ~ '-.. ... . '"" ~ .. ~ ---,, '-. ' 80 ~<·:9 ·~\ 70 l Model Layer 5 r: 0 60 I 1: .. " c: 50 0 u B I! ~ 40 ·-· ~ .. Q, 30 20 10 0 • 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 20 35 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE Support Senrices, Inc. V..., Dlstrtct/West V...,/6oodrid'o/Cit.y of I!Wto/Oty of ColtGII Predidift Model Runs of the Ria lto<olton ._.,Groundwater McNW Colton-17 100 • Observed --calibration / ·, __ _1;;~ ~ : .,_.,.., --Scenario2 Scenario 4 • I • 90 '~. ·. ,," 80 ~~ ... \ ........... C> 70 ~ l Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 c 60 I § so 8 I ! :. 40 30 20 10 ! ~ • • ~Jff -a • • r ~ ·--a • • :II :. ··-a. 0 -~. ·--· .. ~-I 5( I ., 2000 200S 2010 20 15 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 01 w l ·Dec>-15 GEOSCIENCE Support ServiCIIS, Inc. v•ley District/West v .. ey/Goodrtch/Cicy of .u.lto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the IIW1D-Colton BasinG~ Model Colton-IS 100 ~============================~--------------~--~~~~~--~ --Calibration . c·GJ '·'-._ ~ f.~·. ., ........ Scenario 4 '-..... • • · · ', ' . .... .. "'" ' ' " " . ". ~:"':. \ "'-'· ••;.. \ -......... " '1-:J Model Layers 3 and 5 ~- 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f i 5(' m w 1-Dee-15 63-46 GfOSCIENCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West V*'t/Goodridt/CJty of Rialto/City of Cotton Predictive Model Runs of the Ri81to-Colton Basle Ground-Model 1,000 • Ob~erv~ --Call br a £Jan 900 S«ln~rui l se;~no!ltta.q 800 700 .... l I 600 s • 1: • .. 500 1: 0 \.1 I .Iii 400 .I: u ~ D. 300 200 100 0 • • 2000 2005 2010 2015 202 0 l-~1.5 N-5 2025 2030 2035 83--<l7 -f:~~-I ~>. ~ '-~·: .. ' ""'' •' 2040 ~· ... ... .. 2045 2050 GEOSOENC£ Support $.,-vices, Inc. l ·Deo-15 Model Layer 3 2040 2045 ~ -g i ji(" 2050 e GEOSCIENCE 5upp«t Services, Inc. ... 2030 2035 Model Layer 3 2040 2045 f :I A. ;c· 2050 e GEOSCENCE Support Services, lnc. V .. ley District/West V .. ey/Goodrtch/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Gnlunchmer Model N-35 2,000 r;::===============:::;----------:--c=r-;;;;:::--"::---, • Obs erved -C~IIbr.l,hln ' r ---lil-~ ~ -"'"'" 2 ,,_,,. ~ :·. ••• ""'. ~~··· ... ~ ,~, 1,800 1,600 \ 1,400 l Model Layer 3 f 1,200 i ~ 1,000 B • i .. 800 i •· 600 • 400 • • 200 0 ~:::::!.~...oi~'--'----.--·-. ,--, 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2ll2S 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 83-50 GEOSCIENCE SUpport 5ent1ces, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predktive Model Runs of the Rlalto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model N-3D 2,000 1,800 1,600 1,400 J 1,200 m c e 1,000 s s soo r `u t1 600 400 200 0 - 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 U25 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 t-Grc-15 E3-51 GEOSCIENCE Support Sennoes, Inc. Vlllley Distr"oct/West Valley/Gooclridi/City of Rialto/City of Colton PnoclictWe Model Runs of the R181to-Coltcro Basin Groundwltar Model N-85 1,000 • Observed --Calibration cfi ·~ --Scenario 2 Scenarlo4 : i .. ~ :· . " 900 "" .. ·. '"" "'-. . ·.. . ' ~,,:---· ' 800 .\" ~-.. ' ' .. , -\ ' ... 700 ... Model Layer 3 l c .5! .. I! 1! 600 § 500 8 i. ~ ~ t 400 300 200 100 )o , , CD :I a. 0 ·-·--,.--.. , ·-· ,--.-5<' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 til w 1-Dec-15 83-52 GEOSCIENCE Support Services. Inc. Valley District/West Vd.y/Goodridl/aty of Rialto/C"rty of Cotten Precldive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Grou ndwllter Model N-80 l,JJilO • Observed --C<~llbr ~!'iOn ~~~ --Sttt~~rlo 2 XBI].Oij<) q "• I ~ :· .... : . 900 . ~·. ··. ' 000 ~ \ ... • ., .. 700 ... l Modt!l Lay~f .S c 600 t 1: 8 500 c: 8 I 400 l! I! :. 300 200 100 ,.. "D 1 :s 0 --.---,- __ , t 2000 2005 20 10 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 m w 1-Dec.J,!o 83·53 G£0SClfNtf Suppott St!tvl(d, In~;.. V .. ley Dlstrkt/West Valtey/Goodrldi/City of .U.Ito/City of Colton Pnldlctlve Model Runs of the Rlalto-<oiton Basin GR11u1dw.ter Model N-l Z 1,000 ··--8 ~ • Observed --Calibration l Jj". "' ............. --Scenario 2. Scenario 4 ~ t?>··-. ' '• 900 . . . ' . ' . . . " '· 800 ~~·:·····-· \: ' ,. \ ' '· .. -\ " .. 700 ... l Model Layer 3 ~ ";::; 600 I!! .. c .. .. c 500 8 .!l e ~ 1:! .. D. 400 300 • • • ,. v 2.00 •·· J\\. ~ 100 "0 "0 CD ~ ... :I c. 0 -. .. ,. 5(' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 'IIJ w 1-0ec-15 83-54 GEOSCIE NCE SUpport Servlc: ... In c. Valley Distritt/West Vdey/Goodrich/Crty of Rialto/City of Colton Preclctlw! Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Bniol Groundw•tet Model M-3-Zone 1 through Zone 4 1,000 r.=========================~--------J;JF.i. i"""":--:::::::--1 --Cilllllraucn ) .•• Sol:erta{IO 4 .. ~ 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 20 35 2040 2045 2050 1-DK-B 8 3-55 GEOSCIENCE Support Servl-. Inc. Valley District/West V.Uey/Gooclrk:h/Oty of Rialto/City ol Colton Predic;tlve Model Runs ol the Rialto-Colton Basin Grounclw.1er Model M-3-ZOne 5 through Zone 7 1,000 r;::========================::::::;:---------c=0-::------:::::::::--1 . r-~ .'~ '- 1-Dec-15 B3-56 "-l!=:· . . .' ""' 0 ,' •• . ·""-""'" ·' :~. ... ~u ·'··~· '·\. " •• 4. ""' .. Model Layer 6 2040 2045 2050 f = ICL 5C m w GEOSCIENCE SUpport Sarvla!s, Inc. Valley District/West Vdftv/Goodrido/oty of Rlallo/City of Colton Predittlve Model RuM of tile Rialto-Colton ._., &roundwater Model Rialto-3 100 • Ob.si?IVi!d -Callbrauon :P --5c.cn•oo 2. c;,;·t'ri~IIO ~ Y'. ·• 90 G) • • 80 ~ ... •.. 70 ... l Modt-ll.<!¥er5-S a~ 6 & 60 '1:1 e! .. c • .. c 50 0 u i • Jl 40 "" ~ .. 1111. • • 30 t .. 20 • 10 ~ ~ 'U • • :3 II:L 0 -~ 5C .. --'i 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ID w l ·PK'1S B:l-57 GEOSOENCE Support ServiiCII!I, Inc. APPENDIX 84 Chemographs of Perchlorate Concentrations for Selected Wells in the Rialto-Colton Basin for Scenarios 2 and 4 with Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ Valley District/West Vatll!v/Goodrldi/Oty of RR!to/City of Colton Predlcllve Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton llaYI Groundwater Model CMW-ZA S,OOOr,===========================~~--------------------------~ ! f • Observed --Calibration I 4,500 SCenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 4,000 3 ,500 l & 3,000 I I Model Layer 3 I .. l!! 2,500 8 I ~ 2,000 i 1,500 1,000 . 500 o +=---___...,..._"-....;;.__:,,_.~L----, -,---. