HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972-WSA-SBVMWD_Exhibits_A_B_CGRANT CE EASEMENT the San Carnvdnt County Iload Comrcl Olmltt, a body corporate and politic Of the State of CRUOrni, does hereby grant to San 6emardera Valley Municipal Water District, a Mad(JPal water claimed organized and existing stash the Municipal planar Enables Law of lglt, as amended, California Water Cade SPrNons 710011 it seq., on revertant as described he:mrafier for the construction, operation, maintenance, and replacement of a interim, or pipelines and alentenancea thorem in, Over, under, antl across that terra%n real property in the County of San Bernardino, deserbca as follows PARCEL 1A 1 - All those port'. ens of the hest one-half of Sections 5 and 0, TmuniMp 1 - North, Parise 4 !last, San Bernardino Peridian, in the City of San Bernardino, County of Son Berncrdinn, State of 'all Await as the lines of the Sovernnenc - Survey may be ascended acrosscu the paspiebe Rancho, as per van recorded i Boot. ], Edge 23 of (lapsin ha office of tde County Recorder of said Crotty included uithin z of land, 50.00 feet i right crisis. width, lying 25.00 feet or. each side oT the following described centerline: Commencing at Corner no. 26 of said Rancho IWs opi abe, said corner also being an ddcle paint in tho East bpondary of that certain property acquired by the City of Scn Bernardino by dead fro,. the I'useupiase Land and hater Company, recor2ed June 31, 1921, in Book 724, Pan- B of []cods, records of the Recorder; thence Saudi Or 45' 43" East (recorded South tie 25' East) along the East bovndzry of said City of San Bernardi nk parcel, 12]3.8] feet; thence tenth 53e 54' 27' East, 423,51 feet to a point in the East line of the land described in t'ne deed to Jack T. Felten at as sectional July 3, 1969 in Book 1262, Page 550 of Official Carry and the TRUE POINT 0E BE6IIIAIII3; thence roe LlnorQ eti 536 5V D" East, 31 fast to ties beginning of a tangent curve, concave Northeasterly, hevin9 a radius of 1000.00 feet; thence Scutheasterly, 112-59 feet along tie arc of said curve thmogh a al Local angle of 5e 27' 04"; thence South file 21' 31" East, IES 59 feet to the beaconing of a takeout curve concave hort.terly, having a radius of 500.00 feet; thence Easterly 179.41 feet along the arc of said curve t1r6ugh a central angle of 20e 3343"; thence South Sae 55' 14' East, )54.42 feet to the beginning of a tangent Curve, concave Soutterly, having a radius of ICOC.00 feet; _- - EflibRil "A" Pang 1. thence Fasterly 11.25 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central apple of 0" 33' 43 to a point on the East ifne of said Nest one-half of Section 5 which is South 0" 2G' 14' East, 202.59 feet from the intersection of said last nenticned East line with the boundary of said mu5cupiab2 Rancho. The sidelines of said 50.00 foot wide occur of land shall he protonged or shortened s ate or said Easterly line of said Felton parcel and for- linagelin i on the line lice of the Hest one-half of said Sections 5 and G. PASCEL 1A.2 Portion A That portion of Suction 9, Township 1 North, 4go 4 Meet, San Gernardieo Meridian, in the County of San Fernandina, State or California, as the lines of the Government Survey P.rc be extended across the Rsscuniabe Rancho, as per map corded if One, ), Pape 23 c- Pass in the office of the County Recorder of said County, being more uarticulirly described as ,, strip of land being 53.00 feet in ripht angle width Bins 25.03 feet on each side Of the follo.rino described centerline: Commencing at Corner Co. 211 of said Muscupiabe Ranchn; thence Porto So' 26' 19" "lest (recorded North 09° 03' Vest) 516.90 feet along the boundary fine of said euscupiabe Rancho; thence South 22- 14' 41" Nest (recorded South 22" 38' Nest) 626.13 feet; thence South for 44' 41" Vest (recorded South 41" 03- '.lest) 241.5P feet; thence Perth 11° 21' 19' East (recorded South 1V 53' East) 127.05 feet: thence South GC" AS' 41^ [lest (recorded South 41- 09' last) 201.26 feet; thence Sough 15° 55' 41" hest (recorded South 16" 19' Nest) 430.47 feet to the TRUE POINT OF NFGf¢N1i:G; thence South 62- 'a SN" East, 211.17 feet to the beginning of a tangent curve concave Southwesterly.