HomeMy WebLinkAboutWSA-WVWD_Exhibit_A387-8009 Inspection office shall be notified two working days prior to commencing permitted use. FAILURE TO OBTAIN INSPECTION SHALL BE CAUSE TO VOID THIS PERMIT. San Bernardino County Flood Control District 825 East Third Street, Room 108 San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 (909) 387-7995 - FAX (909) 387-1858 PERMIT Permit Issued: March 15, 2012 Permit Expires: March 15, 2013 File: 2-104/2.04 Permit No: P-22011022 Permittee: West Valley Water District Filing Fee: NO FEE 855 W. Baseline Road Inspection Fee: $4,908.40 Rialto, CA 92377 (Nonrefundable) TOTAL: $4,908.40 Contact/Phone: Tom Crowley (909) 875-1804 Assistant General Manager Permit Activity: Install, operate and maintain: 1) three separate 16-inch CML&C steel waterlines and one fl- inch sewer line running parallel to District right-of-way, and 2) a 24-inch RCP with headwall and rip -rap protection to spread water within Cactus Basin #2 Facility: Cactus Basin No. 2 Location: South of Baseline Road and west of Cactus Avenue City/Community: City of Rialto 1. The proposed permit activity shall be in accordance with the Plans (Exhibit "A"), and the Special, Standard and General Provisions, all of which are attached and made a part of this permit. 2. AT LEAST 48 HOURS NOTICE SHALL BE GIVEN TO THE DISTRICT BEFORE STARTING ANY WORK UNDER THIS PERMIT. Contact the District's inspector at (909) 387-8009; failure of notification is cause for revocation of this permit. 3. This permit, or a certified copy thereof, shall be kept at the job site throughout the period of operations within District right-of-way and shall be shown to any District Representative or any law enforcement officer upon demand. Exercise of this permit shall indicate acceptance of and agreement to comply with all provisions included herein. Violation of any provision shall be cause for immediate revocation of permit. PERMITTEE'S ACCEPTANCE: Signature by the Pennines or Permittee's Authorized Agent of this Permit shall indicate acceptance of all of the provisions of the permit. S 7111 P-eerrmiittee's Sign re Date PRINT DISTRICT APPROVAL: GRANVILLE OW" BOWMAN Date Flood Control Engineer TITLE oc: Fish and Game EXHIBIT A FC Operations Supt Inspector Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 1 of 22 Page 1 of 8 22011022 SPECIAL PROVISIONS 1. Prior to the three separate 16-inch CML&C steel waterlines and one 8-inch sewer line becoming operational, the Permittee and District shall enter into a license agreement for the operation of the three separate 16-inch CML&C steel waterlines and one 8-inch sewer line within District right-of-way. 2. Prior to the 24-inch RCP water turnout becoming operational, the Permittee and District shall enter into a water spreading agreement for the operation and maintenance of the basin. 3. An annual inspection fee, if applicable, shall be due on the anniversary date of this permit. The annual inspection fee shall be in accordance with the District's Schedule of Fees Ordinance in effect on the anniversary. STANDARD PROVISIONS 1. The term of this permit is for one year. The District will coordinate an extension(s) to the permit term upon receipt of a completed Flood Control Permit Amendment Application at least thirty days prior to the expiration date. 2. No revisions to the approved plans shall be made during construction without review, written approval and/or permit amendment from the District. 3. No floatable materials or stockpiling shall be maintained in the basin area, and equipment shall be kept out of the basin except when in use during working hours. 4. The existing access gates shall be locked after hours and on weekends by interlocking Permittee's lock with the District's lock to allow District access. 5. The proposed activity within District right-of-way shall be in compliance with all City ordinances for noise and operating hours. 6. The exact location of any above ground structure shall be field coordinated with the District's inspector prior to installation, 7. All applicable fees required for this permit shall be in accordance with the District's current Schedule of Fees Ordinance in effect at the time of District inspection. 8. This permit shall become effective upon the "Permit Issued" date shown on Page 1 of this permit. All permit provisions and all applicable fees (i.e. inspection fees, monthly land use fees, etc.) for the permit shall commence or become enforceable upon the Permit Issued date, regardless of the Permittee's actual commencement of activity within District right-of-way. Signature by the Permittee or Permittee's Authorized Agent on Page 1 of this permit shall indicate the Permittee's agreement to assume all responsibility and to adhere to the permit terms and fees from the date of permit issuance. 9. The Permittee shall not have exclusive use of the permitted area. The District may allow other Permittees access to the area to engage in permitted activities. EXHIBIT A Water Spreading Agreement Page 2 of 8 Cactus Basin No. 2 22011022 Page 2 of 22 10. All , existing asphalt or concrete surfacing removed for the installation of the permitted activities shall be sawcut at the removal limits. Any settlement in the future shall be maintained by the Permittee. 11. Backfill in all areas having flood control facilities shall be similar to the existing material and shall not contain organic material, broken concrete or pavement, or other material unsuitable for compaction. Backfill two feet deep under concreted rock slope protection and two feet behind concrete structures shall be compacted to at least 95% of maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D-1557. All other backfill shall be compacted to at least ninety percent (90%) relative density as determined by ASTM test Method D-1557, Method C and certified evidence thereof submitted. Compaction tests shall be performed at locations specified and to the satisfaction of the District. 12. All construction and material testing for facilities constructed within District right-of-way will be performed by the Permittee and/or Permittee's authorized agent and certified evidence thereof shall be furnished to the District at the Permittee's expense. 13. The Permittee will submit "Record Drawings", stamped and signed by a Registered Engineer in the State of California, at the time of the final inspection. 14. No more than one-third (1/3) of any flood control facility may be obstructed during the period October 15 to April 15, nor more than two-thirds (2/3) of any facility may be obstructed during the remaining period. The term "obstruction" shall include all temporary or permanent structures, falsework, excavated material, and equipment connected with the construction. For the purpose of computing the area of an obstruction, dimensions shall be taken normal to the channel flow of the actual physical outline of the obstruction. 15. All structural concrete shall be 660-A-4000 in all inverts and 660-13-4000 for all walls, including wing walls and headwalls. All concrete shall conform to Section 201-1 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, latest edition, unless otherwise specified in this permit. 