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 1-Deo-15 2030 2035 2040 2045 --, 2050 GEOSOENCE Support Servicll, Inc. V .. ley Dis1rlct/West V .. ley/Goodrlch/City of RWto/City of Calion Predlct1ve Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton IMito Groundwaw Model CMW-lA 5,000 rr===========================:;--------------, • O ~rYC d --CaUb ratiDII 4,500 --sce~~t ·~ l (M~s~Added] SC:tma rlo ~ [llll~~SI AJ:l dedl 4,000 l rt uoo .51 ·~ ~ 2,500 0 1.1 i ~ 2,CX>!l v Q.. 1,500 1,000 500 • • o +-~---J-~--·~~~A-~-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-Dec:-15 Model Layer 3 . -,.--· -'- 2020 2025 84-2 2030 ,W3S 2040 2045 > '1::1 1 = Q, K" 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE SUpport senric:es, Inc. Vlllil!y Distric:t/West V...,/Goodtidi/City of Rialto/City of Colton PredctJve Modet Runs of tile Rlalto-Qolton linin Groundwater Model PW-Z 20,000 r.================::::::;----------:"-~~:--,:--1 • Observed --Calibration .····f ·'~· '-....._ 18,000 16,000 14,000 i f 12,000 s 0::: .. ~ 10,000 8 I .a 8,000 £ t 0. 6,000 4,000 2,000 : ~ ... _ . ~ --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) .. J • . . , . .. ,. ·. ,, 0 ,_ 0. 0 \ ~0 Model Layer 3 •· • •• ~-~ .....,.. 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ,.. , i ~ a.. 5C Ill .... 1.Qec-15 84-3 GEOSOENC£ Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West V*t/Goodrldt/City of Rialto/City of Colton I'Nclicthe Model Runs of tiM Rialto-Colton Basin Grounctw.tar Model 1,000 • Obt@'l"~i!d --C~Ii brJtlio n PW-3 900 --Stl'<\llno 1 (Mass Adde'dl Sc!ll•t1o .ot IMir.~ Aaded) 800 700 ~ ! ~ 600 9 ; :s ~ 500 § %! ~ 2 .. .. l 400 300 200 100 • 0 • • • • ~ •• 2000 20 05 2010 20 15 2020 2025 LJ\ :· ~-·. ··. "" .. ' ~~( ... ,\ Madel Layer 3 )> '0 ., ~ r 6. ·-· ;c 2030 20 35 lMO 21};1 5 20$0 Ill' - GEOSCIE NCE SUpport Services, Inc. V..., District/West Y...,/Goodrfch/City olllillltD/Clty of Coltooo PreclidMI Model Runs of tile Rillito-Colton _., ~roundwater Model N-25 ~OOOrr=====================~----------~-~~'~'C .. "--~~ • Observed --Calibration ~-: "- --Scenarlo2(MassAdded) SCenario4(MassAdded) ""-, L_J . •... '-.. '~ ·. . "'-, '~'"<;: · .. : \ 900 BOO 700 .J l Model Layer 3 r:.' .!2 .. 600 e ~ s r:. 500 a I .5I .r:. 1:! t 400 30Ci 200 • 100 A • • • • 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1 :II I !f 1~1$ B4-5 GEOSCIENCE Support ServllleS, Inc. Valley Dlttrkt/West Va lley/Goodt'lcti/Cit'f af Rialto/City ol Colton Precroctlve Model Runs aft he Rillito-Colton Basin GtCIUI!dwat« Model EMW-OSA 1,000 -r;:=====================::::::;-----------:--"'Ef· ,,;;::---............ ,-, 1 ' • Observed --Calibration -. r ~-~ -........_. '"' -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) · Scenario 4 (Mass Added) '~ l. . • :· , .. . "-. _ ·-....._. . ' ... " 900 ' •. "'~ ·,,"-...,0 ~ .,, .: 800 700 ... l Model Layer 3 c -8 I! ~ 600 § 500 - 8 ~ I! :i ~ :. 400 300 200 100 .... _ ' ·-...----..... -0 .......----.-., 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 20 35 2040 2045 2050 ~ "0 "0 G :I a. ;c· al .,... 1-Dec-15 84-6 GEOSCIE NCE SUpport Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Go4dlidt/City of Rlallo/Clty of Coltaot Predlc:tlve Model Runs of the Rlalto<oltc:on lain &roundwater Model • Observed -Calibration EMW-058 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 900 BOO 700 .... l i 600 i! .. c .. ... 500 c 0 u i Ji ..c t! 400 II A. 300 200 100 O .f------..----r---~ ..... - 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 B4-7 2030 2035 Model Layer 5 2040 2045 : 1 :II CL iC 2050 I! GEOSOENCE Support SeN!-, Inc. Valley OlsCrlct/West Vlley/6ooclrlch/City of flY Ito/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton lasln Groundwater Mod•l EMW-OSC 1,000 r;::=====================:=:;---------r.l':::---c:::::::-1 • OO.SNvcd --canbtatwn 900 S«:ri Drle~l ~Mass Ad ded) ~ntlll!'oO ~ [Mass lldd edl 800 700 ~ l Model Layer 6 fi .~ ~ 600 E 8 c: 500 0 .... JJ ::! ..; '6 400 t ... 300 zoo 100 0 ~-------~------~------~r---, .. ----, 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 ~25 2030 2035 84-8 GEOSOINCE Support s.nrices, Inc. Valley District/West Vallliy/Goodiidi/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predidlve Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basill6found-ter Model EMW-04A ~OOOr.===========================~--------------• ObseNed -Calibration 900 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 ... l i 600 ! .. c .. .. c 500 .3 B I!! J2 ""' ~ 400 .. Do. 300 200 100 0 +-------,-~~--,------~~------. ~ .. 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 l·Deo-15 Model Layer 3 2040 GEOSCENCE Support SlfVICM. Inc. V .. ey Dlstltct/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rillito/City f1l Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rilllto-(olton Basin Grounclwatet' Model EMW-048 1,000 .. Observed --C;,Il br;otion 900 -Scl!llorio 1 (Mom Addtidl Scl!muio n (Mi-U Added} 800 700 _. l c· ! 600 ., .. ~ 500 s ! j ~ l. 400 300 200 100 J~-· 0 2000 2005 2010 20 15 20 20 2025 1-Dec-15 84-10 2030 2D35 J;1 lJ~ .... "-<. •• "' ... ~··.· Model Layer 5 2040 2045 ~ 'i :::s CL :;r 2050 i! GEOSCI ENCE Support Services, Inc. Vllley Distrkf/West V~/Goodtldt/Oty of I!Wto/C!ty of Colton Predktlve Model Run5 of the Rlelta<olton Basin Groundwater Model 700 ... l { 600 .. I!! .. c !I 500 c d s I!! Jl 400 ..:: t c:.. 300 200 100 o ..l-----..---=::;==z:=!a..-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 EMW-04C Modi!! Uye~6 f != 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 f GEOSCIENC£ Support Services, Inc . v•~ey Dislrta/West V•lley/Goocttdi/City af Rlalto/Oty o1 Colton Predlctlw! Model Runs of tfle R._lto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model PW-BA 1,000 r;:::::=:=:=======================::;---------"TI,::--~:-1 • Observed --Calibration 900 --scenario 2 (Mass Added) -Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 ... l r= 600 .g i 8 500 c 8 I .c ~ l 400 300 200 100 0 +-------~------~------~r-------· 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 84-12 2030 2035 Model layer 3 2040 2045 f ~ a. s:c· 2050 i! GEOSOENCE Support Senti-, Inc. Valley District/West Valll!y/Goodtidt/Clty of lllalto/Clty of Colt011 Predictive Model Rvns of the Rialto-colton Basin 6rouncl-ter Model PW-8B 1'000 r;::=.=o:bs:e:rv:e:d=======c:a:ll:br:at:lo=n====::;------------~---~-E'l~cf""'"":"-.__~· --....::;::::-:----, --scenari o 2 (Mass Added) Sce nario4 (Mass Added) ~ L .J ~ ~ "-. 900 800 700 ... l c 600 .2 ! ~ 8 500 c 8 I 400 :E t! :. 300 200 • .~ . /. .. """'i--• · ...... __ 0 +-----~--~~--------~--~~r---- 100 2.000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 -~-· "-, ·: . . . '· . ~··. Model Layers 2040 2045 ... •.· ~ "1::11 • il 5C m .... 1-Deo-15 84-13 GEOSOENCE Support S.rvlces, Inc. Vlllley Distrld/West Valey/Gooclrfch/Clty of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the RW1a-cotton Bnin Grounctw.ter Model PW-8C, PW-80 and PW-8E 1,000 r.