°hevine a radius Of 500.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, 160.14 feet alorg the arc Of said curve through a central ankle of Is- 16' Ol'; thence South 43- 42' 57" East, 316.10 feet, to a point on the Ilortherly line of the land described as Parcel 4 in the dead to the San Bernardino County Flood Control District recorded April 23. 1949, in boot: 1415, Pane 37 of Official Records. The Sidelines of said Strip of land small be prolonged or shortered so as to oriinate on Me Southeasterly line of the loud described in the deed to Samuel uax Plant of al record^_d Novcmbar 15, 1960 in Rook 7130, Page Sea of Official Records. The Southwesterly sideline of said strip of land shall he orol Onged so as to terminate On said last mentioned Uortheriy line of Parcel No. 4. The Northeasterly sideline of said strip of Iona shall be shortened so as to teminate on the Soul as'erly lioc of the land described in the deed to the Sen Bernardino duty Flood Control District recorded September 25, 1966 in Rook 4146, Page 395 of Dfnc:al Recnrds. - EXHIBIT "A" Paga 2. PARCEL 142 Portion R That portion of 5octi on o, To maship 1 Ilorth, radio 4 Nest, San Bernardino San Barnst Meridiem, -e the County of go tludegdcal State In California, ,o the cares of the recorded is Su rv.y cay b^_ of ei call the 4ofcupi ate Rancho, a ro=. regarded in. Gvol: ), ?-2 2.3 rl Maps in the Office of the Carr be toreador eof said nighty, bee nil more pzrti 25.00 y d-scribild each as a strip of land being So.119 feet in right angle width lying 25. D9 feet on each side of the folimainy described can - telling; Comineneinq at Corner 'Is. 28 of said Incomplete Rancho; thence Forth Fla° 2' load West (retorted 1larth Tr 03' fast) 516.91 feet -elder the houcdar-v line of said iluscuoiace bestir thence South 22° 14` 41" rest (recorded South 22- 311- hest) 62n.13 feet; thence South 40a a4. at" Pest (recorded South 41- OS' '..Pest) 2r1.56 feet; thence South 11` 21' 19" East (remrced tiny LM1 10- SN' East) 127.05 feet; thence South Its 45' 41 r' Nest (lecOrrod SaYh at- nil' West) 283.26 feet; thence South 15° 55' 41" !last (recorded South I6° 19' llest) 430.41 fact; thence Sratir Eta 5S' ES" Cast, 211.17 feet to the hegidnire of a torrent curve concave So itb:rasterly, having. a radius of 500.aa feet: thence Southeasterly, ICS.14 feet along the arc of said curve through a cen- tral angle of 1g" 16' Ol"; ' Thomas Smith ZrS)' East, 1356.)4 feet to a Sefnt on that certain _ course if the boundary of Proural 4, it the deed to the San Carrel ino County Flood Control n - ccrd^_d 4pril 23, 1P60 in Cock VIE, Page 37 of Official stoic. es Reconv4, descrifed as .having a zring of aortic 2d" 30' East and a length of 581.59 feet, said pofnt bailey the TNOE Eclat OF BI( iIaIFlG; thence Scott rid 42' P" East, 41E.22 feet to the heginninq o. a tolerant curve concave $mlto!renter 'IS, having a radius or ICSO.00 -ie-t; thence Smattior PL 137.14 feet along the arc of said curve through a central angle of )° 51- sari thence South 35e 5e' 20'r East, 7).31 feet to a oint on the Easterly line of ibC2 Said land 1,i as Parcel 4 vhleh i5 foil 4c 101 20" East, 13r13.19 feet from the lemareection of said last mentioned Qasterly lire with the Northerly line of said Muscupiabe Rancho. The sidelines of said strip of land shall be prolonged or shortened so as to originate in said course herein above described as haea having a bring of north 24e 30' East an a dearth of 521.59 feet and to terairute in said last monitored Easterly line. PARCEL 1-43 - All that cutting of the South ones -half of Sector g. TmlicMu 1 :'orth, cocoa 4 Ili San Cernrc Eine Ibri