16. Concrete for rock structures, bottom controls, and splash pads shall be 560-B or C-3250. All concrete shall conform to Section 201-1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition, unless otherwise specked in this permit. 17. Concrete mix designs shall be submitted to the District for review and approval at least 72 hours prior to concrete placement within District right-of-way. 18. All reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of ASTM A-615 and shall be Grade 60. 19. No shotcrete or gunite concrete placement will be allowed within existing or future District right-of-way. All concrete structures shall be cast -in -place. 20. The 16-inch CMUC steel waterlines and one 8-inch sewer line shall be adequately marked with above ground markers per District's S.P. 204, attached herewith as Exhibit "B", at intervals determined in the field by the District. 21. The Permittee shall provide to the District a point of contact and a schedule for discharge into the basin thirty days prior to any flows entering into the basin. EXHIBIT A Page 3 of 8 Water Spreading Agreement 22011022 Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 3 of 22 22. A modified concrete apron, per District's S.P. 260, attached herewith as Exhibit "C", shall be required around all above ground structures. 23. At any time during the life of this permit, the District may revise, modify or add provisions to this permit as may be required to meet the flood control, water conservation and safety responsibilities of the District. 24. Either the District or Permittee may terminate this permit by giving the other party sixty days written notice of its election to terminate. 25. Should maintenance activities be required at anytime, the Permittee shall coordinate the permit activity with the District's Flood Control Operations Division. 26. This permit will expire in May 2012. It is the intent of the District and West Valley Water District to enter into an agreement to continue water spreading activities after May 2012. 27. Permittee shall prepare and submit to District, one week in advance, detailed weekly schedules for the delivery of imported water and other information which may be pertinent to the works and water spreading. The detailed weekly schedules prepared by Permittee are subject to review and approval by the District. Said schedules may be changed or terminated as necessary to accommodate spreading operations, construction of fixed works, groundwater conditions, storm maintenance, routine maintenance or emergency functions of either District or Permittee. Permittee shall provide a list of emergency contact personnel and telephone numbers with each delivery schedule. This information shall be sent to: Scott Ryan, PWOS San Bernardino County Flood Control District 825 E. Third Street San Bernardino, CA 92415-0835 28. Permittee shall be responsible for security and surveillance of the areas used for ponding, conveying and spreading of imported water. Permittee may employ guards for this purpose. GENERAL PROVISIONS Exercise of this permit, by Permittee or Permittee's authorized agent, shall indicate acceptance of all of the provisions of this permit. Permittee shall make all contractors doing work on this project familiar with all of the requirements of this permit. Violation of any provisions of this permit shall be cause for immediate revocation of the permit. 2. INSURANCE - This permit shall not become valid until the Certificate of Insurance has been completed by your contractor's insurance company and approved by the Flood Control District. If the permit activity is to be completed by Permittee's forces, the Certificate of Insurance shall be completed by Permittee's insurance company and approved by the Flood Control District. 3. The Permittee shall indemnify and hold the District and all officers, employees and agents of said public body free and harmless from any and every claim, demand or action for damages, or injury to any person or persons or property of any kind whatsoever, and any cost or expense in connection therewith, and agrees to defend the Flood Control District, the County of San Bernardino, and all officers, employees and agents of said public body against any claims or demands which may arise out of or result from Permittee's construction, operation, use or activities on District right-of-way. Page 4 of 8 EXHIBIT A 22011022 Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 4 of 22 4. A copy of this permit will be sent to the State Department of Fish and Game, who may require a permit for this type of activity. It is the responsibility of the Permittee to obtain any required permits and approvals prior to starting any activity authorized in the permit. State Department of Fish and Game may be contacted at the address below. Department of Fish and Game Region 6, Environmental Services 4665 Lampson Avenue, Suite J Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562)430-7212 A completely executed copy of the State Department of Fish and Game permit shall be kept at the permit site at all times while work is being performed. Permittee shall make all contractors doing work on this project familiar with all of the requirements of the State Department of Fish and Game permit. 5. Prior to beginning any activity authorized in this permit, the Permittee and/or Permittee's authorized agent, shall notify Underground Service Alert (USA) at 1-800-422-4133 at least 48 hours in advance to coordinate the permit activity on District right-of-way. 6. In accepting this permit, the Permittee agrees to replace any existing improvements which may include but not be limited to access road pavement, irrigation pipelines, chain link fencing and landscaping with acceptable products, installed to size, line and grade as the existing products removed and as approved by the District. Work done in the absence of prescribed inspection may be required to be removed and replaced under the proper inspection, the entire cost of removal and replacement, including the cost of all materials used in the work thus removed, shall be borne by the Permittee, regardless of whether the work removed is found to be defective or not. Work covered up without the authority of the District, shall upon order of the District, be uncovered to the extent required, and the Permittee shall bear the entire cost of performing all the work and furnishing all the equipment and materials necessary for the removal and subsequent replacement of the covering, as directed by the District. 8. Should installation or maintenance activities be required during the period October 15 to April 15, work shall be undertaken within a 5-day clear weather forecast. Permittee shall maintain and provide for a flood watch when storm conditions threaten, and have personnel and equipment available on a 24-hour schedule and provide the District with the names and after-hours phone numbers of responsible supervisory personnel. 