===================~---------r.=r,~-,:--l I • Observed -Calibration I ~·l·--~ "".",· .• ",·."'-'......_..._.........._ .. --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) J.: I"' . ........._ 900 .. ,) . " ' . "'~ '·"<~··:~:. ~ ., .. 800 " \ 700 .. ... l Model Layer 6 c 600 ! e ~ ~ 500 8 B I! 0 400 :c ~ :. 300 200 100 • 0 -1-===:;::==--.....,~.,.::3::~===~""'1"-~·~---..----. --,---.-----.·-' f a ;c· 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 84-14 GEOSCIENCE Support 5efvlces, Inc. Valley DistriWWest V....,/Goodikh/City of Rialto/City of Cohan Preclttlve Model Runs of tM Rialto-Colton lla5in 6rounctw.~ Model WVW[)-22 (Intermediate Aquifer) 1,000 r.::===============::::;--------~-"F.""':--o:::::::::---, • Observed -Calibration Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 900 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 ... l & 600 ! .. c .. .. c 500 0 1.1 i Jl ..c ~ 400 .. Q, 300 200 100 O+----r------..,....------.---~ 2020 2000 2005 2010 2015 2025 1-Dec-15 84-15 Model Layer 3 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 i' GEOSOENCE Support Servlml. Inc. V.U., Dlstt1ct/West V..J.y/Goodt'idi/Cty of Rlalto/Cty of Colton Predictive Model RuM of the Rbllto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model WVWD-22 (Upper Regional Aquifer) 1,000 "'"-;:::================:----------r.t""""":---::::::::--:""'"l ), cf:··~ --.....~·· ... l c Cl I 8 c 8 ~ s .1: ~ :! 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 • Observed --Calibration --scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) • • 0 +----~----,-----,---·-·~~~._, ___ _ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 1~15 84-16 ·o ' ~ . . . .. ....... ' ~ . ··.. ·"-.. ' f~ • ' ~...... ~ . ~-·~n '··"\ ~ ~---~ \ Model Layer 5 2030 2035 2040 2045 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senllces, Inc. Valley Dis1rict/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Precldlve Model Runs of lhe Rlllto-Calton Basin Groundwatel Model EMW-03A wo r.=============================~------------~--7.~~,~~~~--~ + Observed --Ca libration ,. • ··-· ·~ ""-.._ -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Sce nario 4 (Mass Added) '-, U":(:) "'-""-.._ ~::~\ 90 80 70 l Model Layer 3 f 60 i 0 so 8 I 40 i 30 20 L / 10 ~· /] _A~ 0 '•> . ./ I 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ,. "':J i ::::J .:.. i( IIJ .... 1-Deo-15 84-17 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc., Inc. Valley Dlstrk1/West Valley/Gooclrich/aty of Rialto/City of~ Predictive Model Runs of the RJelto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model EMW-038 100 ~============================~------------------~"~--"~-, lr .r;::! • OM~f\>~cl --Calibration [" '-i "'· .• --scenario 2 (fll>.ass Adlicd} !Oet"l\l!iO ~ (Ma.ss Mdedl ~ ·.C'j ~~·-·.: 90 80 70 • ... l Model Layer 5 r:• 60 0 ~ ! c: ~ 50 .s ! l! ..2 40 1 a. 30 20 10 0 • 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2030 2040 2045 1-Dec-15 64-18 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Senllces, Inc. v.-ey Dls1rlct/West V....,/Goodrlch/Crty of lli*o/City af Colta. Preclictiwe Model Runs of the Rialto-CDiton lla5in Groundwater Model ... l c .2 .. I! ~ s 1: 8 a I! .5I ~ ~ • ~ EMW-03C roo ~============================~----------------~~~~~~~ ,, 1.: ........ • Observed --Calibration : ;r;:. ~ 90 Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) L _l .. as '~ ·~ 80 70 Model Layer 6 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 __ /. ~-------r---==~==~--~~-----~----~~-----~------~~-------, ~ 1 ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 84-19 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcm, Inc. V .. ley District/West Vdey/Goodr1d!/City of Rialto{Oty of Colton Ptedlctlve Model Runs of the Ralto-Colton Basltl Grounctw.ter Model EPA-MW9A 1,000 r;::================:;-----------Fi"""'.:--"""'=--, --C ~U tJr"ilt lo n 900 800 700 _. l 8 :;:; • .. til 600 .. l!! 500 B ! • .§ 1l :. 400 1-Dec-15 • otls.er.ed --.Scenario 2 f Mal.l Addrdf ~no 4 IMa.s.s Adcll!d ) 84-20 Model Layer 5 \ • 2050 GEOSCI ENCE Support Senllces,tnc. Valley District/West V•lley/Goodrlch/City afm.lto/City of Colta. l'rl!Cic:thoe Model Runs of the R;.lto<oltcn Basift 6roundw•wr Model ... l c .g I!! 1:l ~ ~ I .R .c: ~ :. EPA-MW98 1,000 r;::::==============;---------:---;::-~---::::::::----, • Observed --calibration [: ''-. ~ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~j 1' .' > -.._ '"~ • G). ', . ·. " . ... ~-~:·· .. \· ~ ~-··,,: \ Model Layer 6 --.. -------. 0 +-----------~--~·=~------~------~-------r--~~~~~---r-------1 ~ 1 ICL ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 i! 1-Dec-15 84-21 GEOSQENC£ SUpport Services, Inc. Vdey District/West Vaky/Goodtrldl/aty of ~Ito/City of Colton Predldive Model Runs of ttl~ Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model ~ "'iol ::10 t .9 £ ~ v a u i ;;: ~ .. ... PW-SA and PW-58 1,000 r;::::=====~==================~-------~_Elrl. """":::-----.:::::::::----, • Ob!~d --Ca libration f .- 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 --S(;(!J'hl rl o2 tMnuA d ded~ ~llflO~ (M¥l sAddedl ~L ~-·• •u , . . " . ~ ~:··. ~ """-··.: Model Layer 5 ~ 2005 2010 201 5 2020 2025 2030 }0~ 2040 2045 20 50 )I> ~ ::I Q. x I! GEOSCIENC! Support Services, Inc. V•"-f lllstrk:t/West Vdey/Gooclrlch/Oty of !Uito/Oty of Cotto. P~ Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton ._., Grouftdwater Model ~ l c .2 I 8 c: 8 I t! l. PW-SC, PW-SD and PW-SE 1,000 r;:::==================~---------:--r,n~'=""--..;;:::;:---, • Observed --Calibration / ~ --'1-• ··· · '--. 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 jJ:·. · .. " Sa!nario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) -• •G ·""" • • 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 84-23 2035 Model Layer 6 2040 2045 ., .... •.• ~ -~I 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc:B, Inc. Vllley District/West V.ley/Goodridy'City of Rialto/City of Colton Pndittive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton BIISin Groundwam Model ... l c ~ s c B c IS !! I! .2 ..c: ~ :. EMW-OlA 1,ooo ~===::::::::::=::::::::::====::::::::::====::::::::::======:;:-------cf-r;'.r. ::::-_,-·. ~~ • Observed -Calibration . --.,. • --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) -··Scenario 4 (Mass Added) '""'-. '. ;·.. , "\ . 900 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 '~ o. ·. ·""', ~ ~·"'· .... \ '.......... ,~· .. : Model Layer 5 --· ~ 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1 i >< f 1-0eo-15 84-24 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Setvlces, Inc. V .. ley Dis1rlct/West Valley/Goodrich/City of .U.to/City of Colton Predictille Model Runs of tile RWto-Colton Basin Gtounctwaw MocMI ... l c .2 i !I c: 8 I .c t! :. EMW-OlB ~OOOr.