Ciao, in the County of San Cernardtno, State Or Califoria, as Um liras of file Carol '.Cut Snr.P/ may be enoteled inroad the - llustupiahe pangho. as Per red recorded i 'v ), Pone 23 of tars intheoffice of the Collura f. m her of said County 1prin afron a strip of land fi.nn feet in fish angle width lying 25 feet on each side of the follmring described centarline: EXHIBIT "A" Pal 3 Beginning at a Point on the Easterly line of Parcel 4, as descrihed in the deed to the Sac Bernardino pro cty F 1 cod Control nistrict recorded nnril 23, Iran in Beakfeet 1415, Page so of n of said Records which a Suter 1° in- Po° East, ort"i-B feet fro.c the interseca on o" saiJ last loco ti oned Es terly line mi ih the Ilortherly line of Said cith 1Tehe Rancho: thence described Ht 51' the East, 1theS feet to a Print on the Flood th-orlyControl line of the turd yczcri hey 1 vhe 7 in to the San 'at, 497no County Flood control .District recorded Ilay 14, 195J in BOPh 422?, Pug= 491 of Official Roo rds. The sidelines of said stria of land shall be prolonged or shortened so as to Originate on sold Easterly line end terinate On Said Southerly line. PARCEL 1.44 All that portion of Section 14, Tm-mship 1 Nan th, Range 4 West, San Rernar- dipo Benoist, in the County of San Bernardino, State of California, as the lines of the Government Survey red he extended across the Guicupiahe Rancho, a per map roserded in Book 1, Page 23 of Gaps in the of fi cc of the County Recorder of said County lyl rg of in in a strip of land 50.00 feet is r!9 St an91e we dth lyi n9 MOD feet on each side of the above desert bed con Ler]i ne: Comencing at the intersection of the centerline of Ilaterman Avow and a line which is parallel with and 1D.52 feet Rnrtherly of the Easterly prolorga- Hon of the ceerline of 19Lh Street as per flap of Tract No. 16'A recorded ir, Book 26, Page52 of L: s; thence North tot the 29' line East; 52.50 fact parallel with said easterly prolongation to the East line of Waterman Avenue and the TRUE PDPIi IF BEGINNING; thence North 59° 29' " East, 11o.52 feet; S thence South 39° 30' 4444" East, 1H3.4545 feet to the end of said strip. The sidelines of said strip of land shall he prnlongre or shortened so as to origina Le in said East line of Bateman Avenue and terminate at a point which is at Tight angles from the end of said centerline. EXHIBIT "A" Page 4 Said essences is Aranted as a permanent casement and net as a grant in far and shall authezdze the cold San fezeardlno Valley Itnnicipal Water District to cOn_.ract, recocyru . rd.ove, replace, repair, mafntaln, operate, end Los car or more pipelines together With braces5 connections. Paste^ings, com¢unlcations and pomcr cable and other appliances and fixtures In connection therewith or appurtenant thereto for the transmission acd distribution of Water, and shall carry with it the right to inspect, make vehicular patrols, alter. remove, lds reconstruct, and rep_ir the said pipelines and appurtenances, the right t0 nark the location of said easement by suitable markers set and maintained in the ground at locatlons which shall not Interfere With sec reasonable use as the granter shall crake of the land wlthln the limits c said casement, and the right of ing:ess'to and egress from the said easement across the lands of the Erantor over routes to be designated in writing by Grantor. Grantee shall Operate and maintain its facilities in such manner and at such time do will not unreasonably interfere with the used of the Grantor. Said casements ohall be subject to all the terms and conditions of that certain agreement by and between the San Bernardino County Flood Controt District and the San Hernardino Valley MunislPal Water District executed DATED: SEP E 5 1972 SAW BEENAAIIIND COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL. DIS'JETCT By_ Chasm: —God. San Beirutiolno County control Flood Control lla trlcE ATTEST: Socrcnry, Board of Svpevlmq Son