9. Any survey monuments which will be disturbed or destroyed shall be located, referenced and a corner record filed with the County Surveyor prior to the start of construction. The monuments shall be reset in a surface of the new construction, with a suitable monument box placed thereon, or set with permanent witness monuments. A corner record shall be filed with the County Surveyor for reset of monuments and evidence submitted prior to finalizing the permit. All work shall be performed under the direction of a licensed land surveyor or registered civil engineer at the expense of the Permittee. 10. Access to the District's levees, channels and patrol roads shall remain open and free to vehicular traffic at all times. Alternate access to the facilities shall be provided when existing access is severed or impaired. Permittee must prevent the public or unauthorized persons from entering the construction area or the District's right-of-way. 11. The Permittee shall perform, at Permittee's own expense, all construction surveying and engineering necessary to control construction to limits defined in the Plans and Exhibit "A". The construction surveying and engineering will be performed to the District's satisfaction. 12. Permittee shall, at all times, exercise proper dust control and dust abatement. 13. At any time during the life of this permit, the District may revise, modify or add provisions to this permit as may be required to meet the flood control, water conservation and safety responsibilities of the District. 14. The location of any temporary construction roadways or ramps which the Permittee may wish to build within District right-of-way shall be subject to the approval of the District. Roads shall be constructed so as to wash out during any appreciable flows. EXHIBIT A Page 5of8 Water Spreading Agreement 22011022 Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 5 of 22 15. This permit is valid only to the extent of the Flood Control District's jurisdiction. Permits or other approvals required by other cognizant agencies or underlying fee owners of District easement lands shall be the responsibility of the Permittee. Nothing contained in this permit shall be construed as a relinquishment of any rights now held by the Flood Control District. 16. If the Permittee should refuse or neglect to comply with the provisions of the permit, or the orders of the District, the District may have such provisions or orders carried out by others at the expense of the Permittee. 17. If the Permittee fails to comply with any obligation contained herein, Permittee shall be liable to the District for any administrative expenses and attorneys fees incurred in obtaining compliance with this permit and any such expenses and fees incurred in processing any action for damages or for any other remedies permitted by law. 18. No part of the activities authorized under this permit shall be accepted in phases. All work within District right- of-way must be completed prior to District acceptance of improvements within District right-of-way. 19. At the completion of the construction activities, the area shall be cleaned, graded and dressed to the satisfaction of the District. A joint inspection (Permittee/District) shall be made to determine if the work has been completed in accordance with permit requirements. 20. This permit is valid only for the purpose specified herein. All proposed changes shall be submitted, in writing, for District review and approval. 21. Activities under this Permit are subject to any instructions of the Flood Control Engineer or his representative. ALL INSTRUCTIONS MUST BE STRICTLY OBSERVED. 22. District activities shall take precedence at all times and, when any work or activity must be performed to carry out the functions and purposes of the District, Permittee must allow same to be done without interference. 23. Any damage caused to District facilities or structures by reason of the exercise of the Permit shall be repaired at the cost of the Permittee to the satisfaction of the District. Permittee will be billed for the actual cost to the District should Permittee neglect to make such repairs promptly. 24. Any District right-of-way monuments that are removed, disturbed, or destroyed as a result of activity under permit will be replaced by the District. Permittee will be billed and agrees to immediately pay all costs of such replacement. 25. Unless otherwise specified herein, this permit is subject to all prior permits, agreements, easements, privileges or other rights, whether recorded or unrecorded, in the area specked in this permit. Permittee shall make his own arrangements with holders of such prior rights. 26. The permitted activities shall be in accordance with: a. The San Bernardino County Department of Public Works, Transportation and Flood Control Standard Specifications, available at the Department of Public Works, 825 E. Third Street, San Bernardino, California; and b. all applicable provisions of the "Construction and Safety Orders" issued by the State Division of Industrial Safety and "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" issued by the Associated General Contractors, Inc. 27. All work associated with the activities authorized under this permit shall conform with all Cal -OSHA requirements. Prior to any shoring activity, the Permittee or Permittee's authorized agent shall submit shoring plans, signed and approved by a registered engineer, and copies of required permits. 28. It shall be the responsibility of the Permittee and/or the Permittee's authorized agent to insure that all personnel performing work authorized under this permit are adequately trained and have appropriate safety gear and equipment before entering any confined space. EXHIBIT A Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 6 of 8 Page 6 of 22 22011022 29. The Permittee shall comply with the District's Stormwater Ordinance 3588 and all applicable National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) requirements to reduce or eliminate pollution of stormwater discharges into waters of the United States. In this regard, the Permittee shall utilize best management practices in the operation and storage of equipment, machinery, fuels, etc., to prevent any pollutants from being discharged into any storm drain and/or channel systems. In addition, pollutants (including sediment) generated as a result of the activity authorized by this permit shall not be discharged into the drainage system. 30. Should future activities of the Corps of Engineers and/or the District so require, the Permittee shall, at Permittee's expense, relocate all or any part of the subject works as so required. 31. The District will consider time extensions to the permit upon receipt of a written request from the Permittee thirty days prior to expiration. 32. The area disturbed by permitted activities shall be kept to minimum and shall be limited to that area actually being worked. 