=========================~------------~~~~--"~~ II • Observed -Calibration I · · ~ .~ ~ ! 1-Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) L ~·"· . ' . . · ".. . ~ 900 ~. ~ o. . "" ~ ... 800 700 Model Layer 6 600 500 400 300 200 100 ~--------,......,. . 0 ~--------.-----~~------~-------r-------r-------r-------r-------r~---·--·~· ~~~----~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 20 25 2030 2035 2040 2045 1-Del>15 GEOSCIENtE Support Services, Inc. v.lley District/West v.,~r/Goodridt/CIIty of Rialto/oty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the RJ.Ito.Colton a.sin GroundM1er Model 1S/SW-3AS and 15/5W-3A6 1,000 rr:::=::;::===========::::::=======::;----------r.=r--..::.::::--~-:--1 • Ob.~l)rvPd --CQUbi'aUI:Itl [ (;} ___ .... ,. ........ , .. ! """""""""""'"'" '< · .. ., . ' ~"<·::\ 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 g 600 ~ • i .. 500 ~ a !l .. .§ i 400 300 200 • 100 0 -.-- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2CI1S 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-1 5 84-26 GEOSCIENCE Su pport Senft eM, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rlalla/City of Colton Predlclhe Model Runs of the R181to-<olton Ban Groundwlter Model 1S/SW-3A7 1,000 r.================:;----------:--""P.f~::---.;;:::::::---, I • Observed -Calibration I :·· r . ~ ~ --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) '>.t_ l .i ·• · '-~ : ~~:\ 700 _. l Model Layer 6 g ~ ! 600 c: 8 500 c: ~ j -5 400 i 300 200 100 0 ~-----?-----~~~~~==~~=--:=;===~====~==~====~==~ ,. "D 1 t 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Deo-15 84-27 GEOSOENCE Support ServlCI!s, Inc. v.-.., Disttlct/West val!.y/GooclrirJo/Oty of Rillito/City o1 Colton Precfoctiw Model Runs of the RWto<olton Bltsin Groundwater Model Rlalto-6 l,~ Tr=.==o==~=e=N=ed===========_=_=_==c a=ll=b=ra=ti=on=========o-----------------------.-----~~.:~.~,,_~~----~~~-----_9 ---Scenarlo 2(MassAdded ) · Scenario4 (MassAdded) · Lf.: -· ', ~ 900 800 700 .... l f 600 ~ 500 8 i J! 400 i 300 200 100 1-Deo-15 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 84-28 "-, · ..... ,, '-, . '· ~. ~-o .. : \ ,,, .. ·' ...... .......... ... ......... ·.,, Model Layers 5, 6 and 7 ~ 1 ::II a. jj(" 204 0 2045 2050 i! GEOSCIENCE Support Setvlc:es, InC. Valley District/West V•lley/Goo<*ich/City ollllalto/City d Colt011 Predlcltve Model R11ns olthe Rlalto-<oiton 8asill Grounctw.let Model PW-9A, PW-98 and PW-9C LOOO r.===========================~---------------r.~~--~--~ ; .. .E; "---. "'-...... • Observed -Calibration 900 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 ... l j 600 .. ~ • 1: .. .. 500 1: 0 u I Jl 400 ... .. :;; • a. 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 20 20 2025 84-29 2030 2035 1 r ··.· · , ~ ~ ... " "''~. ·:.~: \ ~ ' .... ~· Model Layer 5 o --I : 1 t 2040 2045 2050 ~ GEOSOENCE S11pport Servlca, Inc. V1lley District/West Vllley/Goodl'ich/City of Rlalto/Oty of Colton Predidive Modellluns of the RWto<olton Blsln Ground-ter Model PW-90, PW-9E and PW-9G 1,000 r;:::============================:;---------c=;-~-----:::;::::--....,..., -Calibration ,--:~= .. ~~-~-• Observed --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) 900 800 700 .... l c 600 .5! .. I!! ~ ~ 8 500 ! :1 400 1::! l • 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 1-l)ec;-15 Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ""-Ly.: ; ~ . · . ',, 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 84-30 ""-· ,, ''·,,. o ,_,, .. ~\· ". , .. """ ... " ., , .. Model Layer 6 2040 2045 GEOSCII'NCE Support SeMces, Ill(;. Valey District/West V*'t/Goodtich/City of Rlalto/aty of Cotton Preclcllve Model Runs of the RlaltcH:dton lasln Eifounclwat.r Model 700 .... l i s 600 0::: .. .. 500 0::: 8 • I .t 400 ..c .. ~ • A. 300 200 100 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-tleo-15 PW-lOA and PW-108 2020 2025 203 0 20 35 64-31 Model Layer 5 2040 2045 ~ 1 t 2050 i! GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcl!s, Inc. v.lley Distrfct/West V*'t/Goodttldi/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Ptedlctlve Model Runs of the Rlalto<olton Basin Grounctw.ter Model PW-12A and PW-128 1,000 r.::::=======:=================;------------r--r,;= __ J1Jf""~-...,......_,,--:"l • Observed --Calibration L.f.: . · >--'-'~ --scenario 2 (Mass Added) SCenario 4 (Mass Added) -~. • •. • '· ........ ·.. . ', ' .. . 900 800 ,~ .... "" ·,b ··· ·~\_·· "· ' .• , . ......... .. 700 ... l Model Layer 5 c I 600 f! c: 500 8 ~ .S! .c ~ l 400 300 200 100 0 -~----:---__ ···-2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-0ee-15 84-32 GEOSOENCE Support Sarvlcws, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrtch/Oty of llilllto/City of Cotton Predictive Model Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Gtoundwlter Model EPA-MPSA through BC 100~.=============================~------------~~~~~~~--~ • Observed Calibration / ' f.: ~ . 90 80 70 30 20 10 1-Geo-15 0 2000 l ··-· ~ Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ':, ,..,J · • . '\ .......... 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 84-33 . ·. " . ' . ·. ~ ~:.~~·\ Model Layer 5 .--· 2035 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE Support Senllcll, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrlch/Oty of Rlalto/Oty of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R'-'to-Colton Basin 6nlUIICiw8ter Model EPA-MPBD and BE 100 r.=============================~------------------~"--~~--~ I • Obs"~IVl'd --Calibutrcn I I GJ ~ ~ 90 ---'~2(M~Add .. ) "'""~""""'"'"'' ~-•' • • ""'· -..._ "~"<··.: \ 80 70 .... ! Model Layer 6 g 60 i t: c; ~ so 3 .!l !!' ..i l 40 30 20 10 •••• 0 +----~------~-----~-------r- ~00 2005 2010 2015 2020 2030 20115 2050 GEOSCIENCE SUpport SeMc:es, Inc. Valley Distrkt/West Valley/Gclodrkh/City of RiiiiiD/Clty af Colton Predldive Modelllllns of die Rlalto<Diton Basin Qoundwllter Model PW-11A and PW-118 1,000 r.===============~--------,....-~"~----::::::::::-1 I I • Observed -Calibration I . ~ ·--~~ ~ ~ . I 1:.·.· ' ~ -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) '- 900 .• ••• . ·"- 800 ~'<:·.:\ 700 ... l Model Layer 5 i ~ J; 600 1: • .. 500 1: 0 u I .5I 400 .&. ~ .. D. 300 200 100 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 203 5 2040 2045 2050 GEOSOENCE Support Servl-,lne. V .. ley DlstrlctJWest V.ley/Goodrlch/City of Rielto/City al Colton Predictive Model Runs a/the Rialto-Colton Basin G~er Model ... l r:.· 0 ! ~ 8 r:. 0 u !I I!! .5I -5 ~ A. PW-11C, PW-11D and PW-11E 1,000 -r.=========================::::;-----------:--:---!;=1. """-~.