Ber artlino County Flood Control Oietrlot EHIBIT "A" Nge G. COMMON USE AGFErF,F.6ET WHEREAS, the SAN BER➢ARDISO VALLEY MUNICIPAL HATER ➢TSTiIC'P, a munict.pal water district Began' zed and existing under the Municipal Water District Law of 19)1, an amended, California Water Code $571000 at seq, hereinafter referred to as Water Piztrlct, has been granted an easement for the construction, operation, malntenanee, and replacemen o1one or more pipelines and related facilities in, over, under and .across that Certain real property in the County of San Bernardino described as follows: That portion of Section B, Township 1 Nu th, Range 4 West, according to the Government surreys if extended cca the Muscupiabe Rancho, said Emotion 6 being a portionof lands acquired by the City of San Bernardino by deed from. the Mosaupiabe Land and tinter L'ompany, recorded June 30, 1921 in Book 724, Pots B of ➢eea.s, r eo-daof the Recorder of San Bernardino County, li the City of San Bernardino, State of California, as Dier map recorded in Bond P, Page 23 of Flaps, in the office of sold County reccoralcr of said county being more particulary deacribed a 1strip of Land 50.00 feet ln ri Eht angle width, lying25.00 feet on each aide of the fol1C',d.ng described centerline: Commencing at Corner Us. 13, ad established by George E. Sooner, Nay if, 1921,oaid corner being identical with Corner No. 26, Rancho rudccpiabe, from which point Corner No. 14, as established by George E. SSerer, May 14, 1921, bears South G° 45' 4V East (formerly recorded South 0° 25 Bast); tncnce : orth 740 43- Ibe West, 1G16.76 teen to the , 3E POI YT et BthInce Sg thence South Easterly 42' along thet, c of feet; thence Southerly and argets It alone the a of a 500_0C foot ncave c , tangent to the cant de sangled c e Northeasterly, cerof 6 2 central t angle of 7G°e0 541 °vfor an c alstanIn of 616.22 toCtg the a described e5 3d S4' 211 2.3t,feett d line tainetT to the last describes curve n Bernardino feet to a point in the East lion of said City of San ➢fore refs property from which point .ur c r hereinbefore referred to a (formerlor'sy Corner ed he. bears 51 We 00 45'127 . 7 west (formerly xccurtlea North 00 25' west) 12p3.87 feet. The sidelines of said 50.00 foot wide strip of land shall be prolonged or shortened So as to arlginate on a line eribcd at right angles to the TRUh EDICT Or ➢EGTNNING, and LerminaLe on said East I-ne of said. City 1f Sad Bernardino parcel. Contains 2.444 acres, rare or loss EXHIBIT "B, - Page 1. 'hc: cinaC c: n. red to as Arca of Co'non Use; and h'HLREAS, ',no SAN DERC\RDISC CCUCTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTAIC]', a body caTociata and politic of the Stare of California hereinafter referred to as "Flood Control District," holds existing casenent 'rights acquired for flood control and rater conservation purposes over said real Propm'ty; and WHEREAS, both hater District and Flood Control District have need to cse Area of Coceon Use; \O1V'?IiLRLFG1c, in COyclderatdOn o- the full comnliarce by ,later District with the provisions hnrerna..er sat forth, Flood Control District dons hereby acknowledge the right of Water District to use Area f Commas Use for the construction, reconstruction, - reroval, replacement, rerair,naintenance, operation, inspection, vehicular patrol, and use of one or Ul-e pipelines together with '-'-� berates, connections, fastenings, eorTurications and power cables, cad other -ooliznces and iicnurcs ih connect.ion therewith or appurtcnanu thereto for the transt.issici an'_ distribution of water, together wan the Tight to mask the location of its easement by suitable r -.c.s set and aain,ained in the g- and at locations which shall not interfere with the :casa-.cble use of the lands within the - liniTs of said easement by Flood Control District, and the right of in -Tess .o end o s from said easement across lands of Flood Control District oven roues to be designated i., writing by Flood Control Dis aict: PROVI➢-D 1:01U2VER, that 1. Each of tho parties hereto shall operato and maintain its facilities tiz._nn the Area of Corset Use in such ummor red at such tir_ae uii_ cnuso no volcnse o,- liability EXHIUIT 'B" Page 2. to devolve upon the other Without Cod cau..e and an as not to unreason- ably inter -ere with the uses of the other. 