33. No nuisance shall be allowed on any of the premises and the Permittee shall exercise diligence in precluding any dumping operations in the area by patrolling or installing barriers to deter unauthorized access when the premises are not supervised. 34. Any unauthorized structure or portions thereof placed on District right-of-way or which affect District structures, must be removed by Permittee without cost to the District. 35. Violation of any provision contained therein, without written consent of the District, shall be cause for immediate revocation of this permit after written notice to the Permittee of any violation not remedied within thirty days following said written notice. 36. Upon cancellation or revocation of this permit, for any cause whatsoever, Permittee shall immediately cease all activities authorized hereunder, shall restore District right-of-way, structures and facilities to the satisfaction of the District, and shall vacate the District's premises. Should Permittee neglect to restore the premises, structures and facilities to a condition satisfactory to the District, the District will perform such work and Permittee agrees to reimburse the District for all actual costs of work performed. 37. If the permit term is extended, an annual inspection fee shall be due each year on the anniversary date of the permit. The annual inspection fee shall be based on the District's current Schedule of Fees Ordinance in effect on the anniversary date of the permit. 38. It is expressly understood that the area involved under this permit is subject to inundation from storm, flood and/or conservation flows at any time, and that the District shall not, in any way, be obligated to afford protection against said flows, or to assume any cost for damages. The District reserves the right to divert any storm or flood flows upon any land under this permit any time, and no diversion of such shall be made by the Permittee without the consent of the District. 39. All concrete shall conform to Section 201-1 of the Standard Specification for Public Works Construction, latest edition, unless otherwise specified in this permit. Curing compound shall conform to the provisions of Section 201-4.1 of the Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction, latest edition, Type 1-clear or translucent with red fugitive dye. 40. If applicable, the Permittee shall provide a wheel shaker or other approved device at the entrance of the job site to minimize debris track out on public streets. 41. The Permittee shall comply with all provisions of Rule 403-Fugitive Dust of South Coast Air Quality Management District. 42. The permit activities allowed under this permit may require the Permittee to use a pre -emergent within District right-of-way in order to control the growth of weeds. The District currently uses the following pre -emergent for this purpose: Direx 4L @ 7 qts/acre, simazine 4L @ 5 qts/acre, landmark @ 4.5 oz/acre. The necessity to use this or a similar type of pre -emergent shall be at the discretion of the District's inspector, and the type and method of use of the pre -emergent shall be submitted by the Permittee for review and approval by the District's inspector prior to use. EXHIBIT A Page 7of8 Water Spreading Agreement 22011022 Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 7 of 22 43. The District's Schedule of Fees Ordinance is subject to change by the County Board of Supervisors. The Board typically considers changes in the Schedule of Fees Ordinance to take effect at the beginning of each fiscal year (July 1). Should the borrow fee rate be adjusted at any time during the life of this permit in accordance with changes to the Schedule of Fees Ordinance, the Permittee shall have the right to continue soil removal based on the new rate or request cancellation of their permit prior to the effective date of the new rate. Upon cancellation, the Permittee shall be responsible for restoring the work area to the satisfaction of the District prior to vacating District right-of-way. The District shall not be responsible for any impact to contractual obligations the Permittee may have with any clients as a result of revisions to the District's Schedule of Fees Ordinance. Rev. 7/06 EXHIBIT A Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 8 of 22 Page 8 of 8 22011022 8° a 4,� 4�� Chomfer ail corners,)"f o+o N White enamel 14 gage, target V4"xl" Galvanized c o plate bolts with lock washers o+d and double nuts. Peen ( _' 1 ail exposed threads N al after fabrication. „ „ (6 total) See Detail A 6 Punched below (typ.) holes finished +o dia., 10 Gage galv. post Z: N ca NOTE: Information Required On Plate I. Name of owner. ?.Telephone no. &Type of installation with appropriate sign. 40epth of installation from to of marker. 5/11 5/32" R I M SECTION A -A SwEr UMWMAP UNDERGROUND UTILITY MARKER NO SCALE (DI j DETAIL II AID SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT iW". BY I DATE S. W. 6/4/69 EXHIBIT ALEE =P;. O. Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 9 of 22 T � A A f � I A ll-5.r-- � , uwnolE� 1 —J 5' 3"- NARS A " O.C. EACH WAY PLAN MANHOLE SECTION A —A GENERAL NOTES: 1. Place #4 rebor 1'-6" on center both ways. 2. Rebor shall be Grade 60. 3. Concrete shall be Class A. EARTH ROM GRADE V OYP.) -- SHEET. 1 OF-J.-- c„ EXHIBIT MAP -- ATTACHED TO.,: PERLOT NOT -201 a 82.2 SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT MANHOLE APRON APPROVED I FLOOD CONTROL ENGINEER EXHIBIT A DATE Water Spreading Agreement Cactus Basin No. 2 Page 10 of 22 STANDARD PLAN D260 WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT / CITY OF RIALTO RIALTO, CALIFORNIA PLANS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE WELL HEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT PIPELINES AND SITE CIVIL WORK AT WEST VALLEY" WATER DISTRICT HEADQUARTERS (WORK ORDER NO. W09016) 2011 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Earl Tillman, Jr. President Betty J. Gosney Vice. President Alan G. Dyer Director Donald D. Olinger Director Jackie Cox Director DISTRICT ADMINISTRATION Anthony W. Araiza Thomas J. Crowley, P.E. Ken Sikorski Lon Tsai, P.E. ENGINEERING RESOURCES JOB NO.62026.184 �LGINEERING Imo c�..w w. ESOURCES S. .R",A °m 192 v �04yowA W. General Manager/Secretary Assistant General Manager Superintendent Chief Engineer APPROVED: WEST VAUM WATER D ICT NN O N F Q C CA'y m_ E m = y W co U d a� U T��4 �.� Jw 2.0 MG CONCRETE x 3 ,.ns- i 3A-1 RESERVOIR i s (WVWD) i X -E U 1; X 1359.5 ZI S m X ^.35F,.4 IV J'135p4 i' ----------- oc _______E___ i 80�o SMC W PIG - -WA % 1355 7 1355 X 1355.a o x,3555 X 1355 _ , m x1EA1YFl+f FI 061x1f PoNCPEtE BIDCR m ae moxatn I g6lHG MNI.iIE MN wx. Ix' clrrwcv vmst wnw a xxw xnwxw¢ wnt X I RESERVOIR 34-1 Ir s. oast sum mrc Im.n 16" WATERLINE — TO DISC:HARG IX TREATME (SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLAN AND ISSC:S X 135� XI 9i �fl1'dh^\_ R a _ 8 X,34d:a. SITE PIPING LAYOUT =I,, 1-• DROFILE) 16 WATERLINE — TO R3A-2 RESERVOIR (SEE SHEET 6 FOR PLAN AND PROFILE) O �\ a \ \ 3 5L5 \_ SB[F00 �\ RIGHT-OF-WAY i\ SS 1 2"W (UNDSCAPE) -G---�— ^\ X t49 21 J L 1 \\� •` (SPRNK..ER) x 4.0 MG STEEL I ,1 Ili W� 3 i 3A-2 RESERVOIR I (WVWD) I�I ( all I L I x 13?2.0 �I \ WATERLINE — INFLUENT PIPELII SHEET 4 FOR PLAN AND PRC g;- I I goJ3 ® I x I 1� ,I I I I ' r. I I� 1 14'f x, R� J �� I I I I 4,2 x�\\, ' I� III 00 \, x W 49 I 34 .4 f I I V ( I II I 1 I I L 16" WATER'—INE — TO DISCHARGE TO EXISI IX TREATMENT AND BP (SEE SHEET 5 FOR PLAN ANO PROFILE) n'-o' -1 (s¢ zlul a rox wn wm reavc or w.laurlF) w K wa VIL SECTION 'B-B' -STA 12+05 mxw�lx SECTION 'C•C' "�• -------------� SECTION'A-A' sue.. 