-................... :::::::--1· I • Observed --calibration ~ • ,--·fl . -.......,_ ". ... . 1 . ~ ·.: :· . . '---. ............ -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) · Sc_enario 4 (Mass Added ) . . .,., ......J ' . 900 .. . . "'-• • • . " ""'-t. " .. ". ·, > ~~'-.... ""-' ·0:.. '\.:, ......... """ .: 800 700 Model Layer 6 600 500 400 300 200 100 ,. 'a i 1-----T---=~~======~==~~~~~--~~========~~==~======~::::::;:======;d it 0 ~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 1-Dec-15 B4-36 GEOSCIENCE SUpport SeMces, Inc. Valey Dlstrict/We$t Valey/Goodrlth/City of Rialto/City ol Colton Predidiw Model Runs olIN Rialto-Colton a.sioo GroundWIIter Model ~ l r:.· ! I!! 'E fl r:. 8 .! e .5I .II: ~ u 0.. EPA-MP7A through 7C 100 ~==========================~----------------~~~~~--~ • Obs@rved --Calibration 4! -....., ,, ' .1:-'··' -~· .................. 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~ 1.._:· ·~ :-. , '""" II'~ ' 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 ••• • • 0 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 ~ .. ·. ·:~ .. ~"· ... ... Model Layer 5 204 0 2045 ,- 2050 ,.. 'a 'a • :I ~ >C m "" 1-Dee-15 84-37 GEOSCIENCE Support s ,rvl-,lnc. V...., District/West Va~/Goodtfdt/Oity of Rialto/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Gtounclw8tet" Model EPA-MP7D and 7E WOr,=============================~------------~~~~~~~--~ I • Observed --Calibration I . ,·-··~.:·-~ ~ 90 -.. -.. Scenario 2 (Mass_~dde~) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ""l.f.: : . . . ."-..'\. ""' '• . '· ~~'-',",_·n~· ~· ............. ~.··.: \ 8 0 70 ... l I . . Model Layer 6 c 60 .2 ... ~ ! § 50 c9 I ~ :. 40 30 20 10 0 .. •- ~ 1 a )(' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20 50 I! 1-o-15 G!OSOENCE SUppor1 Senllc:es, Inc. V~ District/West V,.,/GDodlkh/City of Rlallo/Clty of Colton Precllctlw M*l Runs of the Rialto-Colton IIMin Grounctw.ter Model CPW-16A through 160 1,000 r.===============::::::;---------c;:--:--~;:::---::::::::::---, • Observed -Calibration ' •· ··~.: . ·· ""'~ Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~· f : : . . '\. "--:. . . . ' "'' ~~:-;\ 900 800 700 ... l Model Layer 5 ! 600 I!! .. c • .. c 500 0 CJ i .12 z:. 400 ~ II ~ 300 200 100 0 +-------------~~--------~------~---------.-------r--------.-------~------r-----.... r-----~~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 20 50 84-39 GEOSCIENCE Support Servl~ 111'- V .. ley District/West V*'t/Goodridi/City of Rillto/City of Collen PredlctiWI Model Runs of the RJMto.Colton llasln Grounctw.t.r Model CPW-16E through 16G 1,ooo r.:==========================:;--------rJ:·r:::~. ~··,~,-.. __,,::::::::-"-.....-~. 1 • Observed -Calibration I ._ ~ i 1--Scenarlo 2 (Mass Added) -Scenario 4 (Mass Added) "-> l •: : •. ""-'· 900 ' ••• ". . . '· .... ' ... , <. " ~" '~.-. ·' ......__, G> .· \ ""-' ·.: . \ 800 700 l Model Layer 6 c 600 0 ·~ s !I 500 c: 0 u ! I! .5I 400 -5 t a. 300 200 100 0 ~---r-~~~~~====~====~==~-~~~==-~----~----~~~---~~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE $upp«t Services, In(. Valley District/West V*'t/Goodtrich/Oty af ~/City of Colt 011 Precldlve Model Runs of tt. Rialto-Colton ll8sin Groundwater Model PW-13A and PW-138 WOr.=============================~----------------f.1~~~~--~ • Observed --Calibration ' · r ',..._"" ~ S<~•rio 2 {M~• Ad"') "'"'rio' {M~ Addod{ ~ ', • • "'·-_' ~""~~·.: 90 80 70 l Model Layer 5 & 60 I ~ so B I 40 J 30 20 / / . 0 ~-----r---~~~---~------~-------r------~------~------r-----~~----~~ 10 ~ i i ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 20 30 2035 2040 2045 205 0 i! GEOSCENCESupportSe~~~~ VII ley District/West V .. ey/Gooclrich/City of Rialto/City of COlton Predictive Model Runs oftfle Rlllto-Colton a.sin Gtoundweter Model PW-148 and PW-14C 100 r.=============================~------------------------------~ 90 80 70 30 20 -- 10 • Observed -Calibration --SCenario 2 (Mass Added) SCenario 4 (Mass Added) Model Layer 5 •· • 0 +------,----~--------~----~~-----.------~------r-----~------,-------~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 1-Dec-15 84-42 GEOSCIENCE SuppGtt SeMc:es, Inc. V•lley District/West Vtlky/Goodrlda/Oty of lli-'to/City of ColtCII'I Ptedictive Model Runs of the .U.Ito<olton 88sin Groundw•ter Model ~ l c -! I! ~ ~ 8 i .5I .c ~ • D. CPW-17A and CPW-178 roo t===============================~----------------~~~--~~~ 11 • O~£>cf -C~I i b t~llon I L f• .~ ~ , 90 l i --Stllfl.ilti(I2 (Mas~Addedl S~noria-4{Ma~sM de(il ~~-·:~··.. ""' ..........._ ~ ~' . · .. · ' ~ ~:.~ \ 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 • ••••• > ~ 1 G. ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 84-43 GEOSCIENCE Support SeNtmr,lnc. VIII ley District/West V .. ey/Goodrldi/Oty of Rl81to/City of Colton Predictlw Model Runs af the Rllolto-Colton Basin Gfounclw8ter Model CPW-17Cand CPW-170 lOO t===========================~~----------~--~~~~~--~ • Observed --Calibration · ,__f.i "-...... ~ --Scenario 2 (Mass Added ) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ""'-L...f.: : •. . ·., '-. ' ' ., . ·. . ' ~-'·~:~w•· ·.~\ ~, .............. 9 \ 90 80 70 .... l Model Layer 5 t! .g 60 I!! ! fl c: 8 so !! f I :. 40 30 20 10 0 +------~--~·~~--~==;-------.-------,-------~------.-------.-------.--------rJ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 6EOSOENC1: Support Servlc.s, Inc. Valey District/West Valtt!y/Goodt"ldi/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Pn!dctlve Model Runs of the lllalto<olton linin Groundwater Model ..... l i :;::; ~ c 8 c 8 I ~ :. Colton-17 roorr=============================~------------~--~~~~~--~ • Observed -Calibration ·· :·---~ "'---. ~ I '{':, .. """ ~ Scenari o 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~-• • •• • -. "' "-... . . ' ~ ~~·<>·\ 90 80 70 Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 60 50 40 30 20 10 • :.:•llfl :. .. ·---··--=--·I • • • • 0 ---· f • :I A. j)C" 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 ~ 84-45 GEOSCENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley Dlstrict/WestVIIIey/Goodric:h/C"rty ol RilltD/City of Colton Predictive Model Runs of the Rbllto-Colton Basin Groundwatar Model Colton-15 100 r.===========================~------------~-r.~~--~--~ • Observed --Calibration .· rJ-• ' ·.'-...,_ ~ . :·. '--..;.,. -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) · Scenario 4 (Mass Added) " , • ; • , · . . '\. ....... ·" ' ~ . ~~~~· .. ~·\\ 90 80 70 ... l Model Layers 3 and 5 .: 60 0 .. e! ~ § 8 50 ll :!! 0 40 :c ~ l. 30 20 10 • • • • •-. 