2. The use of the Area of Common Use by either of the parties hereto stall be subject to all the terms and conditions of that certain agreement betHcen the Flood Control District and Water District dated , 1972. THIS AGREEMENT shall Inure to the benefit o_ and be binding upon the successors and Assigns of both panties. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this agreement to be executed by their respective official thersunto duly authorized. SAN BERNARDIt:D VALLEY SAN BER14ARDINO COUNTY - MUNICIPAL DATE➢DISTRICT FLOOD CCNIHCL DISTRICT By By Chairman, Board of Supervisors, APPROVED AS TO rORM S an Bernardino County Flood Control District JAMES W. DILUORTH _ By Secretary, Board of Supervisors Sac .Bernardino County Flood Control District General Counsel APPROVED AS TO FORM: Standard D. Ilerlick County Counsel Deputy County Counsel E%1!IDIT "B" Pate 3. GRANT OF EASEMENT The San Hanoi County Flood Control District, a body 0,pi and politic of the State of California, dose hereby grant to Son Dynamic, Valley Municipal heater District, a ham less %sister district oryaoizod and exiling under the Municipal Meter District Law of 1911, as amended, Caledonia ii Code Sections 710M at set, on easement as descrlsetl hereinafter for the paternalism. operation, Molinananc_, and replacement of a Plinedne or yipel'mes a,d appurtenances thumb end for comfor.mn and use of tracer transfer and dissipation facilities and appurtenances thereto in, o over, under and across that certain real property In the County or San Courtrai described as follows: - RADOM BASIN Ti VAHCEL That portion of Section 9, Turnable I North, Range 4 Hest, San gernardine Depleted, in this Runty of San Detroi nn, State of Cal l forma, as t^u lints of the Goverment Survey foray be extecded across the Huscupiabe Rancho, so per moo recorded in Gook ], Page 23 of Maps in the office of the County Recorder of said County, described as folloes: Concerning at Corner Be. 28 of said Iiuscupiabel Rahcho; - thence opera 89r 26' It' hest (recorded North Say 03West) S16.90feet along the boundary lice of said Dusupixbe Rdtchc; thence South Cited 14' 41" I:est (recorded South 22° 38' Way Is 626.13 feet; thyroid South 40° 44' :1" best (remodel death 41° 08' 'jest) 241.56 feet; - thence South 11" 21, Is" East (transfer Si t 10° 59' East) 127.05 feet thence South 40" 45' 41" Ili (recorded south W Og' West) 2�93.26 ;red thence South IS" 55' 41" Hest (recorded South 16° Per [lost) 433.47 feet; thence South 62° 50' 50" East, 115.71 feet to the TRUE POINT OF SEGINNINS; thence Iforth 27" 01. 09" Eon, 25.00 fee`_; thence South 62o 58' 55" East, 95.46 fart to the beginnlnp of a tangent curve concave soutIrestarly, fusion a radius of 525.00 feet; thence Southeasterly, 14.54 fast along the arc of said curve thrcaer a control angle of Is 35' 13"; thence South 2° 01. 02' Host, 201 feet; _ thence floods 62" 53' 58" III 11D.00 fzet; thence Ilorth 21a 01' 02' East, 180.00 feet to the TRUE PRINT of BEGUINIHG- EXHIBIT °C" Pago 1. FIFVll. CANYON TURNOIII Pett - All that portion of the (test one-half of Section 5, Tnwnship I North, Range 4 West, San Bernardino Meridian, in th, city of San Bernerdino, County o` San Bernardino, State of California. lying within the lines of Nuscrpiabe Rancho as per map reco-dad in book ], Page 23 of Maps de`.ined by extending the united States Gavernment Survey lines across sail Rancho, descrioec as follo'.vs: Commend n3 at Corner Co. 26 of said Rancho Muscupiahe, said doctor also being a vole point in the East boundary of that