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MRYM BRASS DISC SET IN EAST END O FCC HEADWALL STAMPED: JENCHMARX NR. 9-3 197W 43 FT SHIN W CdM,NE W ETWAND AKNUE AND N FT NEST a ME CENTERLINE OF CONS AKNUE SUNAnM: 1311.195 (NDw29) MARROW, CONTRACTOR A w w ULwYMCE MIN VAINLY ILCP®GNINCMI MNw&DMID STY" Amen AMEINiC PwbTNICIbA OIWRADOM WaL S IFDM®m MiK COME MM VN9M9 I®OBiIN Rw AB wS m W R, A V, O mW AE, M O OMONCT. woivNT A Awa mw¢ Celt TOLL FREE µV NM MORNING OHO TIE. NSI 9wL ON wOE m COUNT b ASSET BOLT µ0 xm E AY A m tAObYP.280D NONCOM MMpN ,HpA4 ANSI wwWNIANY N,CONTRACTOR.UNION. N. B BM MA B , IN CO BLOAT w0 AND 9®M AV6OywK RIMERS Rb MIF ML LL MMASS. wµ M FROM THE WI NIY6KN YMI CO wRMYwA fi WORM M ERICA wOWGE wfDMtl IYL4FY AIaY' MY M swf MLDIQ71T 6 COMM GENERAL CONSTRUCTION NOTES v Au WJM 41AU, BE KAFORMED N ACCORDANCE AM THESE PANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND DISTRICTS EQDOMESTIC W CUMS F DAM PLAN PROVN z ME CONTRACTOR 91Au ARRANGE FOR A PRE -CONSTRUCTION f.ONEEAENCE WIN ME REST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT AND THE dONEER AT LEAST ME WADI PROM TO MORNING CONSTRUCTION. 3 ME CONTRACTOR'S ATTENTION IS EXPRESSLY DIRECTED t0 ALL ME REWIREYdiS AND PROA9CMS OF ME STATE OF CALSCRNA SAFETY REOJIAIIONS. CONACRUM CE MEAETO SHALL. BE SnMA aVA ENFORCED OURNC ME RENTURE EWROI FOF MEOR TRENCHES NA EXCESSOFSO FEET NVDEPn1.PERMIT SHALL BE A CONTRACTOR AGREES THAT NE SHALL ASSUME SOLE AND COMPOSTS RESPONSINUTY FOR -0 SITE CONDITIONS DURING THE COURSE OF CONSTRUCTION CF MS PROEV. IM,,,NG SAFETY OF ALL PERSONS AND PROPERLY: THAT MIS REQUIREMENT SHALL DEFERD, INOEM 11 AHD HOD THE OWNER, ME REµ OR ALL£GIDSN�CONNECTTION WM THE HARNSO�ORMANCE OF WORN ON THROM My AND " IS PROECi, EXCERTNG FM UASILIIY AROUND FROM ME SOLE NEOlG a OF THE OVER OR ME BROKER. " S AVY CORIRACTDR PERFORMING WORN CN THIS PRMCT VH FAMNARItE M,,I, WM ME STE AND V1 BE S,,,,y RESPONSIBLE MR ANY DAMAGE TO EXIMEMO F O OR NOTESSIId FAOUBEEEMY OR ANN SNOW IONCTLY MOEERANHS OPERATIONS S. THE CONTRACTOR SHAII UNCOVER AND WHIN ME LOCATION -0 DEPTH OF ALL MSnNG UTUTY LNES PRIM M ENCAVATINC. M CONTRACTOR SMALL MALE APPROPRIATE ARRANGEMENTS FOR ME PROTECTI0.V OF ALL VRUMM ME ,RIM CCTO O MWHN1@LLIO NOTIFY WORK.UNDERGROUND SER= AERT AT 1-800-227-2600 7. ME CONTRACTOR ENA DISPOSE OF ALL S RPUIS EXCAVAnOM aIT9OE W ME PROJECT AREA S. PIPE TRENCH EmA BE UCAVAIW TRUE TO ME AND MORE IN ACCORDANCE ED AM,, AMWOOW, TO A, EAMON AND IN ACCORDANCE SANE MEN A STANDARDS, SPEOFMAnCNS AND PERNIM MATERIAL FOR BONFLL TO TWELVE (12) INCHES MICK ME PIPE SHALL BE GRANULAR MATERIAL WM A MINIMUM SAME) EDUIvµdT OF b. 9. NO PONDME SH&I, BE NSYA ON FNL MATERIAL WMWT FIRST MEETING N-PLACE COST, TESTS COMPACTION IN WTERMEDIAIE ZONE SMALL BE COWACTW TO ENZ REUnK COMPACTION. IOCOMPACTIW MT, S BE SECURED FOR ALL TRENCH SACRFILL PER WEST VALLEY COMER NSLNCT STANDARDS .0 SPEORM AndS .AND/OR THE REMONSMdi4 O ANR' OEXRY NANWIC URISUICnM. 11. ME CONTRACTOR SINE BEFLOS IN RIND. TO THE SAnYACTOM OF ME dONEd AND ANY ARMY` HAWWG UNCRMCDON THEREOF, MY ROAD BABE. PAW% CURB AND DUTIES OR OTHER INPNOKMEMIS CUE REMOKO ON DAMAGED N CONXI CTNN AM THIS PNOECT. I2.PIPE DdVERER TO ME SEE SHALL SE PROTECTED BY ME CONTRACTOR EROA OUST M DINER C TMWAT PRIOR TO PLACYAD N T1REMM AND SMLL BE INITIALLED N ACCODANCE *IN OSIRICT STANDARDS TO ME SATISFACTION OF ME METRIC" 9NVOCIVR. 13 TE CMTRAI:TON, AT ENE f1Q a CAM DATEWOKKNL, SIALL ENSURE THAT Au NENNSS ONTO ME NPDN£ ARE SEDNELY PWO£D AMID STONED THAT NO, RAM. POOL IS RDDENt DM ENTER ME PIPDN£ I4 ALL WNRA SNARL IS, ETdFED= BY 111E NBt SA MM Y MAMA OSNICT OR IR MAY "TH9N7fD Awl INE WIWL ROT PMDSED ION MY NNSfOMF)tt PNA4 R 11fiNyRI11IRC,�� PDV�15 NM4 F EIEFIS N9PEDR0 ALO APRPOIFO. RISFRTRIN SHALL RISE a INS F040NIN0 NIA9ES a'ROLL: TRENCH% NSTA(LFLTON a RIPE v4vm RTINGS VAULTS, SAMIL AND COMPACTION. utA TOM VAB15 NINE WILAS fto RAI£ID TM MFDE IBNES FwsNED AND FINAL FRFECIIOI. TB iM DMTRACTCR SHALL 41W AT LEASE 2 WORMND DAYS NOTICE WHEN BIT FORM M TD � O NSELMN75 BECOME NECESSARY a iBM 1RdMEf 9MIWL WE =PACM M 90W MORUGH ME ENTIRE DEPTH. 17.�� COMPACTION STRUCTURE CONCRETE NET AROUND, UNDER. AND KIND ANY IBUPM COBNETON Of ME CONSTRUCTOR. ALL DBNRSED ARDS SHALL BE RESTORED TO MEN MORAL CMDITOR. WATERLINE CONSTRUCTION NOTES 1. ALL STAMMING SHOWN THESE SANS M M ,,,M RANG 'ME CENMUNE OF 11E PIPE M AS VOW ON PUNS MINIMUM PIPE OVER SULL BE 42-NMES M AS SHOWN M PLANS. 2 ME CONTRACTOR MAIL MOM ME'DIBMICT AT (EAST AS HOIRS PRIM TO ME COMMENCEMWE SECUREDTOBET OF MADE BNNALL MEET MM ME APPRWµ a ME DISTRICTTRI-NIS AS . 3 AJL WATER NAME 9MLL BE CEMENT LNED AN) COATED SMR PIPE (10 DOSE AMNUY) CLASS m A. CMOI[iE THRUST GLOMS V1 SE NSTAUM AT ALL PIK BIRDS (WERE PIPE ,,MM N DIRECTION MORE MAN 10T AND DTNNM IN ACCORDANCE AM DISTRICTS STANDARD DRAWING W-3. S µNST� AT EFERY HOM POSIT IN ME SYSTEM. NOW -OFF ASSEMBLY SHALL BE IAST&Ul AT NEXT LOW PUNT IN ME SYSTEM. B. A VALK BON AND C,V ENA BE NSTAIIPD AT EACH VKK WHICH IS SET N MEMMENIDi. f11AEMµ �AON�O SHAU NBE ROOMMESEEE FOR SETTING VµK BOXES TO F. VµYES 12-INWU AND L IMER MALL BE BUTIEAM1Y'&V VµKS VALL BE RATED FOR ISO P9 CPERRAIRM PRESSURE M AS SHORN M THESE PLANS AND SHALL HAW BANDED ENDS S. Y, NEW XNNE WATER N COSMC WATFA mhY RER ANNAETED MI.. 10STPACAM SIJ� FURNSW AND M,,,l TEMPORARY &KNXEADS AS REWIRED FM PRESSURE MSMO NN IS ' LEA 'OryAy RW INDEX OF DRAWINGS SHEET NUMBER DESCRIPTION: i COVER SHEET 2 VICINITY MAP. INDEX OF DRAWINGS AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES 3 SITE PIPING LAYOUT 4 1T WATERLINE • WFLUEW PIPELNE STA IOM,MW TO STA 18.37.40t 5 IF WATERLINE TO DISCHARGE SASIN.AND EXISTING O TREATMENT 6 IF WATERLINES • WELL 33 BLENDING PIPELINES 7 IF WATERLINE IN ETWANDA AVENUE STA10P0DTOSTAIBM63,90t 8 SITE LAYOUT 9 DEMOLITION AND GRADING PLAN 10 SITE UTILITIES 11 SEWER LINE 12 STANDARD DETAILS wnNcr .¢ aA u I '�. _L .�' , �` I�� j mulr°°xrmnvCLTJIIIJLT L 1� r J TC I T. I �,_.-I'S;_ �r1 MAN J!Tj I T.T � I,IF�'I'il-L-r�1111rT;y Im :1 L T-r CT7 1 l- Y y 1 it C—il�J 1 - I-�ITTT'7 r-T' ✓ 9'rG �F, � � � i-{- �.I Nr`BLM I I Ir .L7 L mJ¶.� z y� �:-.