0 ---2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 1-Dec-15 GEOSCIENCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rlallo/City of Colton Preclcllve MoM! Runs of the Rialto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model ... l i ~ ~ ~ .. u ~ " I .J:. ~ • a. N-5 LOOO~==============================~------------~~cr"--~~--~ • ObseNed --Calibration ,. ; -~.~~ ~ 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 --scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 1 ,Y.: . '\. ~ . . ·. "'....... ' ... , Model Lilyer 3 • '\ \ ~ '1::1 1 :I D. ;c 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 203 5 2040 -.--- 2045 2050 f 1-Dec-15 84-47 GEOSQlNCE Support Services, Inc. Valley District/West V•lley/Gooclrlch/City of Rillito/City of Colton l'redlctlw Model Runs of the Rillito-Colton Basin Grounctw.• Model F-6 1,ooo ~r=========================:;-------~--j-·i;'i!r_ .'':--_ -_ """'=-~ • Observed --Calibration . ,----..., _ --Scenari o 2 (Mass Added ) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ,,L~ ·,. ··, : ·. ·,,,_ 900 "'" .• . -~ 800 ·\. \ 700 l Model Layer 3 c 600 0 ~ ~ .. .. 500 c: 8 !I I!! .5I ~ D. 400 300 200 100 0 ,...____-----.--~ ........ ,- 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 1-Dee-15 84-48 GEOSCIENCE Support Servlc:es, Inc. V*'t District/West V .. ey/Goodrich/City of Rlab/Oty of Colton Predlcllve Model RUM of the R181to<olton e.sln 6rounclwaur Model 1,000 • Observed Calibration F-6AS 900 Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 .... l g ~ .e. 600 " .. .. 500 c B I 'E 400 • Q, 300 • • ' • ~ 200 • ••• ~ .. -··, 100 . . ~ ···~ • 0 • • 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 ,--- 2030 2035 t1 ., .· ·. '··· ... . . . . . ~ ... . . .• Model Layer 3 " "" ' . ·'· ... .. 2040 2045 2050 GEOSCENCE SUpport Servl-, Inc. Vdey District/West Valley/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City of Colton Predlctlw Model Runs of tM Rialto-Colton Basin Gnlundwner Model 1,400 ..... l g 1,200 s J: .. ~ 1,000 0 u s I! .9 800 ..c: • u a; Q, 600 • 400 • • 200 0 .p::::::::!'--.:~~.s,_----·· .. ,- 2000 2005 2010 2015 1-0ec·15 2020 N-35 Model Layer 3 ,. A , , CD \" :I \ Q, '""' ;c· ,--,- 2025 2030 2035 2040 20 45 2050 ~ 84-50 GEOSCIE NC E Support Services, Inc. Valley DistricVWest V•lley/Goodrich/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Preclctiwe Model Runt of the Rialto-Colton Ba*!Grounctw.ur Model N-3D ~OOOr.=============================~~--------------~~~:-~~--~ • Observed --Ca libration i-· f1 . '~ ~ 1,800 1,600 1,400 i ; 1,200 ~ 8 c: 1,000 8 I BOO :. 600 400 200 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenar io 4 (Mass Added) ""'• _j>' • ·. • ·'··. ......_ ~~'\ Model Layer 5 0 +---._~-------r----~ ---....--.- ~ , 1 ~ &::a. 5C 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 !f GEOSOENCE Support Servl-.,lnc. Valley Dlstrkt/West Vdey/Goodrlch/ctty of Ri.,to/City af Colton Predictive Model Runs aftfle RWto-Colton linin Groundwater Model N-BS 1,000 • Observed -Calibration 900 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) · Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 .. 700 .... l Model Layer 3 c t 600 1: 8 500 c 8 !I I! .5! 400 'fi •• Iii A. 300 200 ·~, 100 \ > "0 "0 CD :I a. 0 / .......... .....__ )<' 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 all .. 1~15 84-52 GEOSCIENCE SUpport Servic::es, Inc. Valley District/West V .. ey/Goodrich/City of Rialto/City af Colto- Pr.dictlve Model Runs of the Rialto-cotton .._, 6roundwllter Model ... l 8 ~ s 0::: .. .. 0::: 0 u I .It ... u ~ ~ N-8D 1,000 r;:::==========================;:--------,.,---; ..... ~,,.__,.---:::::,:::---, + Observed --Calibration .. -I• ~ '-.. '""'-. -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) l j&. · · . '\ ~ ., .. :. . " 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 +----4~r-----~,------~ 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 84-53 --.--~- 2030 2035 . .. . ' Model Layer 5 2040 2045 ... ~·· 2050 GEOSCENCE SUpport Servloes, Inc. V .. '-Y District/West v•'-v/Goodridt/atv « Rlalto/Oty «Colton Predictive Model Runs of the R181to-Colton Basin Groundwlter Model N-12 1,000 • Observed --calibration 900 -SCenario 2 (Mass Added) SCenario 4 (Mass Added) 800 700 .... l Model Layer 3 c 600 .S! .. :! 'E 8 500 c 8 j .c:: 1::: :. 400 300 • • • ,. v 200 .J' 100 \ 0 /' ,. ,. ~ / 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 1-Dec-15 84-54 GEOSCIENCE SUpport seMces, Inc. Valley Dlstric:t/INest Valley/Gco6fkh/Oty of Rialto/City of Colton Preclktlve Model Runs of the RIMto-Colton Basin Groundwater Model M·3·Zone 1 through zone 4 1,000 rr==========================:::;--------~r:i~::--o:::.::::~-----, • Observed --Calibration 900 --Scenario 2 {Mass Added) Scenario 4 {Mass Added) 800 700 ... l g ';:; I! .. 600 1: u .. 0:: 0 u 500 i Jl .<:: l:! 400 .. A. 300 200 100 ~·· , ... !\ 0 ---2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 1-Dec-15 84-55 2035 Model Layer 5 2040 2045 ~ ... ~· \ ,. ~ 1 :I r::a. ;;c 2050 CD • GEOSCIENa Suppor1 Services, lne. Vdey Dislrlct/West V•lley/Goodrlch/City of Rillito/City of Colton Precl1dlw Model Runs of the lib! Ito-Colton Basin Groundwner Model M-3-Zone 5 through Zone 7 1,ooo r.::::====================;---------""fl'-.......c-,::::---1 • Observed --Calibration r~P . ."'---., .,j l c 1 8 t: 8 i ~ : 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 2000 1-0ee-15 -Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) ~ -~1 · · • • · '- '-. 0 •• . ', . .,..... . ~ . .. .. -·;-::.~ffil'-------I NY. I I 2005 2010 2015 --,~--=;;;;.......=.,._ __ _ 2020 2025 2030 84-56 2035 "-<... • '·. . '-., --~~-~--\ Model Layer 6 .-- 2040 ~ i a ~----sr 2045 2050 ~ GEOSCIENCE Support Servlcles, Inc:. Va lley District/West V*f/GotxkicNCJty of 11181to/Clty of Colton Predlcllve Model Runs of tile Rialto-Colton 8Bin Grou ndwlot er Model Rialto-3 WO r,===========================~------------~-r,~~--"~~ + Observed --Calibration 90 --Scenario 2 (Mass Added) Scenario 4 (Mass Added) 80 70 ... l Model Layers Sand 6 l 60 .. t! .. I: .. .. 50 I: 8 I .R 40 .t. ~ • • Q, • • 30 20 • 10 • •• \ > , 1 :II ICL • 0 5C 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 204 0 2045 2050 m • 1-Dec-15 84-57 GEOSOENCE Support Services, Int. APPENDIXCl Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes In Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 Scenarios 1 and 3 without Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ ' ' ' ' ' · .. <> ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . ' ' ' ' ', ' • ' ' ' .... ... .... .... .. ~\''' ,~·:.