certain property aquired by the City of Car nernardino by deed from the Ifuscupiabe Land and Pater comeany, recorded June 30, 1921, in Boo': 724, Paoe 0 of Geis, records a- the accuracy; thence South 0° AS' 43" East (recorded south Of 25e East) alone the East boundary of said City of Szn Nernxrcino parcel, 1213.E feet; - thence South 53° 54` 27" East, 481.09 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGIN11114; thence Borth f➢° 15' 41" feet, 36.21 feet; thence South Sly 51' 27' East, 53.27 feet to Hie be3ioning of a tangent curve, concave Northeasterly having a radius of 97LOC feet; thence Scuthcasterly 40.C3 feet along the arc of said curve, through a central angle of 2 21' OB"; thence South 10° 14' 41' East, 150.57 feet; thence Staudt Sea ^_' 19" West, 65,00 feet; thence Plorth 10" 14' 41" East, 161.23 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT "C" Page 2. VIAIERNI N AVENUE TURNOUT PAHCEt; _ All that portion of Section 14, Tovnshin 1 Worth, fame 4 Ol5t, San Ser- nardino laeridi zn, in the County of San Cernardino, State of California, as the lines of tfe Govarrinent Survey ray be extended a s the I:accurate Rancho, a map re orded in Book I, Page 23 of Maps in the Office of the County Recorder of said County described as folloers: CUmmencinS at the intersec Lion of the centerline of Waterman Avenue and a line iihich is parallel eiti, and 10.52 feet Northerly of the Easterly prolnnoa- of the c .erline of 49th Street as per mof Tract No. 1834 reco rded in T-B000k26, Pageeep 2. of .Maps; thence too-th 89' 29' 20" East, 78.47 feet, parallel with said orolongation to the TRUE POINT OF BECi0RIN5; thence Barth 110 15' OS' West, 25.45 feet; thence North 890 29' 20" East, 109.73 feet; thence South 300 30' 44' East, 197.82 feet; thence South 590 29' 16" hest, 25.00 feet; thence South 30" 30' 44" East, 0.50 feet; - thence South 14° 29' lfi" Ilxsq 189.CO feet; - thence Rerth 750 30' 44" lost, 75.00 feet; thence Rcrth 110 15' 08' (lest, 328.20 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT "C" P.,ne 3. Said easement is granted as a permanent easement and not as a graut In fee and shall authorize the said San Bernardino Valley Municipal llatar district :a construct, reconstruct, remove, replace, repair, me in to in, pie rato, and us one or norm pipelines together with braces, conceptions, fastenings, communications and power cable and other appliances arcs fixtures In connection t.qere•nith or appurtenant thereto to,,- the transmission and distribution of eater, and to ooebtrucL reconstruct, remove, replace, repair, maintain, operate, and use power recovery and dissipaticn facilities and other appliances and fixtures in conneetian thereuitF or appurtenant ths."to, and "all carry with it the right to inspect, make vehicular patrols, alter, corner, replace, aeco.nd.ruct, and repair the said pipelines, passe recovery and dissipati facilities, and appurtenances, the right to mare the location of .said easement by suitable markers set and .maintained in the ground at locations which shall not interfere evith such reasonable use as the grantor shall make of the land vithin t'e limits of said casement, and the right of ingress to and egress from the said easement also on the lands of the grantor over routes to be oscillated in writing by Grantor. Grantee shall operate and maintain its facilities in such manner and at such time as will not unreasonably Interfere with the used or the Greater. Said easements shall be subject to all the terms and conditions of that certain agreement by and between the San Bernardino County Pined Control. District and the San Bernardino Valley nunleipal EXHIBIT eG., Page 4. Nester Uistrlct executed DATED: SAN RERW..➢DINO COUNTY FLOOD C911TROL DISTRICT ❑y: Cnairman, Bard of Supervisors, - San, Bernardino Coouty Flood Ccrtrcl District Secretary, Board of Supervisors, fan Bcr amino County Flood Control District SSHIBi^_ "C" Page 5.