�,_-{j J Fi-•'-l-rtL'''� I �rJJ1�� �ti J ti I WVR I_L.L11L 'SELL^ i H _i1F"�Ir Ct�''-t-i SCALl NK 9. ME CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY ME FOLOWNG UTUTY COMPANIES AND AEGOC; PRIM M STARTING ANY CONSTRUCTION NNW. WEST VMLEY WATER DISTRICT 555 BASME AKNIE RIµTO CALIFMNM B2376 ATM: MR. LOW ESA TOLE: (SIDE) B7S-vW SOUTHERN CAIFORNA EDRM 756t REDWOOD AMOIE MI CAUFOND 9233E ATM: MR. JOHN HERNANDEZ TEIE (BM)337-81u SOUTHERN CAUAMWA ERNE THM MAXI AWNUE FMTANA CAJFMNIA 92318 ATM: SCE PLANNING 9JPERMSM TEE. (909) 357-6515 NOTE: CALL AT LEAST b HORS FROM TO STMnNO MORN. . ON O Nµm Lytt O fl1µi0 WATER NDMIWENT PUAUS =EA�KTMENT 336 W Rlµro AKNDE SHRIO, CAU'ORMA, 92376 I ALTO. CALANDRA S2Afi AIM MR. DAM UUERY ATM A. CTRUS NEXOCEE ISLE (909) 421-720 DBMS, (9W) wo-25O SMMEd CALFOINIA GAS COMPANY RESLANDS, CALIFORNIA 9237E ATM: MR. CMLOS ROUES TEE' (91N) 333-7851 12m65 NA ELL STREET CWµEN. CNIFORWA ON07. AM. MS RAW 9410K TELL M4) 808-5778 �p �NGINE mo Sap. " IIEMRCEB IN,"wasi BTABnDTND IF vWLW 9IIPA IL dBl9als h(IAMem WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY OF RIALTO LL HEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT' VICINITY MAPS INDEX OF DRAWINGS III ;—;2 .12 AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES w Q) N O N Q mZ N i= Q C 0 m C Do (0 r x co)W co a �U co 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 1A4 Y art mxonloe Pneu 1XE CaNIaF as Ol6mw'Iq a De neolTcf. MwW1 6NEfr ar Ni Pv@I6 ®Call: TOLL FREE —I�— Swap DW N-3 MD WSTM IV SPCOL PIECE M RtDINRFD) DISFML IS- (M. 4) N NW INSTILL 16'". IANa Vma pw/lrRE6 EwRM6 -----------__.I ry\L,YJ�����___ wn___ unu�: wn�uM1ar1 FlIRN191 MID INSTLLL T mw m mswc C mlw III K IMIIAE14T enrol wRxrsx JkIC, 06TML III.= KIIIx "IMI"m mlslr� IS- m W-3 mmm Mm PlslML Niam PM DI WT = DW %,j STA 18+37AOt CONNECTION TO EXISTING 16" WATERUNE SCALE NTS I WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY OF RIALTO illolifffillm So C..� " WELL HEAD TREATMENT iy—s—TE—mP—RDj—Evm—r F-- many MURCES ;V= tIMP-M PIPELINE - FLUENT PIPENE 472 m ft(wom-Sus STA 404ML35 TO XrA 18+37.401 um l' -- ---- T— - L 1350 1360 ZF= 1350 . . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . . —A! WE- 13401 -t4 Rm A --i- t--RA� - tj 1 4 --4 4- Y 9+00 8+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15 + 16+00 17+00 18+00 STA 20" r _ .gj . li AND u•-sv BEND =24MIX "i F.F.' 13 .75fil----•f-w Im SID F 9 Mill 2.0 0 CONCRETE m E)IODIAIC tie IWO sA IMMM Dl 811w. 1051 is ft 1 RESERVOIR mm 110b"110'r FIADIDDI MD 16'� BUID 3A i W/ I* � � W/ Ill DDi AND WDki 16--w IM W/ al m awa W-3. c� E (=I IS3A-1 RE!NEPI�Ilt 130.. < -P, L 4.0 MG STEEL 3A-2 RESERVOIR ',NWO) II lip it P'tatIlluml AID) mi Ill i 16' INAMRIONE si PIECE(�) W/ IV uIc 511A Il �11 JIM0511 MD �� 14 LOUIM1MDIL IF m 14= N OVID W-1 E I STA 7+81* iGaN194 Am OD!i 1N0.144I MOD( � i W Bi WE AS NODDED m V� NU %PEIdE (X)POIECII.S j PE STA 7+88 CONNECTION TO 3A-1 RESERVOIR ar 24 NM FURNISH AND INSTALL 16" WATERLINE ' 16. (CML&C STEEL PIPE, CLASS 150) VA 15�,66III lf'-A4 MID di W/ IiiAnniT III= 'ix DI6ra1Ct ROUPIP1 AND 01f 16`-AS l m SA 12 m W-3. W/ Tllimr &AD( m DISIPIDT`LAMER = m W-1 SM " (m 9 i Ir ft 4 m PgWlmNg1 DUAL) Undi fl� WE" VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY OF RIALTO M DUM 1111101111 W T= FREE 1-MO-227 20DO lowwwwomo - WELL READ TREATME 16- WATERLINE TO D113MC INMOUD T== slurs &I,- Dili EXISTING IX TREATMENT STA 10"10 TO STA 18424.27* WRF. Ier -IA HORI. I m s IO H. 15+00 11+00 mrsdlcNM mnamla . nw w rlwmWY wN GDfwtr.lemm-_- rPVPlrg mI¢lwmlRx DONmHaDR wu e[ AOWm ro ASHIAW sdE 4M MYYF A04WIr wb Alb SIZE alMPY6 dMll' M 4WR£ S a' 6MDIW a lIF F'PmT. IOIIMI &iDY a ML 1416Ns ®CdB: TOLL FREE wD rwlNWr. IIw 1b HRIwm01I PENL b[ YHC m.Mar IWNIblRuar Am xbr E IMm m I�ao-m-� xolNr NDINPR IIDma AlD raRldlelloN wNmmclRA Euemm ADm m moo. NAINY ave xND OTBNX Ibd®dW. IIMI® PW AW PAD Ml DrBNW, D.II a IIIlDm N W WFBW Nd TM N1MfAslIR 6 NDR' M 11® NIPELT. t14PIN0 V1IIY Ilef`N iRNI M.fDtE MGYmI¢ Of CBG MOIIaMY- CCNNFCT M UlIER leEAWEl1T rAPIIIY WIN Is• E1F]I IXNNE"M M MSH AND VISTAu tb- s MM (ROWE) l NG mit mImi W/m'A£t"(A ) SNRNI511 AND IN5fN1 Ib" BN (r1.D) SEE STA twr. Sxbn . WATER ,}/_�xRUEIIr wArEAl1Im TREAIYEM FAL'lI1' h�S'i t8' CW xBe. (TROY M 11 mo vsll LLt / W_ ^T' CdWEtt r0 Ib• 1EE to W1Lwr WAIFAEM �'' yy �I1M91 ANp Nis Is' DFfq IuxE oowN> V1a\ NFMR1 me WIM IB' SP00. PIELE ((FNDTI As NST d ) I'm xS NID = o "UST BIM]( �. � � vtx asmtt sm ow wa Sm DI1G w-J i1IRNISH AND INSTALL 1r-Bd BEND J!o l PI t. 1 (LB"Pullm a INnAu is' b e PIECE IG SPWL Plfd: • (lfrlOiN Ab REWIRED) ffC6E M/ lr i 1 EIIswem MD lwB le- BN (EW) WNIRCT M MUG le• wt iRaY w M all NRN9 NO dSTALL tv TEE 1 DETAIL •A• WELL 33 CONNECTION TO WATER TREATMENT FACILITY - INFLUENT PIPELINE e.-• r. NIS INv EL IJN.J 1330 DDs* Ir ow EMISTx6 N' eE`/ yl 1111116311 AND CAI) W/ to 18••1' Ldla B c -v--� pECF (rLUR) W/ 18• r.k CWPNNa NI MBN MID MSIALL Ir vv (FlL) I NP11191 AHD MSTALL 1X01USf i NRM91 ANC NLnIL1MRIIST 1 y�X PEP d31mCT SID ow W-J y' BLOD( PQt dSIPICi BID DN6 W-J� X� y T i VA INbA85 }g' T Eldta9l AxD NLST.ILL Is- • IFMNI91 Arm NSTALL m• TEE /- RIIDbRI AND NnALL tb••.' LaNc swot Nv 6 1xtDD I > / nE¢ (w.PE) w/ 1r IEE1! CtlIRNO I `C/ FUPNIBM AND INSTALL/ //,gssT x 16+00 18" WATERLINE Wesel MID wsm LL Ir EJASIDID EFII®1DJ NPNISH AND WSTAu te• EP00. PSI£ 111HEB91 AND Nbr S STALL tr-END (IBWM As amldDD) Ir PM I1DPolm W) NIB1S1 AND NSTALL Ir-111' BEND (11ePlm DOxN) - DETAIL Pu1c I/r >wc • CONNECTION TO RESERVOIR R3A-2 wn 1/T • or Ne BE91 • am al SCA.IE: NTS I nAbeQx S w ,--.1, mm alxEnl IB•-PP ju 1/." MN tl3t or DISCMAROE SCREEN DETAIL ZONE 3A—1 MOLTER SCALE NTs TREATMENT FACILITY H AND NSTALL 18•N' AMID WOOL AWE) W/ 1s• IIEA CdIPNm AxD WsrA te• BN (MG) I AND INSTALL Ir Bev (RG) WxxmT M "m / � 3! x INfA1NEXT iAmEIY WIN te' IlFlt CDtNECPOx #� 1 I iMNl91 Arm �SiALL e 1 NRxisll AND te' CAoss I X (Ac LaD cvEm (ILrd9E) v I W/ tr FLEA CWWXD 1 i 1 I pbrealgl, 1 1 `p IIawD 4 WRAbwA DETAIL•C• CONNECTION AT STA 11t63.75 S LE. NTB `na )IL-CONIRACM TO vEltr LOCADM AND CONDIImN W EMSBNG WAIEIEEINES 'AENE CONNE"MS ARE IO BE MADE � 6/la%l1 , —�— NOMEEM mmsmtra0 SmN. -IE80URM yBmNe.OmNl Nmwlw WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY OF RIALTO IELL MEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT 1Ir WATERLINES A W 12 WELL 33 BLENDING ►IPEINES vlme 10+00 WILLOW AVENUE 32' 1. I _._ m N. WILLOW AVL I 1 II I IXISTIM PTNCRE}E wA95brin 4___I___J.__1y+µeA r__________ .___� �! L------- - ---r '�. -- 1a--� Te' II I \ u'w--- STA iie aCy comp ;' 9aQ31'D LT1e.-ll- � Nc 16•-45• SEND AD IxwLL b'-mMx ws• E STA10+00 CONNECTION DETAIL sxA 1'-3d W61xLTCN IXMMCIM Ii81WT. ACtOW1VCt e91114DIW1LY 1CIDla tltlBIPW1IO i 9m1a1LQ. mYn.x.Tnx mxlrela 9u x amlWes ro .ax+1E eaa no IY11DElC Af91V1a.IM1 rw ' AB bnE NYIxXe IRIIMa IM[ f4aCZ V WinNe1Y1 aE 1ME PIOFtf. NCIIxMa YIET/ Y Ml PD6a5 MID MRNM TYT 1161WxOfM 9WtY WfLNKNY ttl11NpAT YO WIf aC W10710 '. xDwut laweo 9nR Mm m1BTklxTnx axlwcla rumen Yaa}5 To arum. 9Wf9wfY 9m nom '.. amol womnw Nrwam nW11 aYr Mo xt lxatnr. cu a9 M9mm. w mxxs+aW rmm 3w '. rwa..11s a Ya.'a m eoa+. a®Iwc u�rnr n®,o mr 11c gar; rmv9la as oEsa ' r99EamNw. - 1 12+00 -ODSB11a COxCRE1E pG1EWEM -„w264 G V 7 Uk TOLLFREE I W-227-m %1299 G 243 Ek i. PROFILE SCALE }= r� "# 13+00 14+00 15+QO 16+00 17+00 ETIWANDA AVENUE TO CITY OF RIALTO SrA Tasex9Dk WELL Mmwerox ro 9e3arc wrwTwrl �� MD DoxDnxN u msm9c DwEw9E SEE caNxEelrol oEtta AB0.E wan ucea LIVING HOPE FELLOWSHIP STA 1e,3yap xrSrALL £ 810 N 224 *IsxIE 6 aC���S'PEN xsmII:F- x:p„o3.s IJ Cu :CxW e1D D� W_T f I� re JI_T \ dTo saealY AC (NW}�f x=ai- ' I___ J 1 _ya ___;2g884- xs 1 ne3 I�- 1 9C3 (- µ. _ .Tde�_ i. _ e. _ �x �.Y � �1 L XiX9! �X: - �4e 129a3 % 9� 1NEE 12ss 2 k � xYI •1F 12y93 k 237 231 225 3 219 F.'13 x! a. 207 20, 163 u ISTALL 16" 1 PIPE, CLASS E.xsnNa u• alsaMa: 9A EAa att Dv wuro x¢r.