-"J ,' ', ', ' ~ ' ' ", t \. ', "'' ' ' I ' ' -~ ' . ' ' ' ' ' ' <::-"" .. ,''', , .... •> , ' \ '-~ '• ' ' ... ', ' . ' ' \ ' ' ' ' ' OJ<• ' ..,... ' ' ' ' • ' ' ,. MODEL-PREDICTED I'IIIDILOIUmi PWME IN IILECI'ID PE~IODS fOR M0o£L LAYERJ SCENARIO 1 wmtOUTMASS I.OADtNG -Modti-IWdi~ PM'tll1Dr11~ Con~M/1.) ..... ...... ...... Yt.lDO -••zco --• City a( Cohan 0 Oly-'RI•Ilu 0 Otr-'O.VSWt v ,..._,Water~ ... "' -~-v.er co.,.., ... WlltYIIP(W.ttrDII1rlft o -- [ ............. ~U•yllnl\lryLirtdfll/ roor...aunlltrSIM AJUI'I! C1·1 ' ., ' ' ' ' ' ', ~'..., ' . ' .. , " ' • ' -:) J ' ' ,,.,:~ -. I ' \ ' M ft \ \ ',r ',', "'1, ' ' I ' \ ' ',, ~ .... -~" ' ' ' ', ··' \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' .. ,.,.'~,. , .. , " ' I \ \ , ' \ ('I';-. ' ' ., ' • .. ,, ',', ..,, ' ' . I ' ' \ ... .,..,.:', .- ' \ J ' \ MOOa.·PIImiCTED PERCHIOitATE PWME IN SELECTm PERIODS FOR MOOEL LAYER 3 5aNARIOS WITHOUT MASS LOADING -Modlll~lcledr.chlomt c:etw:tMntJON(\11/lJ '"'"' "''""" -.... .., ., .. ... --• 0 "' ..;. • 0 D D D Otyofto1tan Otyr:AII•IID Ckycrlllw!r*le __ ._ -·----VQ,IVII,.,.W.~Distrtct SJ1n1• .. ln1Gr'CUI'Idlor8asln __ ... Rcurect-1 MDDB..PI.EDICJtP PEM:IIIDMIE PWME IN SBICIID PIIUOP$ FOR-LIAYERS SCENARIO 1 WII'HOUI' NA$5 LOADING -Madti•PfelltM4 .wthlam. Coflmnntlamtll/l) ..... • CllyGICahan 0 Cll.yGIRIIIID • otyoiRM!rside ·~-hllbltllwq,C:O.,.II'If + -.. -. --• w.tv.l.,v-.11H Dllwtl:t ....,_G~aundf;or .. sln ol~Para:J D SIDMhurst51t. .. _'lor lon~Wy L>ndftl/ r.r..rlunlllrStM Flcure C1·3 ' ' 'r-.. "') ' ' ' ', -¢-,, '< , ' ~~ '"" , ' ' ' ' .. .... -~ , ... , " \ ',, o .:> ,' ', ', ...... , ·,~ ' ' ' I ' ' 'r, ',' I '' \ \ .. . ~ ~ ·' -'· ·',·· ' ' ', ' ' \ .. ' ,,, " ' ' ....... c:,.., ' \ ' t ' \ ', I ... , ' ' ' ' ' ' \ ' M ~', _;r \ . ' I ' ' ' ., ' • ' ',, . ·. \ ) ·.~ i MOOEI.-PIWIICTEO HIIOilOMI'E PWMI lfll SELlCTED PERIODS FOR MODEL LAYEII 5 SCENARIO! wrTHDUT MASS LOADING ~ ModeHI'redlatcf P mhi~UI c:oncerrtr..uon~CuJ/ll • 0 0 ·:> .. 0 0 0 0 ..... ,., .... ...... ....... l DOtaliDO >>00 QtyDfCalton C~l1f.._.to Clryofiii:M:nlde FvM...aWMttC~ -· ..... --W.t \Yeywalef'OfDitt Sprtadlq~OIWft Mlct-VIIIey $1 nb ryl.lndfll / f~~m~•rlu.-.SIIlt AllUre Cl-4 ' ' ' ' ... ... ' ' ... ' ,,, ,, ' ', ~ .. # / ', ', .......... ~.... ' \ .... . ' ' --,, ', '\ I '' \ \ ', ~' ', ... ... ... '' ', « ... ... ~ ' ' ... ' ' -~ .. , ..... '( ' ... ' ... ' ' \ ... ,~ ...... ... ' ........ ,,., .... ,, ' ' ' ' ( ·; I I \' \\ ', ... . ' ' ..... J ' \ --u ""' "'t, ' ' ,, ',',] -~·' . ... ' ' ' ' \ "' .. MOOB.-PlEDICT£D I'IIIIHOMTf PWMI IN SElECTED PERIODS FOR MODa.IAYER I SCSIL\IIIOl WrTIIOIJTMASS IDADING ~ Model·,......fl«<<llora• CofletMIIII'ON CIII/ll ..... ,. .... . ... ... 100 10D1Dl00 -• otyofCo!lon 1) Oly-Ra.ito 0 OlyefRMntic ... ....auw.rec.p.,.,. v Maii:ADifey --'-' WISYIItf WIWDIItrtcl ~nc &oundli «&as! .. D liDoAcft.Patcllil D ........ ...... [ ~--S.nltaryLAirdl:l/ ,_ ...... 5 .. RaureCl-5 l·Dtt-15 ' ' ' ' ', ' . . ..... ' ,,, ,, ' ',,o:-J '~ ,' ', ', ... -· ' ' ....... ' ', ', ........ ' ' I '' ' \, ', ·~,--', . ' .. ' .......... ' \ • .. MOOB.~ PliiCiti.OIIATE ~ IN SELECTED PERIODS FOR MODEL lAYER 6 SCENARIO! wmtDUT MASS lOADING -Mc*"""-'lwdl"trctdom.e OlnctftlntiO!'IS (111/ll •tozo ,. .. .. -.... .. I;) 0 0 .y. ... 0 0 0 0 ....... 1G011D200 .... CltyafCohoo CttyafRab C~ofRMBW. foftbi•W.t.tc:»n!J, ...... ~ley --Wai .... WIW Dldrkt Spr•• .... Gtoutdotlasllll Stotlttnlnt SIM M~ley~IWylJindftl / former BuR.rSIM APPENDIXC2 Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 Scenarios 1 and 3 with Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ l-Dtt-15 ~;~'f{;~"":if~ .. ', ' ' ,: . ' .... r:~>, ' "' '. ' , ' .... ' ', C• ,' ', ', ', ' , 8, ... ' '-¢-,' ~---~ ....... '-' .... , r· , , ,<, [ ', ', ,.( "", ~ ", " ', \ ~.('! ' ' '~ .;.~·-. c~ .-, '' ',' ' ..-(") (~ ' ~- ' ' _, ........ _, ........ ,,, .... ,, ' """,, & I \ ' ' I ' \ ... t; t.f ';' ' ' '.... . ' ' "'1, '' '' ... r ', ' ' .... ~, ' ,. ' .,.,,. '' . '... ' .. 1 MOOQ-PREDICTED PliiCHIOMrE PWME IN SEL£CTED PliiiODS fOR MOOII.IAYI:R J SCENA&IOl Wl1tl MASS LOADING -Nodef•PrectidM l"trchloratt e.onc.ntmtom (ulfl) ..... ...... ...... ....... 100 .. 200 ->ZOO ,_, Qty!Jfcaltan 0 OtyofRIMiu 0 ClryofRtw.m;lde .~ .. --..... • Mlelii&O*'f -eo..o-r .:> Wftt V.lt., W.ter Dlstrtd Spre•dlrcGwoundsorBisll'l D 110-AEK hrcd D ............. D MJIW)IItY SPibry laltcHIN I fom~•rBu,..tstt. ~ ·--· ... --I".O. ... __ CA I I11t -ll"'ltfi1_,_..,.411·ICII _,_. ... _ Flsurea-1 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '" ', ' ' ' ' ' • ,,, " \ ........ """.) ,' \' ', ' .... ' \ ' ... ' ' ' ..... '' '' I ', ' ' ', .. f"G', '\ ' ' ·. ~:· ' ' .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ,; ', '--, ' ' ' ', ' ' ' ' '....... ~\"'', .... ... , \ ' '' ~,~ I ' \ ' . -.. ',I "'\. '1, ' I ' ' ' ' __ .. ""' MDDB.-I'IIfDICTD I'I!IIDILCIUI"E 'WMI IN IB.IC1ID 'EIIOP$ FOR MODEL lAYER J SCENARIOJ wmt MASS lOADING -Mod~·PfeclctM hrdllam. C:.ct!llnll-k/L) ..... ..... ...... f) Q -?· -? .) D D [ atr.tcorton CllyflfNallo OlrafiiMn~e --c......., -·--c.._. ---- S'padlniGta&.n.,,ar .. •ln SCCIIneh11niSit. ....,.l.yS.ntc•rv'-'ndfiUI ,._rluftiii,Sh:ll Flpre C2·2 MODEL·PREDICTED P!III:KI.OIIATE PWME IN SELECTED PERI ODS POR MODEL LAYER I saNARIOl WITH MAS5 LDADI!IIG -Modt l·,.,_dlmd IWchlcrN Cot~mMniUons (....,Lj <to lO ZDto-40 ...... IOio liJO -tcOtlllOO ->200 • crtyDf('.olton 0 Olyofllalto 0 atyoflll~dll!: <· FMliiNWaeetConlf, • .......... _.,..,.,.... 0 West V.ltlyw.ter Dlltrkt D 160oAcft.hru:l D _ ... M~Sihbtya..MII/ foml•r &unltet StM ' •. ,,, " ' , \ \ I \ \ ' \ ' ' ' . ' ' ' " &<> ' . ' ' ' ' ' \ ,, ' ' ' ' ' "" ' ' ' .. ' ,,, " ' .._' : .• .) I \ \ .... , ' \ ............ ,... ', '~ ..... \' '' I ' \ ' -~' ' \ ' ' ' n.' \. M)DB..PIIEDICTED PEIIICIII.OIIAT! PWME IN liiLEClll) PERIODS FOil -L lAYER 5 SCDIMI03 WITH MASS lOADING ~ MDde~Pir<lltcnte C.ftcsl'ftliaiiJl'&l/lJ ..... ..... ...... ....... -........ ---• 0 e ~- + I) D D D QtyGIColton OlyaffUIIt:o OlyfiiRMn!de f"etGN 'W3Iltt Co111'151i"' -. . .,..., --.. W!IIVIIII"fW.WDI1111ct lpNclrc Grownds 01 aas;, ......,.~:llntwyl.lftdla!/ ftl,_-aunlriii"Sita RgureCZ-4 ' ' ' ' ' ' .!1 ...... ~ -...... ' ,,, " ' I ' ' • ..... r!l , ' \ ',r;:-f-', ', .... , '' '' J '' ' ~ ", :r .:, ' ' ' ... ..... ~.' ' ... '-.. ,._~. .... , ~ , . '' -¢-, # '< ;(. ', , ' ' ' ' ' ·, • -.....mecTEI) P!IICMIDMIE ~ IN SELECTED P£111005 1011 MOOE1 LAYER I SCEI'IAJII01 WITH MASS WADING ~ Modti·P'"'dmd ~hlar.ta ConwntNftaiN (v&I'L} ... ,., ,. .. .., --!,.•,\ atyaftolton 0 OlyoiNalto ~ otyofllllvi:nldt: ~· FofWM~a WMt:r Conlf. + ....... .,.,., _,_ 0 West v.feyWRt:rDI*kt Sprud.,. Grounck,...,. 0 MOoAc~ P.a~al 0 $\:ttnllhu lltSile 0 Mlcf.J/11.., S.n itlry U NI1111/ fo""*t lunlcefSM FlgureCZ-5 . : ... ~~' ,,, " ' '' -•, I' \\ '\ '... ...,.