� j I siA teasx9o: NflM91 AND MSTI11 1 11.. 1Y TEIQ UI £g NRJ@I NW Ix5TN1 i VFN D451P1M SN DK Y/-IB tY av (Eta) I I I 1 16-Ar MIDXE IN5TAl1 .=i Ra.. ..va..i..a WT W, SFMR91m (1924) 16'IIi2'E(mS) 1-e REOYCfA (�•) MST 6' AC Nt (19") n....■ ....... i I I I , I ,- m5191C te' SR M ----usmat-• asv / -------------------- STA 16Q63.90t CONNECTION DETAIL SCA E NTS PALM AVENUE z� I i PALM 1 %11gLID 1°ia"es Iwsn I -I 1, 1 iSTT• nY .X1:V2__ ri i 158. -- -32 J� 57 51 >• NOTE CONTRACTOR TO YEiDFT LOCATION MO CC tl` N W I A1tM3ma mS11NC WATERUNES WNERE CMNMll NS ME TO BE WAGE n.arYDP 1vi1" 6114111 1 WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CRY OF RIALTO WELL HEAD TREATWEET SYSTEM PIPELINES 16" WATERLINE IN ETIWANDA AVENUE �— LINW146 ID)U txOe9 7a6 a19ars Pa.n L4/Ja ,Ya xo- 82M8.1& AS 9NOxx WSRAIb 01N9,C 9W)41>$hPNeDY� STA 10+00 TO STA 16a'6&9ft 9�1]Ys OCT 19 2011 C a) 04 O N Q C' 0).N 0 m C V) =ca 0] m N W ma yU l0 ---------- M� --------- — -------- x i SYS Em INE, R — — — — — — — — — — — — 1 4 I - ----- ------------- ---- ------- ov -- - - - - - ---------- 2 -x SbI T7� -- ------------ --Ao� k 7--:—= -------- I -------- -1- ;! 13P I/V tlt --------- Oi If_ - - - - - - l f 1%t I MFCD 1J..2 my" x -5, R�T-�-WAY "A I 1 p\ V I I .i it 0 F x13515 L (La9WaDw0 j (510�, 7 ae 7 X13575 --T 1\21 14 111411 1?3 E------------ III I II I 9CFCD ve N /laces%uaa3 o 10 20 4 V -�v A xia �/ \� ` \\ .` ��_�._� L Ir. 2e fi A` X 13)" 4 - \\ \ L \ aluw++l[m awl I�\. A �. I�I \ \\ \ ; L xle<,� I/ r II� MIAs � ,awT mart -T. D D 11110•RAF DETAIL OUTLET DETAIL ML 111w UndewouM --TWEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY OF RIALTO,n, anE Caan1[r6 DWN ». DOIIRE rc Da16111DDllal aF M [IWacr, aawW W swWT DF 3u rOr96 ®tau: TOLL FREE I I WELL HEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT —i�,:11 12] 14OB-227-2WO iii SITE LAYOUT ESCURCES OCT 1 9 zoll I; i u I ♦' �b.y�, 7"r17"Oy�`C m4' �'v'w5. a)G."..eb �0 o.•ivver��1�ISy'�' NM 'I >,g'q. az'.a.d i o•. 'ada9ae� t �" eA�z3:i.♦A ae e ra r p E 9. .•esoaa p NMI 0 �eeo�0 ♦' tioAa� o.aaaw._ m.aaoW mos ,ao era a n < �' O♦'1 �' 0<4=► �i ,.,msa+vy�ry�o�n�y=jai p�,ej P>rga�'R"0' .�, r p♦ -T-o a uA@ iaa'r �yo'a < iPb gp a se'ayh�' ae� r �i. a0B , rya „a,a,,mn4,n;eajv srar low M.Aaa. �♦V�04 � AS�� ♦a'- '�•�®m�d VgS ra 'a y" s"agPaA" +apm h> 9♦ •��€?a0 { "eAs �,i t„ir,3 p g'nb•9. • '�;`"s"4� - a A"y® a�ys�t�2 ar O s e X r♦' i a,ba o♦os`�i' a. �'il O ]C p O mq`ao�000MIA ,{g '♦ st�es�d's�o�.�[e�m"♦�♦s♦a°�or�$0'E „� I �" ae aaC-oas eye .ro..� � e®roaii a�!°d�A �^�@ .�e"e a�aaaameo�e9♦♦� ♦ �ao�ds♦�ae ais,aas�� �AA�.. ar.4pA"f aQOam" aA'�39aaa4 �♦ `�_ ,.a.•. Z47,: ,9 a♦as aeb♦��. .tea �'♦�iRD l;vJZZ ¢6'f ,� 6maJ Os♦emoaaA�A �0'i , a � t} �♦ae os<ba,�oaa sesa �y��J ♦ Y �J 60�R♦°3@a ��^?sab�,`j I �� �NaW4A��litStll,� saes av�'Ea ✓O S�Px4gaai3~/�♦� c.s aaN n'vso ..�� t♦ m� r,y ! -.�.absa jai aEa g?J' :t3�� � >at9d.,mFt De ��♦e®ai ���a h�� � i'O' r;� ♦' wMr�'9Ah$i9i; ♦A ♦b assa o ma♦o°age a``n 'ems . , R eo +<s�9���� °L m aV'•y9dnba msa 'a 3 �� i♦♦♦♦a� � �♦�� Pm�'.a< Pt yi a` .. 3 J t J W+ >3 Jf � i♦.•� 1� � m A•�R6iI/?. 4% 9 0 ... O,PR?4ma 'afar I- . wp ♦- �♦ r• ae;ea.� $aP,.a tA+L %MHOS PJ C{P O, ♦�"� ♦ aAPm P 91�Y®®�6©4Ua♦♦♦♦ <l 'L�� �'rA ♦ 4® yA R�n4 Fa6��l ♦ss>aaaro eoa a ♦,t y se_-,�1�Y°� �������oie oa9 �-�p3a"�°s I O <A♦ iAA,,m `v vl�♦ ♦♦♦ ♦ab a 2a'�2VV l���y4 ♦ aA49o�^€ adm . m0 000' +�'��> o-so,av !.a ��► . �♦'+ti+'" 6•oae s♦� mm a�.a,.0 3sae �L♦' wp�aA roo r® r p ♦t +e. e4 P �q;f � � m.♦ ' � � ♦ ♦� Aes� 4aP'4® �9♦4�e � � ba 4aaa♦s �4 a `yco. _ ♦y♦y1 � � 1 r♦am9 r-r e4 i1 ¢®.. - � us+o�mr �,�a ,�y � � e♦oaiad�aa+'��'' a p .. � ♦o•s®as �a `'aaoaa � ��� •I _ -4� - � e`- p ao,.a.� yR ffa p $; +9♦m aaaay 3� � nAa a ♦♦OA mOA fi,L r, es osm w < • i i � � ♦ee eoa aA�ma ♦a oo�o��hAAAo. . �♦e. /' �0 w.s.. t1®oAda'o!�?3�m'ym smoo' � . O a��ao-s aa♦��A %a®aoa�y,>9�c�miro./♦.��, e.4s�°A�®6'eoes�'m°ae"a °%�'Ja®a?%�'eo�o O m0 O _ _ rea of asAaa o.,..3aar4caaa A.aw.a♦onrge awow.oa^e�aww°a.®oaa., a♦a • a ,..AON,, P°,oaaH�m'J`moo®oJe°"%a �''oa�<f'�'aa®9oamaa e g•-s rooyaoa«aa�ae�v<ae>z�z."kca' agoe� Aaea_s'9azaoo oq�•;go ♦asks?� p . DEMOLITION AND GRADING PLAN �i��sa'QBa�mie� � r �w SAida 33 ms^sa«�+..a: +s-.at"dmLtenr, ' m-- x t 358.1 1358.3 X X ll58.8 1356.E X t 3565 I I __ I I}56.6 SIGN - �I ASPH I • I m - DEN �I _I____siAsz] gE ov%D i35B,5 / /y F/H 1-'357 13580 t1 X_ ' J 1 II I1 I I X 9 DIS! RIC IF,L/ Uv.U;RTEfiS L z 1357 T X 165).a X ,356.E I'S6` X 1355.4 r PP/ 1 3016E \ x135Z2 PPJ2356991E------- -z z z�55•�----- g�-a�6�z_ S�""��`�.-"a i>-"mom -- ------ -- -------.__.._. _--'---_. .----------J--�-- -�. _. �._av_s .r-md-v -- "-I X ---- - �s-' -� X 1355.E X 1355.5 aspll 135 .2 %1355.9 MH XIJ55_) 1 - XIJ55S __ __ _ _ 48W __ _ BW (R64TO) _ _ ._. _ __ -._ --- 7 1 oV __-_-_ �( ' - DENSE Vic__ i E4 DENSE. III TREES %i. _ ____ 11 �yi :-: 1355J r...� �y n I TRF'rs 7 \ IT X., X 135PD X1353 X1356.) .00b� /. � al IPE9 3 1 �j�jii66666li jr lSlai .: Lt In `TI I I I1}I /.� Xk\V LONG $U5_ / \ `\ x 1352.2 IRI- EXISTING SCE TRANSFORMER 1200A, 120/208V SERVICE SWITCHBOARD "SBD," -CONCRETE ENCASED FLEC. CONDUITS LANK N TO IXISIIHC 6" WL sE cE wuER vmRLr F F 13 OJSo---- X 13)2.7 X 136i 6 x0.0 IN%Ai�1)!?. Iw•TERUIjW .)!1• -! 1v 70, PROPOSED SCE TRANSFORMER-\ , 9$ PROPOSED SWITCHBOARD, \ - a1 16YJ_ \ _XLl6t ilk __E____- ---- f _E_ \ / PH - - 3 nl 358.3 / I 1 0 / I I� X1351.5 mI L •� X 135). M; HEtt ro WATER 3 � TNENI FICurc I X 1356.4 - T-___ _ POWER FOR RENENNG STATIONS X Wm0 IX1511N0 EV1RRIGLL CQV.gIT ` II I II ,344 /I I %1356.6 - ----E ASPH I 00 xr 0 0 X 1355J 0 X 1355.4 o 135i5 X 1355.6 X 1 155 [/_ XWEI.I N MIIRIL�M wim raT IN ADS «IX OfRFNLLY IaOlm UMlryldlll6 SINkBA N valcros. o•enRmmR caxnnnNR •u le W3AwtD ro AmY[ •«E Ilo wlanc RE9V`®fM wR -.qe art malm pAwB ra mwS s m•lARrol K M MOaOE waan wpr T Au vmsns ®CeN: TOLL FREE «o rAonwr: w•r Rn mOUAOmR •IWL ff 1wK m wnr mnwnmr AIO 1mr F uwWo ro 1-600 2212608 pe•L FNYIO 1YUM. WD 611CIMCfIM CONIMCIOM ROMG .Wllpg %11wT010. BINUWYY MIO RriO asml nnNmox.L evm•m R1N• Am wm A1L urm. z4 a NIY.40. « oR«mux «Tx ra Arma•oxa s woRx w Tw IRm11Sr. wmTwo uwun AIBAI A1XI11 Txc s•c 1F•l.4M.'E rc NEsw wvmowr_ X x X �pCNF-OF-wnr � I w x13515 \I I I 1350,5 x 135 .3 X 1349.4 24' OVE acuus/ I ASF 1 IX135 5 GONG 1 I 1 \ I I I X RSa a LX 13/4A I I / '113495 IGNAL �-fS4 o- \\ Ih-OF wAY -._.. v. _ ki3a. II it �I I NI SItHI \\ll I I I34I 1 1 Apvw AP /,• / Nw:•b X 1351.5 X 1351.5 54.6 x 1354 5 MH x 4 a T5 X ,355.3 g S �- ____ara.r- j'L - -18'W (RIALTO 12W______ \ 1153E 13 1 , 53 Ip 1 4 x I 1 I I I I t X 1352.p � I I 0 13 1 x 13525 I I 1152.3' I I I I v zk i I I I I I I I 13514 x 6 xo x1a.c III n I I Frn rcwr-oF-war I I I ( x l I I T I I I 351.9 11 1//-- I I 1 I I❑I I I I I I I X 13512 I I 11 1 11 I I I I I I I A I1�50..1. 1 I. I x 35 41 I XI x 1351I 2-W (UNOSCAPEI I � 1 j I j ekpl YE (SPRINKLER) I I I I I1 49 I L J j 13439 9P x 1 3 88 It �` I �31P8.