\ \ ' '' I \ \ '1, \' '' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' -""'\ '' ' \ ' .... ... r;;,' \ MDIJB..ftEDICm) PIIICMIDIUIIE PWME IN SEUCRD PEIIIDDS FDa MDOEI. LAYER 6 SCENARID3 WITH MA55lOAI)jNG -Modt~P•trhlat"'lt. __ Ioiii, ..... ...... -..... Q c .. ~ .. .. I) D D D OlyoiColton QlyflliUallo c:llyfll!Uwwslcle r.taM w.brCQmpany -&------- Sprud"111Gtaulldlor~" 11M¥111.y S.nbrr t.tn_.ll/ ron.rlull•r.ste Flpre C2·6 APPENDIXC3 Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 Scenarios 2 and 4 without Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ MODB..f'REDICTED PEIICHIOMT'E PWME IN IEuam PERIODS fOR IIIDDEI. LAYER 3 SCEIIARIOJ wmtOUJMASSIDADIIHI iiEilll!!!!!1!! Mod•I~Ptn:hlm~ ........,_IUI/ll ... :oo ""'"'" ...... .... ..., -""' .. "" ...... • q 0 ~· •v (I D c:.yrlfeatton ~rlfllaltD CI:Jcf.w:JUe ,.,._.,.lief~ Mmlll&o.lay .... cewn.-nr WlltYIIIeyiNIMDIIhtd ~l"r&aunds or &asln -... M~ct-Y.nar s.nn.v t.l'llftUI/ Fo~MtrluW lilte FIIJUR! C3-1 ' ' , ' ... (')), \ ,", ', ' ,,......... c· , ... ' ... "'" , ' .... ... ' , 0' ... ' ·.. .1. ~ • ... .... _, ',(' ; f L. ', ... , ·', .'"" . '-'' '' ,' ... , -~ ~ ', ', ... ' &" ' ... ... ~ ·-~ ~~ (; ' ... , ... '• ' 't c--~ ' .... , ' .... ~" ~ ,,, ....... (':·:· ,'', ', ', ., I \ \ ' ... -.... ~-~. ', ', ..,, '' '' ' ' ,..,...,,' .. ' ' ' \ • .. MOOO..PRIDICTED Pf.RCHLOIIATE PWME IN SELECTED PERIODS FOR MODEL LAYER I SCfNAIU04 WITHOUT MASS LOADING -ModeH"t«fkwd Paochtom. CMc.lltndON(Uf/ll 11020 ,. .... ...... 6Dto100 -tOOfDlOD >000 • Cttyd('.olton 0 Cllyotllalm 0 OtyDfMienl!de ..:· --c.,.. • -·--""""""" () West:YalllyW.terOIItrtd ~iJidlnlfin:lllnll•otllllr. D 160-AmPiorc::et ............. D Mtd-WI., S.hilary Lattdfllll / fOtmetlu~Sttt ~ ~ ....... -. ... IIA I .. -~Ut1J1o ....., .. ,_ Nllllllll ......... -·-- Flcure CS·:l NDDB.-PREDICT£0 PEIICIIIDMI'E PWME IN S!laTIP PERIOD5 FOR MOOEI. LAYER 5 SCBIARIOZ WITHDUrMASS LOADING -Modd·,.._...,.rd!tolft! en...,.... .. ...,.., ..... .... .., -...... 60tol00 -1GDN2C0 -..... at,aiCD.kan <) ~oiRialla ~ Dly"' llversld• ~~· r.an.w.wrtotnt:~J"' + Mlilb&Da~ --i ) WIII:Vd!yw.ter DIIVItt ~Gtauad$f11 .. " D t&O..tcrehrcel [' 5mnm.ln:l!iltl M¥-UIIIIIY S.nttary Llndftll/ ro.,..rlul&lalt.SIM FlpreC3·3 . .. " , .. , " ' ' ' ' I \ \ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' :r,·,. .. ' .. MODEL-PREDICTIIl PIIICIILOIIATt PWME IN SELECTtP PERIODS FOR MOOB. LAYER 5 SCINA11104 WITHOUT MA5S IOo\DING -Modt~klld Ptt'thlotatt: CDnr:•ntrltlon•(uc/l} • 0 0 -< .. • 0 0 0 0 6to20 City of Cotton CllyofiU•ItD QryoiN\Imtdt --Canol -~ ...... --Wftt'h.ltY'IfthlrDlllt1d st:n•• Gtounck ot .. Sin _,.. MI..V.Iky Sinlbry l.aft4lll I Fonner lunl. Slle ' ·:t:U II ' ' ' '• ' ' ' ' ' ' .-. ' ' ' ' ',, ', .. ' .. ... ... , ... , .......... oo ,'', ', '' I \ \ ........... 'f"' \' '\. ........ , ', ', t ' ' ' ~.,, ', \ ' ' \ s MODB.fREDictm I'IIICMIOIIAT! PWME IN SELB:TED PEIUOD5 FOil MODEL LAVER I 5allo\11102 WITHOur MASS LOADING OPtMIAT)QN ~-Piellded PercNorate Coftc:. ..... C14AJ ..... • atyo!Co ... (' """'-e Otyolll .... dli ,. rcrana~w c:o.np...y • ....... g • --I";< ........ W.t.Dfettld 5p6dln&Gtotlncb or lft!11 D ::a.Acr.:: Pllrcef 0 SIGNh lt~Sitt- [ Mld-Ney Slftltlty Llnllflllf ,....•rlu,...ln. Flcure a -s ' , ', ¢-,~ '( , , , ' , . ', ·~ ' \ Y/ ... ,~ cu-~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '' f ... ~ , ... , • ... ~'\ ' ............. oo "-,' ', ', ... . ' ' '' I ', '' '1, \ ' I ' ' ' ... :-''' ',,,_ '" .. '' ... ' \ \ ....... ··' \ MOCifi.~JCJED PEIICHtOMTE PWME IN SELKTED PERIODS FOil MOOEL IAYU 6 SCENARI04 WRHOUT MASS LOADING -t.todtt•"ttdC'IeCIPtrchlo~ Concent..naon~ k/1.) ! ... ,., .... .., .., .... .... "" 11X11D:ZOO -..... <:J Cllyottalta'l 0 OtyDfMIIto 0 aty o41tM!Rilll• ..;-klntan• Wllt.r Co~ • hktks&D*y --0 "Wnt Vlla¥VIatet Dilbtct Spudhtt Gfoundl « IMI" 0 110-Acn: Pwretl D Stonth.ll1tSttt D Mld-YalleySa nlt:aryi..Jindflll / Fonnerllun._.Sih ~I! C&QtOI_,.....,._ .... HI ..... G~I:i!JIIIT\1 flll-11111111•11-~--~----- FJ&ureC3-6 APPENDIXC4 Model-Predicted Perchlorate Plumes in Selected Periods for Model Layers 3, 5 and 6 Scenarios 2 and 4 with Mass Loading GEOSCIENCE ~ ' .. ' .. ', 'v.<" ' . ......... i .,. ,~. ,, ' , ' ' I ' ' ....... ~ ', ', .... ..,, '' '' I ' ' " ',·, . .,., ', ' A. \ .. ' 1 ' ' ... ·0 ' MODEL-I'RIDICTED PI IICHLDIUITE PlUME IN SELECTED PERIODS FOR MODEL LAY'ER J SCENMIOZ Wl11f MASs LOADING -Modt~cvl•kd 0aw1Ji1: &'I ,.l'lhl ~~nt. Conctmmlons (uiiiJ 6to20 ....... -...... 60 .. 100 -JOOtDlOD ,.,. • OlyofColton 0 "''"'-0 Oty ar Mftnkle "'!. Folont 'WIItllf '-'. + -·- D D D W.tr CGnlpUr ................ Mi6-Wiey SanlbryUIIdlll/ former BunlltrSIW --u - .. MDDEJ..PAEDICTED PEIICHLOIIA'II PWME IN SIU!tTED PEIUOP5 lOR MDIIEI. LAYER !I SCENARI04 WITH MAS$ I.OAPING -MoHiofrr'tdelalrwt:hlam. Cofl~n....._r-N ..... • OlyaiCD!ton f) CllyafRI•tiG 0 atr"' ltwJ'Mdl! ..:-fenb!M W.tH Cotnlla"Y ·J. -·-_.,........ 0 WIII*'-YW.tugtrtrkt Spudlrl1 G ........ Of laJf• D :1&0-Ac~PJrtel J StDMhun.tstt. [ Mid-Wiry S.nbty LlnctNI/ ,.,..,.., .... ,Sit • FlgureC4-2 ' "" ' ' ' ' >. ,.. ', "(. ... : ',' . L ...... ' ,~, ,, ' ... ,_ .... ~ I \ ' ... ' I \ \ ' ~ ' ' ' ... ' .. ' ....... '' '' I ' ' ~-,.~;·, ~ ' ' ' ' '1 .. -...PIWIICTtD I'ODILOIUifE PW ME IN SILECTED PEIIIOOS JO• MODa. LAYER 5 SCENAIIIOZ WITH MASS lOADING l!la!!!!!!!2!! Mcldtl,.,edla~td Pefddc.m. Cen'*"ld-Cur/LJ ... ,. ,.,,. .. .... .., fiDIDlOO 1QOta2DD -,,., ., OtyDfCaltan 0 OtyofRialm @ atr of lll:twnlde ..:· FoMaoll!a ~ter Coma. + Mfllks&O.'-f --0 Welt ¥81!y~r01sttkl Spwdlq~dstl' ... ln 0 1«J...Ae.-r: Plrttt 0 stcra•hurlt5lttl ll Mld·V'III!.y Slnlbry t..ndftll / Farll'l•fluliWSil:t' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ', ' ' ' ,,, " ' I \ \ I \ \ ' .... ~ ' ' " .... ·, ', . ' ..,, ' ' I \ \ . p.-_ '' ' ' ' ' ,. MDDB.·PREDICTfD PEMHDUTE I'WME IN lll.ltTED PE~I005 FDII MODEL LAYER 5 SCI!NARI04 WIT1t MASS UWJING -... .., lll .... • OlyaiCaltan :) ClyiDIRI•tlD e OlJ_,IIwnfdl '~ ---.;. _&...., --I) WIIIYd.,.~ll!rDIIMd' ~CiloundsarAnln D ~hr<tl 0 S'".aMh.uststt. D ~llert$tnrtlryUndfiU/ fonMrlui'IW.slt• Flcure C4-4 MOII£L.I'IIEDICTt0 I'EIICHI.OII.IITIPUIME IN SELKTED PERIOOS FOR MODEL LAVEll I SCENAIIIOZ WRH MASS WADING ~ lrlllodeHr ~ed P•n:hladte Coftctntr.UDJW (YIN llD:ZD .... .., • atycrlcotlon 0 atyofllllto 0 CRyofltM!:nide ... FotaN wa.t-tr Co"\ + -·-_,.........., 0 Wes.tVIIIIIywater Cbtrid Slft"'"c~or .... a.. 0 16W.mhrc:ef D Ston.tl!.nstSIII D ~ld-Vaill!'ji'S.Ditllry l.aftdfll / fom'l•rlu.-.su FlcureC4-5 MODn-PREDIClEO PIIICIILOIIAR PWMI IN IILECnD PBIIODS FOR MDDB. LAYER I SCBIWIID4 WITH MASS LOADING .,.,.,.,_, Cltyel .. a-., e ar..-~ + .....at~a~w eotnp-.y u..iii;&D81ey Wlltr CCIII'IPiftY Wl!ll:¥1fley ~ler Dln'kt D 160-AI::rt:,.,f'al 0 .SilonthfSt Sitt _ ....... ~/ --... PO. Box 220. CIaremonl CA 91311 I? 909.451AW I P:909951.0639 I www 9swwat&um