� I I I X I I y 1 1 - II I 46.4 1 2 ) r I I I I I I I 1 X �I X \ 4 I I I I I I 11 P 11� j41 <I. I /- 5aZ4j II x 1382 D / 4t.4 I I I 1 1 I u II I II� 34P4 I I I I 24-w_____ v-,6waa"3"- I WINWD� \ I Aiftl®A /I �� RRIp _22oI1WZi WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT I CITY Of RIALTO NGINEE;UNG WELL READ TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT I® GAmwlww O )0 OF 12 -RESOE' $ •vrem waaas . SITE UTILITIES slEers w4-+6w OCT 9IDn C 0 yN Q N ON Q z N 0 m C M CJ _ m m (D W U) >�U F iL-lt; hl;. :$ j i ' I i' f{ I -1 - 11+00 11+00 WNAYL'191 Ctl11RY9LR IN65 NNI N IpWMI.Y 111M 4NVN1T .Iny9Y tlYSMILIN9 U9N91mg9M SNYICB P1Nf MIiN M6 Nno9N9. mlNl9minx m99em199 9oA 9[ IENN9D m A49E ml£ .9m w9nne Nv4arnr RN' 9x NN manvn N1NI9 M mINS 4 mlNNuncil a-Ilc 1u9te fa1694 9wvr a.0 Nl6di C9e: TML FREE NN N91Nm: nwr 116 9E9LNFNNR N1Yl Y woe m rnr WNIY9J09Ax NN 99r E f99Im m NNWL NlN'N9 091111 w 0]IaINJCIW m9mY.'IaR nNllu NN93 m 9NNm. el9N9Nr NN xw9 taaazn-zeoo `49i1 I�TpYL IIMl6S NOI /M M4 Nl WBIRI. IS.L NI AUp90. N CN61AY1 NM TE 1F40awif14 Saw ax rIN r9o9cr. emsm9 wNm �me NRY JNi 9Nt 19NINNZ a xNNJ rlmru9dN. r.�n9ia wH. mes _ x9w yam,, 9Z0281M� III �� III r Jl1.J E E rn1 ax 1 IL,'91 f NX ii � I II III IW II II I � — �u• S I I I 7 I xl Iy —7 T I Ixl I 1-1 �1 Jvs i' \ ♦ ♦ � TAEMTJ�3JJ5 M I �[s 16 II I I I I Nf IIJ I I IJ�tI I 9I �� II III I \� \\♦\xJus h J. I�I�I11 I I11 h \ %rJ.9.s \ 11 I I I €I XI lzi I ♦ \ II I � III _1L_4_12_ X uzzs Xuzs.9 \ xu.zx ID IN TAL 8" S -- ,`p uwJ 1 1 xl pl d NN mw S VA 19NJ9.47 \ 9TA e0 MM iU9m5H INO tl6p11 w9N01E NIO891 9ND 9i9w1 Ww9AE Onit m 01n OF RNLro SGNOUm 9FR pIY OF muro SfAMWm OWMN0101 Ow.NX0101 ?4411 1 WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT / cITY OFRIALTO i11GINEER1O WELL HEAD TREATMENT SY87EM PROJECT y1 vwsN mNt 9xo-Na 11 a 12 N �If�� N�S SEWER LINE pgT39 Z01t NIm9 C N NN a N O N Q C 46 O).N m C W N CD w (D W(nma cc yU t I S{WCUT OR COW PIARE I y MOT FROM TRENCH cm w � �I 3' ---- PONDPANNO - 'Ile 1-TO 11/2- AC CAP PAVEMENT ♦ � � \ ` S' AC we PAVEYEM \ CN 2 ROM BASE (S' MW) BYANCE OF TRENCH TO Be 0•CKFU1ED RIM NRRR41 FROM FICAYRDON IN IAYERS NOT i EECEmNO S FEET IN DEPTH. i AS PER BPEpFlGIroN. BMKFILL TO 12WER TOP OF PIPE WITH SELECTED GAUN" WiRMINTM A SWD EOUNNENf OF 30 PER BPECIFI WTm MR MR OR sERBME uTFRAL FIDW ME ORME PER PVHS. PAWDE UNIFORM REGRIND FOR PORES RON YR MUY ]' THICK UIN0 BEDDING. #BO% :ORPPCDON NOTES 1. 'Mm OF PUMN AN. n PIPE O.D. a 12' WN. ME". 1 le' 2.-REP4CE AC. MVEYEM AND R WE M ACCORDWCE WRN E%GVA PERMR. .-_ TYPICAL TRENCH DETAIL ca1pATE WRe w SECTIONAL PLAN e:T WINDRN LONG ION EECTNNIH ��vs2>mvaa•R�cFNEi�:�� i0"iR'G3i�9�I�� �EI��C'IIIICIG�C§NttA?� if'iilCFii:E1♦tEf:� NWm�liY9Ni1G1NiL1G® �IiFRIL..y�IP7♦Ei4fi� RNWIIe�iL'3iiC:iiL'11 REY�i1T>��R".}.70 ��E1G3RF3C3BiCaAEii� Esatsli�Rr•'s�31 CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS. FOR PIPELINES - W-m W-1 (CLASS 200 P.S.I. MAX.) atE uP. IWNr Nnr .M1L.IIBW mRT. //�eN0. ASBMM. OR /.PPAWID EWN. �_• 1 / IYRIIpI •NAIFIP 1/ MON CaER wnx woxD S J 'MMFif fASi MAEIN I - CRUDE IT 1 iLWOE (GTE NOTE 2) alu. uNu nr M. OM:. W-J� NOTLy BICN-OR VKYE CW 1'-0' IPA FAtl.T CF N(E NIM L {' MOY-NF mLL BE: ROMPED FOR 0' - IT Mm WIN, B' SLQR W wLL BE REWORD FOR IP AND WMFR RAW MR. J. bQF N pPE VKVF MW GIIMW MYiL CxigB1 m ME WE CG NDM-OiF RFWWm. DESCMRIOM 1 Vllrt SO, -0.— PER sTINMRO d.AAM xP. 11 2 Y ON IF 1wA D OWVJFR. RON RO, auAM AM SURFEDRN0 J {' OR i' SCNEWIE i0 51Efl PWE F1fJD RRFl9m BfIDY 0RWM0 PNR MM 1M NIFRS OG 10 Y0.E IK' iNF. { {' OR 6' F1FllRE WL4{JIO G {' M 8' iAi R; GlF N1K AM PRE4mRE RA1N0 m WICM WM U.E. Sm.-II. A^ S S' BLO"FF ASSEMBLY W-7 bMS1ACIC11 NR0..CM MRdQ TMi M M'C4mY1(X IIIM mIWIIV JCEAm m18AWCM1 uDEMV1 PPAcnNs. GDIReRIKXRx mYovcloR Wu N IENwm m.VlW.R6 mE xo LiNeIE RCDaaHIN Fi A 91R pYlORM1A WRI' M FO.Ri CF Ctl6MYpI0M CF M � BRSIMq EI/Ett OF FIL MWId iwR PnaFlxFr. T1W M RDWRpdJ J11Y1 E YRf m Mwr OJIIA/.4H1 MR xm E film m NDMW wORON xNRL MR m161X11C11BTI mxNMIDR fuIIBR A� W DDDIB NCOIWY NR Pmw rWDFpTIVA iwam iiY MN WD Au Wmm. aFE aR AMmm. N aoMaXnoY WY M POUfNWICL i YOIOI i 1155 MKI.T. WFA10M WHIN RI®M INW M SpF MFGMMZ K 0. a P.yp9MRV Y So. tea• s I/e. mINO D rJatm Bvelw Mft TO SIFY O LOCOOG iR PLAN DETAIL SPACING PNXTE FIAVGm DAM OR BUM1EAFLT VFL.VE CLASS i NOTED ON PLM. ALL VN M BE FURNMED RIM 2- SO. OPER INB NUR. ALL 11 L FERROUS SURA CES B BE EPmn OWED, e O.D. K 12 G GMVMBm SV11 SW GN 'CI SUPci um mM IS, DR i RFOnnm 1Y BVIN PPE ASTY. IN. FRAME . m iouscoI NIIfRE ROD, TO OPEW IR NUT DICE}DS B'. ME/R' O.D. R 12 G 6YVM@m BEL OR R' FMYDFI"OUNE 2W RL PPE AONR M OFQATNO NOT OR VAUA FLXIRO Wumac IM°MR BON d05 --MRR WIN 011111�1,m NOTES 1• W.LH 4MIRW WXFNEVFR IS0$OMlm A AMA CURS NM QRBS. 2. CUSS N WCREtE RNN:E m' BD. POUR AMNSR Y COUVN= FMM. WX IR1I. CflE1E V VKYE WR 4 IISTN{EO W A IAYFD RND. VALVE AND VALVE BOX INSTALLATION DETAIL W-11 CO. TCLL FREE 1800 22T I600 m .�©0� SSii �GN1C,•ONE i[, ]11111 . I- .i6'.f�i3C1Etg5� �[i�iC']iiiQ%6�3NES� `ZI• 0 iYSil1C3GLAi•)Cl/ —�� ro aFAR uwnr uilsnuem EVfM 1 ¢A4 N HNC. (� E W1EAM.➢I eECTNIN E•E • usF oDILEt PPE WYERR SETT RNALPLAN TEE THRUST KOCK CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKS FORPIPELINES_ (CLASS 200 P.S.I. MAX.) W36 ROUND OVER COwG TO POKY w {' OA K T-B' TANG SCNEOULE {O STE¢ Prof PFIIIfED R1M RIMER AND TWO CMTS OF PAN? - COLOR TO WTCH DOWN a MVRE TO BE PROTECTED. /{ RE-BML FULL-IENCIH. CENTERED A PPE. AND F1 WITH CWS N COR IE ROPE 1' DOM TO DUN FINi91m CRIDE CUSS N CONCRETE FOORNO. 10, DY, POUR AOMNST UNDSMRBED OR WELL COMPACTED FIRM. SOX SIR NUTIEL LO " E BE AS SHOWN ON P WEN. OR AS DIRECTED IN ME EIR➢ W ME OISTRICi INSPECMR OR ENGINEER. GUARD POST INSTALLATION DETAIL DESCRIPTION O 101 WR,RUEO NUTetMYIIp.ID EPWL N PEME LNN PVF IW£b NIM Y OnR. N 2 2-. N WPRR IUiK O PIINIpI &CN SDtME YWE MN D.YRE JNLNLES S"S` 9mPJ. FR R ffi WYK ME M 9RM-LNR JI). Y DIYSIFR SP SRYD1 SPILmm DWY. O Y21MW[O Gu�Me®wf WR[ Oe YIaH Bx AW Sv.0 FVf SMxNIm oR.YII. N0. 11 Oj MA55 GNRgG Y•IE NW PK MATH K PC{ JIMR 4YN C-M M MRmIEp 2gYL No s . iAP i wX NM R Im2i OF Io Ws we TIPS WATER SERVICE DETAIL I WI NOTES OUSE COLLM NEINFORCFWM NORM OURET M PAWN SAM 5 SOS OR LESS. Oj USE VAPORER ROXNRCEd1EM.NIIFN OURET M WM. RAM IS GREATER MkN SOX. OSCHEDUIE M STEEL OJIIET NOZZIE SNOVW BE POSIRONm AND MEmED O22 M WATER WIN PRIOR M WELDING ON ME REDUNm PFAVNRCE)IENt, OfUNGE SXML BE ATTACNED WIM BOLT HOM CENUERED ABOUF ME V'ERDCNL mus OF DIE PIPE Wwi.Ess MIRROR OR NOTED. aRA, �$ RDNFORCfAI DESCN N BUSED ON ME STEEL .TREK REMOVED MR, ROwm iNE WIN Ui IND ME OPEimIG PPE4URE Di iM SYSTEM. !w ©ma sPEaFlGnoxs/OE)A¢5 FOR RE1wfORCEVENT sw4L :S RONR ObhAH IF A ERCESS OF N016 .W 1. 2 O J IBOrE. w]RIWNI01 16 LM OML NET, WOgm SN.WE BE PNMED PER SPECIFIG1MHi J/JIN COYPONM S. m.I1 W-12 TAPPING OUTLET FOR STEEL PIPE 3' AND LARDER W49 6� L WEST VALLEY WATER DISTRICT / CITY OF RIALTO WELL HEAD TREATMENT SYSTEM PROJECT SwM: N6INEERIN6 mom MwDm I20F12 _ -AESOURCES fine PIRRI,N+e SRIIFSW STANDARD DETAILS 2xmTs 8{ N5 68LIIPI iSWM IL (LNi.w NRN)RY®J _ wFt DCT 1 9 2D